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####### Fatass Challenge


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Well, breakfast was a Vanilla bun, a cup of HC, LF milk and I stole three cookies the size of my thumbnail. They were so tiny and not sweet, so I wasn't really bothered. Problem was, I had breakfast at 7am. It's 10.20am now and I'm hungry again. And there's still a few more hours left to go before lunch... :tears:

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I was a good fat boy today. Ate small meals throughout they day, stayed active, and even did some cardio.

No breakfast lunch was a chicken salad. Dinner salad and meatballs :P
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Yum. My wife makes a really good veggie lasagna. Haven't had it in months. Just asked for it in the next few days.

Awesome! I prefer veggies over meat :).
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So I derped today. Tripped/slipped on some cracked concrete. Went down ungracefully and landed (fortunately) on my right leg, which is my good leg. But now it has road rash. So now I'm sitting watching TV and surfing the forums while wearing my bone growth stimulator on my left leg and showing some sexy scabs on my right leg.




EDIT: And yes, those are my cat's toes just over my left foot. Apparently she was on the end of the ottoman licking her butt while I took this picture.

I got hurt today, removed most of the flesh from the bottom of my right great toe. I won't post a picture because it looks like hamburger. :(

Long two days without Internet.

Yesterday nothing for breakfast. Lunch was hamballs in vinegar sauce and 1/3 cup rice that my mother cooked. Supper was a nice meal out with friends at a sushi restaurant. I had one roll with smoked salmon and two pieces of yellowtail sashimi.

Spent most of the day climbing up and down a 20' ladder painting and scraping paint. Then used a hammer drill to put a bunch of holes in concrete. More of a workout than normal.

Today I had nothing for breakfast. Lunch was my leftover buffalo chicken mac and cheese. Supper was hamburger helper with green beans stirred in. Dessert today was a homemade mango Popsicle.

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just had a "ball buster" from "the meetball place" and an undetermined amount of beer.mostly local brews and Heineken. be proud though, i was offered to go to someones house for more beer and i went home instead.

a ball buster is chorizo meatballs with grilled onions, lettuce, and a tomato jam on garlic bread. it was delicious.

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a ball buster is chorizo meatballs with grilled onions, lettuce, and a tomato jam on garlic bread. it was delicious.



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I got hurt today, removed most of the flesh from the bottom of my right great toe. I won't post a picture because it looks like hamburger. :(


Ow ow ow ow ow. Hope it heals quick for you!


Yesterday I was working on my "Frag Tank Rehab." Hammering some trim into the side of a plywood board. Did smack the edge of my thumb with the hammer. Have a nice blood blister on the tip of my thumb. At least it isn't under the nail. My husband is about ready to wrap my whole body in bubble wrap at this point though.

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I got hurt today, removed most of the flesh from the bottom of my right great toe. I won't post a picture because it looks like hamburger. :(


Dessert today was a homemade mango Popsicle.

Hope you heal fast!!


Recipe for the mango popsicle? I loooooove mangos!!

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bfast - s'mores poptarts :ninja:

snack - yogurt and cantaloupe

lunch - pasta

snack - nuts!!


While surfing Pinterest last night I came across a very small info-graphic about Lordosis (which of course I can't find again). It would seem that a lot of sitting and inactivity effects the glutes and hip flexor muscles in such a way the the pelvis tilts forward. This causes the butt and belly to stick out. Good news is it can be fixed with certain exercises to strengthen/loosen the proper muscles!


Well, I sit most of the day and think this is part of my problem. I'm gonna do a little more looking into this and see what I can find to improve my posture!

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bfast - s'mores poptarts :ninja:

snack - yogurt and cantaloupe

lunch - pasta

snack - nuts!!


While surfing Pinterest last night I came across a very small info-graphic about Lordosis (which of course I can't find again). It would seem that a lot of sitting and inactivity effects the glutes and hip flexor muscles in such a way the the pelvis tilts forward. This causes the butt and belly to stick out. Good news is it can be fixed with certain exercises to strengthen/loosen the proper muscles!


Well, I sit most of the day and think this is part of my problem. I'm gonna do a little more looking into this and see what I can find to improve my posture!

Yes it's called Lower Crossed Syndrome, hip flexors become overactive, glutes become dormant as a result of the constant sitting. Some things you can do to help alleviate some of the issues include going for walk breaks or getting up and stretching once an hour while at work and working on posture while sitting. Typically those suffering from LCS also suffer from Upper Crossed Syndrome, which is typically due to the computer chair posture

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Yes it's called Lower Crossed Syndrome, hip flexors become overactive, glutes become dormant as a result of the constant sitting. Some things you can do to help alleviate some of the issues include going for walk breaks or getting up and stretching once an hour while at work and working on posture while sitting. Typically those suffering from LCS also suffer from Upper Crossed Syndrome, which is typically due to the computer chair posture

Yup!! Thanks for putting a more specific name to this! Now to figure out more ways to correct my muscle imbalance!

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bfast - s'mores poptarts :ninja:

snack - yogurt and cantaloupe

lunch - pasta

snack - nuts!!


While surfing Pinterest last night I came across a very small info-graphic about Lordosis (which of course I can't find again). It would seem that a lot of sitting and inactivity effects the glutes and hip flexor muscles in such a way the the pelvis tilts forward. This causes the butt and belly to stick out. Good news is it can be fixed with certain exercises to strengthen/loosen the proper muscles!


Well, I sit most of the day and think this is part of my problem. I'm gonna do a little more looking into this and see what I can find to improve my posture!

Good thing I don't like S'mores poptarts because I'd have to knock your block off for having poptarts and not sharing if they were strawberry.

Woke up with a headache again this is getting old. So far I've just had hot water with lemon. Tea is next. Eggs with guacamole later for BF.

Headaches suck :( I had a monster one yesterday and finally got rid of it (by way of advil and aspirin).

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Hitting up the frosted mini wheats again today for breakfast... it's Squat Friday :unsure::o

Today's my day off from gym/running. Although my goal is to weed the gardens that are depressingly and embarrassingly overgrown. So some exercise at least!

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