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Rock Flower Anemone Information and Appreciation Thread


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My new RFA



Is it the pretty green/turquoise color in the middle? Pretty, I think I have one like that. Kinda varies how that center looks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally joined the RFA club!


Pardon my crappy phone pics.






I named him "Rocky", so original I know :) He's mostly white but he does have a ring of light green but you can't tell by the pic. Has only moved about 3 inches over a span of 2 weeks since I introduced him into the tank. I'm addicted and I have already ordered more, should get here on Tuesday.

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Yep, it's an easy addiction. They're easy to take care of and they're so dang beautiful, even the whites. My first one was white. Still have her. Glad you're enjoying. It's a pretty icy white.

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Figured I'd post this here, too, a wild rock flower in Stuart, FL. The rock is still about 3' or so above the water line, so this nem only gets its water replenished during high tide's peak, and is exposed to full sun daily (over 2500 PAR). The water was warm to the touch as it was, and it was (and had been) cloudy all day, so imagine the temperatures this thing is exposed to and survives!



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Wow so many. I just love it. Can't wait to get all my nems settled in the 40g when I've moved later. I had a pic of a tan one, last 2 days it has hid back in the hole it came out of, then this other tiny orange one is peeking around the corner. So hard to keep 'em going. Hope they both make it. I haven't seen any spawnings like I used to but nothing has been stable for them, then it won't be when they're moved again in 3 mos or so. URGH. So...I'll just watch your lovelies!!! :wub:

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Ok, just got 6 new ones, they're settling in nicely. Sorry again for the crappy phone pics.





This guy was mad, he's now open and he's huge:






Stupid snail bulldozing everyone:




Under blues:



The whole RFA crew:



Night crew:


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Yeah, not baby rfas. Even the tiniest of rfas show their tentacles. The tan one I had in Gertie's tank has not come out of the hole she plugged herself into for 3 days now, while an orange one is now coming around. Seriously, as long as one lives I'll be more than happy.





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I noticed I have some hitchhiker Berghia Nudibranches in my tank. I'm not sure how they started appearing (noticed at least 2 so far) but I have zero aiptasia in my tank. My question to you guys, have you ever heard of Berghia attacking RFA's? So far my RFA are doing well and I have seen the Berghia by them.

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Sorry I don't have a clear pic but they look exactly like a Berghia but are all white. I don't have any monti in my tank atm. In theory, it should starve. I've see it move around my zoos but isn't eating them.

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Nudibranchs come in thousands of shapes and sizes and colors and each can also vary, so there is very little way of telling one from another. If you don't have corals that are receding or have bite marks, etc, then safe to say they are eating something else or just haven't starved to death yet, not sure when you received this rock.

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I finally joined the RFA club!


Pardon my crappy phone pics.






I named him "Rocky", so original I know :) He's mostly white but he does have a ring of light green but you can't tell by the pic. Has only moved about 3 inches over a span of 2 weeks since I introduced him into the tank. I'm addicted and I have already ordered more, should get here on Tuesday.


My Rocky passed away this morning. He had been looking really sad for some reason while the other RFA's were flourishing. Come to found out there is some worm living (not a bristle worm though, tried to grab with tweezers but no dice) in the cave behind where Rocky was attached, my guess it's been attacking Rocky for a while and stressed him out. RIP :(

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So according to this article (http://reefhobbyistmagazine.com/magazines_files/5caf41d62364d5b41a893adc1a9dd5d4-34-web.pdf) around about now we should be seeing some kind of spawning activity.....i have had six rock flower nems (so i surely must have male/female) in my tank now for over a year and haven't had any babies or witnessed spawning. This time in the run up to the september equinox i have been feeding my nems more heavily, roughly every second day (sometimes mysis and sometimes pellet) to increase my chances of getting them to spawn.

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Mine spawned even w/o food for 2 mos so it may be something else. My lights are on 2-10:30 and it's always after lights out that it has happened for me but I'll be watching myself. With stresses in the tank I haven't seen male spawning much but lately I haven't been apt to turn the lights on after they've been off as I've been so dang tired w/ work stresses in my life. Sometimes I'm going to bed before the lights turn out for the night. When you're mentally spent it makes your body feel tired.

But, yeah, get some pics or videos if you can.

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