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Cultivated Reef

Rock Flower Anemone Information and Appreciation Thread


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Heads up guys and girls! Reefgardener has a nice Pink striped RFA at a great price. Most stores sell this type for $120 but Reefgardener is selling it for $64.99. I bet that it will look a lot better under LED lighting, so scoop it up while it's still for sale. Sorry for changing the subject but I thought I would share this with all the RFA addicts :D


Here is the link!


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I told my LFS about VIPReef.com a few weeks ago and they contacted them about ordering rock flower nems. Today I was there and they told me they are getting 100 rock nems in this Wednesday. I am stoked!! Cant wait to see them. There goes my bank account lol.

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I told my LFS about VIPReef.com a few weeks ago and they contacted them about ordering rock flower nems. Today I was there and they told me they are getting 100 rock nems in this Wednesday. I am stoked!! Cant wait to see them. There goes my bank account lol.


I love VIP reef! They have ZILLIONS of Rock Flower Anenomes! Its so awesome :)


They are like half an hour away, and have some great equipment, fish, and a GIANT coral selection :)

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Went to OBD(Oceans by Design) Wednesday and they got in 50 rock flower nems from VIPReef. They were awesome looking! Had good price break on them so they offered them for $40 for one $70 for two and $90 for three. I bought three lol. I'll try to get some pics, but they chose to settle in some awkward places lol

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Went to OBD(Oceans by Design) Wednesday and they got in 50 rock flower nems from VIPReef. They were awesome looking! Had good price break on them so they offered them for $40 for one $70 for two and $90 for three. I bought three lol. I'll try to get some pics, but they chose to settle in some awkward places lol


Pretty fair given that had to pay shipping. VIP Reef usually is $29.99, so that seems like a fair import-markup. I am hoping to get a BTA and a RFA from VIPReef soonish.

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So tonight looking at tank more than normal Found some more nems from last spawn than I saw another new tiny one that has to be from new spawn from size difference. Also found a tiny pink one few inches from the new spawn one that was even a bit smaller and can't capture In pic.




Use sand to compare size



First spawn average size one. These ones month old or so.





new spawn found today.super tiny yet


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I wish they were easier to get pics. Have some neat ones it's crazy how different colors are. I have counted atleast ten babies in my tank right now. :)

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So tonight looking at tank more than normal Found some more nems from last spawn than I saw another new tiny one that has to be from new spawn from size difference. Also found a tiny pink one few inches from the new spawn one that was even a bit smaller and can't capture In pic.




Use sand to compare size



First spawn average size one. These ones month old or so



new spawn found today.super tiny yet


Beautiful! Would you sell some of the smaller ones? Im dying for a RFA!

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I don't think will be selling any. I love them too much.


At least you have babies! I don't know how well I'm gonna do either at selling once I can get them going. It's gonna be like puppies.

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Looked today again and found more from the new spawn. Crazy to have happen twice now in the last two months or so I'm guessing.




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I think 9 there but hard to see. More elsewhere in area around there between the spawn last month and the new ones showing up now. It's pretty crazy. Something is right in my tank I guess....... My clowns after 7-8 years decided to start spawning couple months ago and now the rock nems twice now.

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Hopefully conditions will be right one day so I can experience the joy of babies!!! :wub: Can't wait to see all the color combos that everyone is getting.

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I posted this on Plainrt's thread too but I'm wondering if the larger size of the gravel in his tank doesn't let the babies anchor better.


FlowerMama, I know you're having cyanodamnitall issues . Maybe you should consider changing to a larger gravel size when you reset everything so the babies don't blow away or whatever.

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Oh, the sand is gone and I'll be replacing with a starter bag of black sand then bags of black National Georgraphic mini gravel to an inch. Perfect size. I leave on vacation Thurs and won't be back for a week so i'll be starting it up when I get back. Currently though I've removed most of the sand and have like 5" of water left remove, and I have to remove the fuge water and rock too. Along w/ the live sand I'll start it w/ some live rock from Gertie's tank and my fuge's 34 rock along w/ the rock I need to seed again which will be sitting on my porch while I'm gone: the rock from the 60g fuge.


My initial thought was to keep it natural looking w/ white sand but that idea is being thrown out. It just irks me because I've never had trouble w/ my other 3 tanks and this was supposed to be the fun garden tank!!! I'll get there, still.

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I posted this on Plainrt's thread too but I'm wondering if the larger size of the gravel in his tank doesn't let the babies anchor better.

FlowerMama, I know you're having cyanodamnitall issues . Maybe you should consider changing to a larger gravel size when you reset everything so the babies don't blow away or whatever.


Larger sand could be helpful. I don't think they could hold on in fine sand. With the first spawn I was worried about them in sand. My wrasse dives in and sleeps every day by my nems and they made it entire time.

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So hear this, this is nuts. I've had temperature off, no circulation etc for 6 days and windows open in the basement so it's cold water in the tank. I had like 5" more to go of water to remove and about 1/8" of sand. I found a white nem still w its tentacles out this evening. It's one I haven't seen. The water was 64 degrees. I put it in my 34. Strong little guy. Hope he makes it. He closed up when I moved him so he's responsive. I moved him into a hole in the rock so he won't be bothered by passerby snails. THIS made my day. omgomgomg I will keep him and hug him and squeeze him and call him George.





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So hear this, this is nuts. I've had temperature off, no circulation etc for 6 days and windows open in the basement so it's cold water in the tank. I had like 5" more to go of water to remove and about 1/8" of sand. I found a white nem still w its tentacles out this evening. It's one I haven't seen. The water was 64 degrees. I put it in my 34. Strong little guy. Hope he makes it. He closed up when I moved him so he's responsive. I moved him into a hole in the rock so he won't be bothered by passerby snails. THIS made my day. omgomgomg



This is a Memorial Day Miracle!


Awesome little guy- so cute! We definitely need a picture when its open

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The temp shock may kill him. I'm stupid for not thinking to temp acclimate. I was so excited I didn't think. :( . Mad at myself now. :angry: Too late to take him out: George has been in there about 20 mins.

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