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Smith's ADA 60-F *Retired*


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Sweet new clown. I have a frostbite morph as well, bandit occelaris. Bought a pair and the smaller one came up missing a few days later with no signs of where he went. Where did you pick yours up at?

Pic of mine. They look the same ish



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Thanks! They are some sweet looking fish, sorry to hear yours went missing. I got mine from my LFS (Chester Aquaria) and I think they said he came from sustainable aquatics.

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So i'll be getting a new light in the coming week, I wan't something controllable and thought about getting a nano box duo but Jordan from the forums is going to hook me up with his Maxspect razer :D Here's some pics from when he had it up on his tank...



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Still waiting on the new light, hopefully it will be here by the end of the week! I updated a new FTS on the first page if anyone wants to see, still crappy iPhone pics until I fork out the money for a nice camera so sorry about that haha. I changed the scape up very little on the left side. I just felt it was too bulky so I took out a rock or two, and it gave a nice gave for the fish to swim through. I wanna focus on picking up some kind of Euphyllia next, I'm leaning towards a nice torch coral but might get a hammer we'll have to see what the LFS has this weekend!


Also I think I want to get another fish, my nitrates don't even register with my current bioload and doing a 2 gallon water change every 6 or 7 days, i'm thinking I want a firefish but I need to pick up some netting for the middle of the top because I wouldn't trust just the rim to keep one in the tank like the clowns, so that's on my to do list for now! Also one of my blue rics looks like it could split soon it's definitely gotten bigger :D



Best buds


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So over the past week iv'e been treating my frostbite clown in tank with Prazipro and he hasn't seemed to get any better and he's not eating well now. So I have set up a QT tank i'll be treating both clowns just in case. I'll be using metronidazole, and i'm going to make sure I mix all the foods with garlic. Hopefully this will help, I wish I had a QT set up before I even got fish, so that's a note to everyone, it's definitely a good thing to have for situations like this.

The Qt is just a standard 10gallon with aquaclear 50 a koralia nano, and cobalt 50 watt heater. Also do ya'll use some kind of light over your Qt tanks? or just leave it lights out? Hopefully he will pull through....really cool little fish. I'll be sure to keep ya'll updated and any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Sorry to hear about your clown, hopefully it pulls through, for a QT tank you really don't need any light. If you've got a cheap fluorescent strip you can throw on a timer that works or it should be fine just from ambient/room light.

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Sorry to hear about your clown, hopefully it pulls through, for a QT tank you really don't need any light. If you've got a cheap fluorescent strip you can throw on a timer that works or it should be fine just from ambient/room light.

Thanks me too, yea I think i'm just going to leave it without the lights for now.


So I just got my New (to me) Maxspect razor tonight when I got home from work! The thing is in perfect condition, the only thing is it didn't come with a hanging kit so I have to order one of those before I can use it :tears::tears:


Here's a few pics anyway tho! it's the 120watt 16k version




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Oh snap, a new razor. I love my razors, very nice choice you made, IMO.


So over the past week iv'e been treating my frostbite clown in tank with Prazipro and he hasn't seemed to get any better and he's not eating well now. So I have set up a QT tank i'll be treating both clowns just in case. I'll be using metronidazole, and i'm going to make sure I mix all the foods with garlic. Hopefully this will help, I wish I had a QT set up before I even got fish, so that's a note to everyone, it's definitely a good thing to have for situations like this. The Qt is just a standard 10gallon with aquaclear 50 a koralia nano, and cobalt 50 watt heater. Also do ya'll use some kind of light over your Qt tanks? or just leave it lights out? Hopefully he will pull through....really cool little fish. I'll be sure to keep ya'll updated and any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Sick fish sucks, sorry about the whole ordeal.
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Oh snap, a new razor. I love my razors, very nice choice you made, IMO.


Sick fish sucks, sorry about the whole ordeal.

Yea I love what iv'e seen so far from the light, it's so sexy! Sick fish are such a pain, and they get sick on the busiest week iv'e had in awhile haha, hopefully I can get it taken care of though! love those lil guys!

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Thanks me too, yea I think i'm just going to leave it without the lights for now.


So I just got my New (to me) Maxspect razor tonight when I got home from work! The thing is in perfect condition, the only thing is it didn't come with a hanging kit so I have to order one of those before I can use it :tears::tears:


Here's a few pics anyway tho! it's the 120watt 16k version





oooooo sexay :lol:

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They come with hanging kits.....or was it known it didn't have one?

He said that he used up the wire when he had it hung so I was confused and thought he meant I just needed more wire, but it didn't have the hardware for it which is what he meant. But no biggie i'll just order one tomorrow.


oooooo sexay :lol:

Haha, isn't it? So awesome!

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Yeah, that's cool I just thought I'd let ya know. There fairly cheap......only now you have to stare at it and wait. Lol

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Haha, isn't it? So awesome!


Seriously it is! Their name is pretty literal. Never seen lighting so thin.

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Yeah, that's cool I just thought I'd let ya know. There fairly cheap......only now you have to stare at it and wait. Lol

I think I figured out a way to make the one I already have work B)

Stay tuned....


Seriously it is! Their name is pretty literal. Never seen lighting so thin.

Yea dude, so thin, I wanna say it's .9mm thick

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Haha how did you manage that?! Glad it arrived in one piece. :) Looking good mah friend!

Haha I'm not even sure... lol I managed to combine the pieces you gave me with the hanging kit I had from my old light and it happened to work! I'm glad saves me $20 haha!


Killer. That tank is 100% sexier!

It was that ugly before huh?

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Macguyver step ASIDE. Haha


Yeah that Razor looks extra sexy on your tank.



Haha I wouldn't go that far, thanks! Now I just need to get a nice camera to actually show this thing off!

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Hey man make sure you start your lights super dim... I bleached the heck out of my corals and I started with it ramping up and maxing at 30% W 50% B

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