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Innovative Marine Aquariums

2G Cube [Casa Del Zoa]


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One in and one out per LED. One of them has four ;)

Idk why I was think that would work.. For some reason I was thinking it would lol. Oh well,still a complete noob hahaha !! Thanks again,I guess they don't Jedi for no reason :D

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I'm learning that I can't make sps and Zoa's & Acans happy in my tank lol. As much as I love sps I can I may go Zoa's & Acan dominant in my 7g. I came home today to 3 more pieces RTN'd completely. Fml. All my Zoa's though are looking better and better and my new Wobblepong's popped out 2 babies while I was gone :)

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So,went to ReefersDirect today,super let down. I expected for them to have some really high end stuff,but was really wasn't what I walked into. They did have some really nice rainbow Acan's but wanted like $50 a polyp for them.. Definitely was not worth the drive out there,that's for sure.

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ReefersDirect, is that the place south of us in St Cloud? I had heard that was supposed to be a really nice store. I was planning on checking then out soon, but maybe Ill hold off.


Sorry to hear about the SPS. I am finally starting to get my tank SPS stable. Those 3 new pieces from Living Reef are doing good and coloring up. Do you have anything left that is in good health? I can take it off your hands if you are going to go the z and p/softie/lps route.

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ReefersDirect, is that the place south of us in St Cloud? I had heard that was supposed to be a really nice store. I was planning on checking then out soon, but maybe Ill hold off.


Sorry to hear about the SPS. I am finally starting to get my tank SPS stable. Those 3 new pieces from Living Reef are doing good and coloring up. Do you have anything left that is in good health? I can take it off your hands if you are going to go the z and p/softie/lps route.

Appearance was,it was a super nice store. They have a lot of equipment other stores don't (but at way higher prices) like they have RW-4's and what not but hey want $90 for them. Their Zoa's collection is like Top Shelfs in the $5-$20 tank,not all that great but decent. I messaged them on Facebook and asked "do you guys have any $10-$20 zoa frags" he messaged me back and said "100's" and when I went there was maybe 40-50 definitely not "100's".


I have a few,green Granulosa (2),I only have one frag of Hawkins left,some other green piece,red Monti,small frag of Sunset Mille,Red Wine Acro. They all just need to color back up from the lighting incident. Let me know what pieces you'd want,but I'm down in Sanford until the weekend.

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Got some really good news yesterday,but crummy news at the same time lol. We are moving next weekend,but unfortunately it's the same weekend as RAP.. Fml,right ? So idk how I'm going to make this work. But what's nice is,I'll be 25-30 minutes closer to work. I'm moving all the way from Orlando near Lake Nona/Internaltion Airport to Sanford right around the corner from Sandord/Orlando airport (for all you central Florida people's) and I know right,from one airport to another huh hahaha.. But this way at least the new tank will get set up in its permanent location and I can quit BS'ing about doing it.

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Sold a bunch of Sps to a local,good thing because of the move next weekend. But I decided that im probably not going to make it to RAP next weekend,so today I got a single polyp of VDM Zoa's,6 polyp frag of Candy Crush's and one other unnamed Zoa's. I've been looking for a single polyp of VDM's for awhile now,and finally got one. I'll post pic's tomorrow.

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Sorry to hear about all your issues man. Don't give up on SPS, it rules. :lol:

It's all good. Right now,my tank is so small and I'm not here during the week to get its much needed water change mid week so my Sps were suffering. I'm keeping a few (like 6-7) in hopes they make the move next weekend. And my bigger tank is getting set up then.

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Quick Pics:


I've hd these for a looong time and they've been hidden,finally made room to move them:



Wobblegongs popping out babies like crazy:



3 new frags plus my pink hippos (VDM's,Candy Crushes and some other Zoa's):



I LOVE this Mille:


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Thanks for the little SPS pack bro. Everything is a little browned out, but looks like it should color back up fairly quickly. What all was it that you gave me again?


I know there is a green granulosa, hawkins echinata, red wine acro, and sunset mille. What was the 5th piece?

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Thanks for the little SPS pack bro. Everything is a little browned out, but looks like it should color back up fairly quickly. What all was it that you gave me again?


I know there is a green granulosa, hawkins echinata, red wine acro, and sunset mille. What was the 5th piece?

The 2 pieces who had it the worst was the Granulosa and the hawkins. The 5th piece was just a reddish/orange Mille. It was one of the first sps I got lol. I'm sure everything will color up nicely for you. Certainly a nice pack for what you got. I already can't wait to see pics soon.

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Tanks holding up from the move,I haven't lost anything YET,besides my Mr.Pacman which was 50% RTN'a by the time I got home to move Friday.


New light should be here Thursday. So,we'll see how that pans out.




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Dang sorry to hear. Hopefully everything will be fine.


I think the only sps piece I've got left is the Paris Hilton Millie. Got lazy on my water changes and neglected the tank for 3 weeks and they all died. Think I'm going to go more for z&p's and acans until the upgrade.

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It's all good man. I'm really not worried about it. I'm trying to be all about that Zoa and Acan game lol. Good thing I have a LFS near my new house that has some killer Acan's. I lost my PC Rainbow too. Which I was pissed about. Oh well.


Shit,your zoa game is on point already !! You can't even deny it man lol.

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Thanks man,everything seems okay besides the MASSIVE bubble algae and Aptasia outbreak. It's insane. I glued over all the one's thought I could see and I found more. So it'll have to wait.


The green piece with the pink tips I got that had browned out,is turning bright green again,so hopefully it colors back up here soon.

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Ahhhhh, acan heaven! Great colors, and they all look nice and fluffy :)

Thanks man. It's getting there. There's still a few color morphs I need to get. I need some pinks and some all greens. Then it'll be really nice !! Nothing like your rainbows though :D

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Super jealous of your acans dude. I just had to pull my rainbow off the rock yesterday cause it looks like the yuma next to it burned part of 2 of the heads. :furious: When I was about to leave RAP on Sunday, I was talking to one of the guys from Reefers Direct and almost bought a really awesome 8 headed rainbow acan(brightest one I have ever laid eyes on) for $100. It would have been a steal, but I had already dropped over $200 and just spent a lot in Vegas as well, so just couldn't do it. :(

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Thanks man,it's gettin there. I just to feed everything more to get their colors back up. They only get fed like once maybe twice a week. When I was feeding 3-4 time a week they were ridiculous and growing crazy fast.


Oh damn,that's no good !!! Can't have that lol. I've learned the only thing they can stand touching them is zoa's lol. Really ? That's crazy. It may of been the same one they had in their store when I was there. Hahaha I hear you,it's hard to not spend a ass load of money sometimes even if it's a good deal !!!

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