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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Made in Africa - A Shallow Reef


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That's a great deal!


Considering in the states that what shipping one ends up costing for a set up this size lol. I also don't think I could find a glass supplier here that would quote me sub 200$ for the glass alone for a sump and tank of this size. I am now officially depressed, :tears:

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Considering in the states that what shipping one ends up costing for a set up this size lol. I also don't think I could find a glass supplier here that would quote me sub 200$ for the glass alone for a sump and tank of this size. I am now officially depressed, :tears:

Don't be - everything else is more expensive here. :lol:


Aw man, that FTS is just awesome. The brick, the blue, the clean tank, the corals. So epic.

Thanks man, I appreciate the comments.

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Mini Update;

I've decided to try running the tank without a filter sock, purely because it's a pain in the ass to rinse out twice a week. It's been a couple of weeks now and clarity on the water is perfect and nitrates are still low - the skimmer is doing some more work which is perfectly fine as it was having too much of a vacation before, haha.


I've been dosing Seachem Reef Fusion 2 Part and Magnesium to get my parameters in line as I noticed a definite decrease over the last couple of weeks (makes sense, things are starting to settle and grow). Alk, Cal and Mag are now all pretty much where I want them, so I'm going to keep track of usage and then calculate a dosing schedule. I have a busy work year ahead, so I'll be looking into a dosing unit to make my life easier. :lol:


Growth Wise;

The Zoas have nearly doubled in numbers, all SPS and LPS are looking good and I can see some growth on most pieces already which is very encouraging.

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Yah I tossed the filter sock too when I started. Then +1'ed my skimmer and all is good!


That's awesome to hear about all your growth too! Nice FTS too.

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I do try keep it zef. Haha. :owned:

Hah, when I saw you were from Cape Town I thought "I wonder if he knows Die Antwoord". I guess you do!


Great looking tank also, cant wait to see it grow.

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Mini Update;

I've decided to try running the tank without a filter sock, purely because it's a pain in the ass to rinse out twice a week. It's been a couple of weeks now and clarity on the water is perfect and nitrates are still low - the skimmer is doing some more work which is perfectly fine as it was having too much of a vacation before, haha.

I did the same a while back, took the floss out and left it out. The main reason I did it was because I had dumped a couple dozen mini brittles into the fuge and I wanted the food stuff to make it to them. I can't really tell any difference between running floss and not running it.

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This tank is pristine. I love the brightness of the entire setup and surrounding environment. It makes the tank seem much more alive and expansive that a closed in box with a giant canopy on it.


Great job on the entire build and stocking. Your photography helps to convey your ideas as well

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I hate when Monti's grow the wrong way lol...


OMG this!


Since I have such a small tank (2G Fluval Spec), I mounted my first monti in the upper left corner of tank on the glass...where is started growing ON the glass and back towards the back way exclusively!

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Jelly McJellyton.

Haha, thanks.


I just crave this tank :wub:


Just dropping by for my daily photo fix ;)

Hey :) Thanks for popping in. B)


I fink you freaky.


Nice tank

Haha, thanks.


I hate when Monti's grow the wrong way lol...



OMG this!


Since I have such a small tank (2G Fluval Spec), I mounted my first monti in the upper left corner of tank on the glass...where is started growing ON the glass and back towards the back way exclusively!



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Wow! This tank is on it's way to TOTM ... keep up the great work.

That's very kind. It's a far way off but I appreciate the kind words. :)


so i need to take a trip to cape town.....

Well... it is summer and the beers are cold. :lol:

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