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A Maiden's Voyage- town house pics, getting more organized


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Her floor turned out amazingly! I saw it on FB. I was hoping she posted photos in here :).


Well I will have to wait I do not do facebook.....

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Sorry I haven't posted. So busy with the move and frustrations like this for example, this complex is only 10 yrs old and the queen boxes would not fit up the stairs so I had to order the split ones for $485 as they have for King beds. Then it couldn't be delivered due to weather so we'll see what happens when I call them tomorrow.


Lost my royal gramma due to mistake on my part. I had 2 buckets on the bathroom floor, and was changing up which heater went with which bucket and somehow I forgot to put it in. Next morning water was at 68 and I saw him floating on top of the leather. I'm panicking and crying because Gert was in the same bucket. I move the rocks and the red macro away and I see her running around like nothing.


I quickly put her in the 20g which now had water at 75. I know it was probably a shock but I didn't know what else to do. She's fine, she's a strong girl, from when I found her barely in any water for several days when she was shipped in the live rock from KPA covered in newspaper. If I lost her due to my stupidity I would have stopped reefing.


Floor looks wonderful. I'm just not used to drying every water spot from Hagen when he has snow dripping from him, or rain, or water from top off into the tanks. With carpet water drops didn't matter. And of course Hagen has taken it upon himself to lick every drop of water on the laminate as well. Weirdo.




The main reason I couldn't post was because I just couldn't get over the shock, truly.

I had the crate sitting across the 40g so I could sit the Kessil on top until I mounted it above the tank.

I bumped it.

It went into the water by like an inch or so, I quickly took it out and unplugged it.

Things were looking beautiful in the bins.

Though there was no spark or zap or zing noise, there had to have been a current in the water from this.

The urchins died, so I quickly started moving the clowns and Lil Bit to the 10g, the goby and 6line into the 20g.

All nems became distorted and inside out puffy or shrinking, even a large brittle ended up a bloody mush in the center of his body.

All nems died except one that is barely hanging on in Gerts tank.








The following made it. the duncans, and the grandis paly, one rfa that is trying to hold on. Lastly, I put the large purple and green chalice it in a styrofoam container of its own so it wouldn't break, put it in the 10g for height, so it was not harmed in this incident.










I was so distraught, I hand picked all but one of the rfas. It's still hard to write about it. Here are the last pics of the 40g before it barely became anything. Had a name picked out already, black mini gravel w/ black background. Was going to be called Midnight Garden.




So, here's the 10g Nameless & Shameless now.






Here's my Gertie








Here are the surviving corals involved in the nuking event.


So I have no Kessil now, that was a loss of 500 or so and I haven't removed the water from this 40g tank yet. I still have 4 rocks to remove too. I'll start on it tomorrow. I have the 34 hidden upstairs in the walk-in closet. I'm not going to restart anything right now. I need to see how all my bills falls into place and I want to pay my mother back first for help w/ the closing and the floor.


And I found a gem on my birthday- A year back or so Sierra Nevada moved to Asheville. Tested this one out. If you like grapefruit you'll love this.




So, it was quite the moving, tank shocking, weekend. Then I found out the dishwasher here makes noise but no water is coming in. Previous owner didn't say anything about it and when the inspector tried it, it probably worked, it makes noise, just no water. No pics yet really of inside, I have 2 mattress boxes in the hall and there's no overhead light in the ceiling fan so all would be dark right now so I have to check with Lowes how I can convert it to one with a light. My treadmill is now in the living room with me, I have internet but haven't hooked up the Bose or DVD player as I need to find someone with a drill that can make me a few holes in the back of that 55 stand so I can hook up the components.


It's hard when you're trying to move on with life and I lost all the items in the tanks. I was so ill about it. All the extremely beautiful nems. I don't want to start them in Gertie's tank as she'll beat them up. And at this point I'd need a new light and new flow anyway. Too much rock right now in Gert's tank, but I want to keep it alive.


We got a foot of snow in my area. You can tell who in this townhouse 2 row subdivision comes from the midwest as they're the only driveways that cleared their snow right away.





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Sorry to hear about the nems :( But glad Gertie is safe and sound ;) Those shrimp go through a lot and are pretty hardy.


Floor looks great and yep I understand the water and dog thing......we have to wipe paws every time they come in the house......


Hopefully things get better and glad that so far the new digs are kind of working out.......

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Thanks Spectra. It is what it is. I want to keep rfas again, just don't know if I should stick w/ the 40 or do something smaller like a 20g and have less of a water column and maybe just as many rfas. And of course I'd have to get a Kessil again. I miss my big yellow one especially. While I know it was an accident, there was nothing I could do to help them, and that was the saddest I became, when I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I moved them but the decline was so fast. Invertebrates got it bad. I don't know how my clam Lil Bit managed.

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Well if doing another RF Garden maybe a 20 would not be so bad. I am up to 15 now in my 20 and I think it is going to become a Garden and macro tank once I get the 42 going......I thought about a IM 10 but that might be just a little to small.....

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Just confused at this point. And I have a 40g and 34 already here, you know? But I like the smaller water changes of 20s. I just need to get this place in order, unpacking everything upstairs, getting a ceiling light for the living room, possibly having to get a washer, just some things that involved money and it needs to go to that first.


Guess I'll focus first on Gertie's tank, removing some rock.

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Work on what is needed first....Tank stuff can come later....That 34 might make a sweet tank though ;)


Once all is figured out let me know I can send you a house warming gift for a new tank B) FlowerMama with no nems just does not sound right......

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O no Annette my heart nearly broke for you reading what happened. I think you are wise to just breathe, settle in and take care of the animals you have for the moment. When the time is right you can order more RFAs.


O yeah, I wanted to mention that I don't think your royal gramma died from being in the cool water. Mine lives in the seahorse tank at 68-70 degrees all the time. Maybe it was just its time?

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Oh no... That is terrible, I am so sorry for your loss. There is no worse feeling than losing critters, especially after you have cared for them for so long.


You are a great flower mama... Accidents and disasters happen- it does not reflect on your dedication or caution and care for your critters at all.


I'm so sorry to hear than, glad Gertie is okay :(



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Oh no.

I am so, so, so, SO sorry.


I know you don't really know me or anything but others on here do & can vouch for me that I'm not a dangerous weirdo. I live approximately 1 hr away from you & can be available to help with practical stuff if you need it.

Even if it's just to meet up for a Morale Boosting Coffee.

Just message me.


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Oh my, my heart is breaking for you. :( I'm speechless.


Let me know if you need a loaner light or tank. I have a NanoBox Duo and Quad currently not in use and a 15 gallon AIO frag tank currently not in use. The Duo I could mail you. The Quad or frag tank would require a road trip.

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I'm so sorry for your losses! I know how devastating and discouraging it can be to lose creatures through an accident, and to have it happen in the middle of the move is just awful.


I hope you are able to get settled in soon and figure out the best way forward for your tanks.

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Damn, you just can't catch a break :(


I think what I would do for now is just let it ride for a little while so you can figure out the direction you want to go. Get your house in order, get settled, then plan your tank stuff out. I think I would personally do something in the 20-40 gallon range (this 34 you already have is a SWEET size, I think I would drill it and go from there) as your 'main' tank, rock flower dominant if you want to go down that path again, and then a small 5-10g all in one to house the mantis since it thinks rock flowers are punching bags :rolleyes:


This way you can come up with the best plan to get your tank(s) back to where you want them, make them easier to maintain, etc, and make round two super badass B)

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