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Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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...but i dont have any fragging tools.


Hammer and a screwdriver :)


I've had a few bouts over the years with 'brown jelly'. Usually happens when an infected specimen is brought in (my last bout was a few years ago thanks to an infected Blastomussa).


Even though it's hard, best by far to throw out any infected heads ASAP rather than to keep the infection active in the tank.

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Things look better today after the H202 dip. No new heads are dying and all the dying heads are completely dead. They are not as fluffy as normal, but crossing my fingers, it has stoppped. One of the ric looks too be melting too so I threw it out.


On better news, I decided to replace the sandbed in the Spec with a GSP bed =). Gonna start that project this weekend. Gonna remove a portion of the sand at a time and glue GSP to the bottom. Should be fun!

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Did you happen to take any pictures of the brown jelly? Curious to what it looks like as I lost 2 heads of a hammer a few months ago but couldn't figure out exactly what happened. I didn't frag anything off just worked on keeping my water params in check and it didn't spread and the piece is looking fine now, besides missing two heads, which made me think it wasn't brown jelly but was never sure.

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sorry, didn't take any pics and hoping i wont have to! u will easily know when it's happening. the coral tissue will recede and will be replaced by brown "sludge" jelly stuff. you can suck it up with a turkey baster.

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sorry, didn't take any pics and hoping i wont have to! u will easily know when it's happening. the coral tissue will recede and will be replaced by brown "sludge" jelly stuff. you can suck it up with a turkey baster.

Also, if you remove the frag and smell it, it will stick horribly! Hope the worst is over Ninja. GSP sandbed, or carpet might be a better term, sounds cool and I can't wait to see it!

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I guess I missed it somewhere.... What skimmer are you running? I saw that someone mentioned PicO Skimmer, but I have no idea which skimmer that is... Nevermind, I found this link PicO Skim


My Tunze 9004 is the worse skimmer I have ever dealt with. No matter the adjustment, it never really pulls anything out of the water (just end up with a tea colored substance every other week or so)


Your tank continues to impress me BTW!

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Brown jelly stopped after I dipped in H202 twice. I have to find a way to cut off the dead heads cuz they bother me. My clam is not doing well after I did a water change and put in new carbon / phosguard / purigen. Sigh. I should have known better than to replace all 3 at once. I am dosing extra phyto but it's not looking good...


Getting some SPS this weekend. Excited. The montis are coloring up so well lately.


I guess I missed it somewhere.... What skimmer are you running? I saw that someone mentioned PicO Skimmer, but I have no idea which skimmer that is... Nevermind, I found this link PicO Skim

My Tunze 9004 is the worse skimmer I have ever dealt with. No matter the adjustment, it never really pulls anything out of the water (just end up with a tea colored substance every other week or so)

Your tank continues to impress me BTW!


Thanks! The PicO Skim also produces a tea colored skimmate but I think that's the norm with most nano skimmers. I know it's working cuz I have to clean it often =P.

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Brown jelly stopped after I dipped in H202 twice. I have to find a way to cut off the dead heads cuz they bother me. My clam is not doing well after I did a water change and put in new carbon / phosguard / purigen. Sigh. I should have known better than to replace all 3 at once. I am dosing extra phyto but it's not looking good...


Getting some SPS this weekend. Excited. The montis are coloring up so well lately.



Thanks! The PicO Skim also produces a tea colored skimmate but I think that's the norm with most nano skimmers. I know it's working cuz I have to clean it often =P.

Blah. Hope your clam pulls through. I think getting a clam while I didn't have fish in the tank didn't help mine's chances at all even with phyto dosing every day. Glad to hear you stopped the brown jelly though! A win is a win :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gone for 2 weeks and have 1600 notifications to go through =). Can't wait to catch up on everyone's thread.


Tank Updates:

  • Lost the clam =(
  • Never found the two white spotted anemone shrimps but the pedersen shrimp is doing great and is always out and about.
  • Brown jelly death toll = 5 heads of hammer / frogspawn. Surprising my blastos ALL recovered. One head was almost all gone but it is growing back. I put them under a ledge and that must have helped.
  • Got a HUGE colony of Sunny D zoas for $35. There are at least 40 polyps.
  • Algae problem creeping up as I increase feeding. Also has to do with trimming xenia. Every time I trim off xenia, next day tank explodes with algae.
  • Everything else is doing great
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Bummer to hear about the clam, do you know what happened to it? Glad to hear the brown jelly episode is over, are you still thinking about fragging off the dead heads? When do we get pics of those sunny d's?

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Sorry your clam didn't make it. :(


I trimmed some Xenia yesterday, as it was growing and reaching across a couple inches of space and onto another rock. I don't think so, Xenia. You get your space at the top of the tank and mo more!!

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