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Blue Crocea, purchased January 2013 (3 inch) at a lfs for $70

36 gallon bowfront aquarium with 10 gallon sump

30" Aquatic Life T5 fixture, 2 actinic (10hrs) and 2 daylight bulbs (6hrs)

8" from light fixture

DOC, no idea

Yes I skim, Prizm HOB surface skimmer

Yes I run carbon

No I do not run GFO

No freshwater dips

2 part Calcium/Alkalinity

I feed phytoplankton, cyclopese, rotifer and whatever the fish eat

I do a 3-5 gallon WC, (straight from the tap) every week using IO salt

Mimimal nitrates

This clam has had good growth with 3 distinct growth rings on its shell beneath its mantle


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Blue Crocea, purchased January 2013 (3 inch) at a lfs for $70

36 gallon bowfront aquarium with 10 gallon sump

30" Aquatic Life T5 fixture, 2 actinic (10hrs) and 2 daylight bulbs (6hrs)

8" from light fixture

DOC, no idea

Yes I skim, Prizm HOB surface skimmer

Yes I run carbon

No I do not run GFO

No freshwater dips

2 part Calcium/Alkalinity

I feed phytoplankton, cyclopese, rotifer and whatever the fish eat

I do a 3-5 gallon WC, (straight from the tap) every week using IO salt

Mimimal nitrates

This clam has had good growth with 3 distinct growth rings on its shell beneath its mantle


Im curious if you know or measure your phosphates since you dont run GFO and youve had your crocea for nearly a year. Very nice!

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Is it normal for derasa clams to go on walk as it started on a rock and jumped on to sand bed so removed rock but it just keeps moving itself on sand bed. Just wanted to know if it normal behaviour

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Im curious if you know or measure your phosphates since you dont run GFO and youve had your crocea for nearly a year. Very nice!

I'm embarrassed to admit that my phosphates are basically off the chart. They are very high in my tap water but I'm guessing my clam and corals actually utilize them. Amazingly in the 8-10 years that I've been keeping reef creatures I've never had an algea bloom, just a little bubble algea which I siphon out with WCs.

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Is it normal for derasa clams to go on walk as it started on a rock and jumped on to sand bed so removed rock but it just keeps moving itself on sand bed. Just wanted to know if it normal behaviour


Your clam is not happy and is looking for a more suitable location. If there is a spot in your tank with more light or perhaps less flow try sitting it there.







I'm embarrassed to admit that my phosphates are basically off the chart. They are very high in my tap water but I'm guessing my clam and corals actually utilize them. Amazingly in the 8-10 years that I've been keeping reef creatures I've never had an algea bloom, just a little bubble algea which I siphon out with WCs.




No need to be embarrasses!!! this is intersting info. Anyone thaat can keep a crocea for a year is doing something right!! keep it up!!! By the way, are you keeping Acropora's in this tank and if so how are they doing with the high phosphates??

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Zephyr, when you gonna update the registry list? B)

This week for sure. I've been busy making room for Big Bertha in the 210.

Happy New Year clam keepers!!!

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The clam lives in my 50 gallon cube. I got him as a baby clam and fed him phytoplankton until he was around an inch :)


Species of clam? Maxima

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count? AI SOL blue led

Clam depth in the tank in inches? 8 inches

DOC level estimate? High

Do you skim? During the day only

Do you run carbon? Occasionally

Do you run GFO? No

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam? No

Are you seeing new growth? Yes

Calcium/Alk Method? Water changes

Where and when did you get it? Aquapros in Glen Ellen IL around 1 1/2 years ago

Do you purposely feed? Yes

Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? 10 gallons once a week

Got nitrates ??? Unknown



Your tank looks awesome.

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I've put wrong purchase date ment to be 22/12/13.

got it updated, thank you.



Since you mentioned the 1 year thing, I figured I'd post up a quick cell pic of how much growth my maxima has put on in 1 year. It's funny how you barely notice a change in size, yet they seem to have grown a ton! 6 levels of scutes total, but much further apart than what was achieved during aquaculture.


This maxima is likely the fastest growing one I've ever had, and the only clam I have kept on a skimmerless system. Possibly a correlation there.


Red line indicates the shell size when purchased.







Thats great. Im really digging this no skimmer experiment. Thanks for the influance. :)


I guess I better add my maxima to the registry:





Species of clam? Maxima

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count? LED 1 deep red, 3 cool white and 2 neutral white Rebel ES on one series. 5 royal blue rebel ES and 2 blue rebels on the second series x2

Clam depth in the tank in inches? On the sand bottom (24")?

DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this) .004ppm

Do you skim? YES

Do you run carbon? Chemi-pure elite

Do you run GFO? YES

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam ? NO

Are you seeing new growth? Not yet, just got it

Calcium/Alk Method? Test almost daily with Hanna checkers. I try to maintain Alk aroun 9 to 9.5dkh and Cal around 425 to 450

Where and when did you get it? PacificEast Aquaculture on Dec. 12/8/13

Do you purposely feed ? NO

Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? About 5 gallond once every 4 weeks

Got nitrates ??? Less than 5

Sweet...the list has been updated. thanks!!!!

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Zeph, will those zoas cause problems as the clam grows the one seems to be on top of the clam,


No way. Ive had clam shells covered with Zoas...i think it looks awesome.

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That's a pretty great picture but I didn't see this clam registered on the registry. :huh:



Ha!!! I'de really be in the dog house if I did that!

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Species of clam. Maxima


Lighting - bulb, ballast and count- corallife 150w hqi


Clam depth in the tank in inches? - 24 inches, bottom of biocube 29g


DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this) can't answer yet


Do you skim? No


Do you run carbon? Yes


Do you run GFO? Phosban


Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam ? No


Are you seeing new growth? Just got it today


Calcium/Alk Method? Kent marine nano A and B and occasional kalkwasser


Where and when did you get it? Not yet


Do you purposely feed ? Probably not


tank size 29g


Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? 8 gallons every 2 weeks, mostly


Got nitrates ??? Not sure. Previously had a DSB with zero nitrates, new setup has little sand and is still fluctuating

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Species of clam. Maxima


Lighting - bulb, ballast and count- corallife 150w hqi


Clam depth in the tank in inches? - 24 inches, bottom of biocube 29g


DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this) can't answer yet


Do you skim? No


Do you run carbon? Yes


Do you run GFO? Phosban


Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam ? No


Are you seeing new growth? Just got it today


Calcium/Alk Method? Kent marine nano A and B and occasional kalkwasser


Where and when did you get it? Not yet


Do you purposely feed ? Probably not


tank size 29g


Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? 8 gallons every 2 weeks, mostly


Got nitrates ??? Not sure. Previously had a DSB with zero nitrates, new setup has little sand and is still fluctuating

Hi there :)

Be sure to post a pic when you get her so we can all see if shes ugly or what. lol.


^^^^ Where's the pic???? ^^^^



BTW, Outstanding collection Zeph!!!

T H A N K Y O U !!!!!! ;)

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^^^^ Where's the pic???? ^^^^



BTW, Outstanding collection Zeph!!!


Just a placeholder. :P


Pic tomorrow. Wanted to give her a day to really relax in the new tank.


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Hey everyone. So after a few months away I'm back lurking on NR. Unfortunately, due to some life events I had to sell off my clam collection and actually my setup and downsize to a 7 gallon cube. I'm not quite sure what's up with the clams I sold to local members. I will hopefully be back in the clam game this summer when I get a larger tank.

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Pics as promised :)


Please excuse my point and shoot quality pictures. When I got into reefing I had no idea that alongside skimmers and lighting, I also needed a fancy camera. ;)


Since taking the pic I'm seeing a little bit more extension so so far so good. I think it is looking great considering I had it shipping in yesterday morning. It actually had a nice aiptasia hitchhiker on the shell but I guess my new peppermint shrimp took care of that for me sometime last night. Don't mind the GHA in the background. I did a full rescape a couple weeks back and I have been getting hammered with the stuff. Fortunately my new Turbos are going to town.


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Pics as promised :)


Please excuse my point and shoot quality pictures. When I got into reefing I had no idea that alongside skimmers and lighting, I also needed a fancy camera. ;)


Since taking the pic I'm seeing a little bit more extension so so far so good. I think it is looking great considering I had it shipping in yesterday morning. It actually had a nice aiptasia hitchhiker on the shell but I guess my new peppermint shrimp took care of that for me sometime last night. Don't mind the GHA in the background. I did a full rescape a couple weeks back and I have been getting hammered with the stuff. Fortunately my new Turbos are going to town.


Sweet ! is this clam from Pacific East Aquaculture????


Hey everyone. So after a few months away I'm back lurking on NR. Unfortunately, due to some life events I had to sell off my clam collection and actually my setup and downsize to a 7 gallon cube. I'm not quite sure what's up with the clams I sold to local members. I will hopefully be back in the clam game this summer when I get a larger tank.

Hey buddy, sorry you had to pass your clams out, but as we know life often gets in the way of our obsessions. THank you for the update, I will edit the list.

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Sweet ! is this clam from Pacific East Aquaculture????


Hey buddy, sorry you had to pass your clams out, but as we know life often gets in the way of our obsessions. THank you for the update, I will edit the list.


I got it from Liveaquaria. I'm getting plenty of extension now, well past the scutes.


I don't think I will need to do any feedings as my tank is somewhat dirty due to the recent scape and removal of LR. What should I watch out for in terms of figuring out if it's not getting enough "food"?

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