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Those T5s are awesome. Clams look fabulous. Where are the baby croceas?

Thanks. Those were the first trial clams in this sysem, when i was running halides and a skimmer. Lost them....got rid of the skimmer and switched to T5's and so far so good.

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Better get some snails for the cyano though. They'll keep the substrate stirred up: nassarius vibex and Tongan nassarius. Reef cleaners, not LA.


T5s will make you a believer Zeph. They are really great lights.

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Better get some snails for the cyano though. They'll keep the substrate stirred up: nassarius vibex and Tongan nassarius. Reef cleaners, not LA.T5s will make you a believer Zeph. They are really great lights.


I only purchase from PEA and LA. I enjoy being close minded.

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Just a quick update. My blue maxima is still doing very well and showing growth. It's now been in the tank for 3.5 months. My squamosa is also doing very well and has been in the tank for 2 months.

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Today is the 5th month mark of having my monster 5.5 inch Maxima. It has some nice growth and has never missed a beat since I got it. I never thought I would make it this far since messaging Zelph with a "OMG I GOT A CLAM, WHAT DO I DO" 5 months ago. :P




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Today is the 5th month mark of having my monster 5.5 inch Maxima. It has some nice growth and has never missed a beat since I got it. I never thought I would make it this far since messaging Zelph with a "OMG I GOT A CLAM, WHAT DO I DO" 5 months ago. :P




SUPER SWEET!!!!! I will be updating the list today, as Im back on crutches and cant do much else. LOL. Whatever youre doing dont change a thing.


Here are the new Red Sea Maximas that just hit the states for the forst time in 15 years.


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Figured I'd add my two clams to this thread. I must say there are some beautiful clams in this thread!


Species of clam: 11" Derasa and 3-1/2" Crocea

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count: Ecoxotic panorama pro LED fixture (special soft coral fixture from DFS)

Clam depth in the tank in inches: About 20"

DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this)

Do you skim: Yes, fairly aggressively

Do you run carbon: Sometimes, only if I see a reason to

Do you run GFO: Yes, in a small media bag in the sump

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam: No

Are you seeing new growth: Some, tank is fairly new and have been having a little issue with PO4

Calcium/Alk Method: Manually dose if needed

Where and when did you get it: Both came from my LFS, got them maybe 2 months ago.

Do you purposely feed: No, I feel its unnecessary

Water changing schedual: weekly 5 gal change, in a 93 gal tank

Got nitrates: usually hang right about 10ppm


I'll try to get decent pics later.

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Figured I'd add my two clams to this thread. I must say there are some beautiful clams in this thread!


Species of clam: 11" Derasa and 3-1/2" Crocea

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count: Ecoxotic panorama pro LED fixture (special soft coral fixture from DFS)

Clam depth in the tank in inches: About 20"

DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this)

Do you skim: Yes, fairly aggressively

Do you run carbon: Sometimes, only if I see a reason to

Do you run GFO: Yes, in a small media bag in the sump

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam: No

Are you seeing new growth: Some, tank is fairly new and have been having a little issue with PO4

Calcium/Alk Method: Manually dose if needed

Where and when did you get it: Both came from my LFS, got them maybe 2 months ago.

Do you purposely feed: No, I feel its unnecessary

Water changing schedual: weekly 5 gal change, in a 93 gal tank

Got nitrates: usually hang right about 10ppm


I'll try to get decent pics later.

Thanks Mike. I will add your girls to the list when I update it later this evening. Try to shoot me some pics.

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Figured I'd add my two clams to this thread. I must say there are some beautiful clams in this thread!


Species of clam: 11" Derasa and 3-1/2" Crocea

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count: Ecoxotic panorama pro LED fixture (special soft coral fixture from DFS)

Clam depth in the tank in inches: About 20"

DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this)

Do you skim: Yes, fairly aggressively

Do you run carbon: Sometimes, only if I see a reason to

Do you run GFO: Yes, in a small media bag in the sump

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam: No

Are you seeing new growth: Some, tank is fairly new and have been having a little issue with PO4

Calcium/Alk Method: Manually dose if needed

Where and when did you get it: Both came from my LFS, got them maybe 2 months ago.

Do you purposely feed: No, I feel its unnecessary

Water changing schedual: weekly 5 gal change, in a 93 gal tank

Got nitrates: usually hang right about 10ppm


I'll try to get decent pics later.



Thanks Mike. I will add your girls to the list when I update it later this evening. Try to shoot me some pics.


Yes, You know the old saying..... "Pics or it didn't", well you know the rest ;)

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I've been a lurker for far to long and I thought, "Why don't I add my 2 clams to the register!" Lets just hope I don't jinx it!

Species of clam? 2x T. Maxima. Numero 1 is about 3". 2 is 5-6"
Lighting - bulb, ballast and count? 4x24 T5
Tank size? 20 gallon High

Clam depth in the tank in inches? #1 About 5" ish. #2 14-15
DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this)
Do you skim? Yes, but my skimmer isn't that efficient :P
Do you run carbon? No.
Do you run GFO? No.
Did you ever freshwater dip the clam ? Yes... at least for #1
Are you seeing new growth? Yup!! Lots!
Calcium/Alk Method? Water changes/kalk
Where and when did you get it? #1 Is from my LFS, about 2 1/2-3 months ago. #2 is from PEA and I got her just shy of 2 months ago.
Do you purposely feed ? Not the clammies.

Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? Every week and a half.

Got nitrates ??? I haven't tested in a while, but they were stable at 2ppm for quite a while.


I'd like to post pictures, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that... If someone could explain how, that'd be great!



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Species of clam? T. maxima
Clam depth in the tank in inches? 13"
DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this): N/A
Do you skim? Yes (but I'm not currently since clam is new)
Do you run carbon? Yes (but not currently since clam is new)
Do you run GFO? No/
Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam? No
Are you seeing new growth? Not yet.
Calcium/Alk Method? Nothing yet. Ordered kalkwasser for top-offI water. Should be here in 5 days.
Where and when did you get it? Received on 12/14 from Cultivated Reef
Do you purposely feed? I haven't yet, but plan on doing Marine Snow.

Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? Water changing schedule has been 4 gallons (10%) every Saturday since I set the tank up, but I'll likely cut that to 3 gallons every Saturday to try and help the clam out for a while!

Got nitrates ??? Tested yesterday at 0ppm. Light stocking right now (2 percs and a small CUC in a 40B)

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Hey guys and gals! I apologize for the delay in updating the list. I just got my new computer and will take care of biz in the next couple of days. I have tons of new clams to post myself.


Also off topic...we just saw American Hustle- LOVED IT!

The Science oven! Hardyyyy harrrrr harrr!

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Hey guys and gals! I apologize for the delay in updating the list. I just got my new computer and will take care of biz in the next couple of days. I have tons of new clams to post myself.


Also off topic...we just saw American Hustle- LOVED IT!

The Science oven! Hardyyyy harrrrr harrr!


Don't tell me not to put metal in the science oven!


(Saw it today, too! :) )

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Don't tell me not to put metal in the science oven!


(Saw it today, too! :) )


That was such a great movie to top off the year! Christian Bale put on FIFTY pounds just to play that role, and Bradley Cooper had to sport hair curlers for 6 months. Loved it!

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Registering my clam I purchased yesterday


Species of clam? T. Derasa

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count? Maxspect razor 120w 16k

Clam depth in the tank in inches? 24"

DOC level estimate? ?

Do you skim? Yes

Do you run carbon? No

Do you run GFO? Rowaphos in small bag in sump

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam ? No

Are you seeing new growth? Just got it

Calcium/Alk Method? Manual ( salifert KH buffer/ Red Sea foundation A )

Where and when did you get it? Lfs and 22/12/13

Do you purposely feed ?no

Water change? 25ltr a week

Got nitrates ? 0.50ppm


Pics from the front of tank and from water surface.


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Registering my clam I purchased yesterday


Species of clam? T. Derasa

Lighting - bulb, ballast and count? Maxspect razor 120w 16k

Clam depth in the tank in inches? 24"

DOC level estimate? ?

Do you skim? Yes

Do you run carbon? No

Do you run GFO? Rowaphos in small bag in sump

Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam ? No

Are you seeing new growth? Just got it

Calcium/Alk Method? Manual ( salifert KH buffer/ Red Sea foundation A )

Where and when did you get it? Lfs and 22/12/12

Do you purposely feed ?no

Water change? 25ltr a week

Got nitrates ? 0.50ppm


Pics from the front of tank and from water surface.


Hey, thank you for registering. I should be updating the list tonight for sure. Including a new 'HALL OF FAME" for members with clams over 1 year.

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Hey, thank you for registering. I should be updating the list tonight for sure. Including a new 'HALL OF FAME" for members with clams over 1 year.


Since you mentioned the 1 year thing, I figured I'd post up a quick cell pic of how much growth my maxima has put on in 1 year. It's funny how you barely notice a change in size, yet they seem to have grown a ton! 6 levels of scutes total, but much further apart than what was achieved during aquaculture.


This maxima is likely the fastest growing one I've ever had, and the only clam I have kept on a skimmerless system. Possibly a correlation there.


Red line indicates the shell size when purchased.






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I guess I better add my maxima to the registry:





Species of clam? Maxima
Lighting - bulb, ballast and count? LED 1 deep red, 3 cool white and 2 neutral white Rebel ES on one series. 5 royal blue rebel ES and 2 blue rebels on the second series x2
Clam depth in the tank in inches? On the sand bottom (24")?
DOC level estimate? ( dont worry almost nobody can answer this) .004ppm
Do you skim? YES
Do you run carbon? Chemi-pure elite
Do you run GFO? YES
Did you ever freshwater dipped the clam ? NO
Are you seeing new growth? Not yet, just got it
Calcium/Alk Method? Test almost daily with Hanna checkers. I try to maintain Alk aroun 9 to 9.5dkh and Cal around 425 to 450
Where and when did you get it? PacificEast Aquaculture on Dec. 12/8/13
Do you purposely feed ? NO

Most importantly !!!!! Water changing schedual ???? About 5 gallond once every 4 weeks

Got nitrates ??? Less than 5

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Species of clam? T. Crocea

Lighting - blub, ballast and count? 4x24w T5 ati/kz bulbs

Clam depth in the tank in inches? 14"

DOC level estimate? Low

Do you skim? Yes

Do you run carbon? No

Do you run GFO? No

Did you ever freshwater dip the clam? No

Are you seeing new growth? Don't think so

Calcium/Alk Method? 2 part

Where and when did you get it? Swap 2/12

Do you purposely feed your clam(s) and what ? Noimage-38.jpg


RIP clam, I would've had it for two years in February.

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What happened??? :(


It's been basically unresponsive over the last couple months. Yesterday it was acting kind of funny and not opening all the way, so I picked it up and looked underneath and there was a big cerith snail stuck in the middle. I pulled it off and a clam chunk came with it. Got home from work today and there was a bristle worm frenzy, inside of it and all. Then it started peeling right off the shell.
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