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Chad's 26g Is coming down!


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Wow.....nice. I could turn that thing bleach white in no time flat. I need to read back a few pages, you setting up a new tank, or...?


I'm going to go tankless to see how it feels and go from there. I'll hang onto all this money until I figure it out.

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I'm going to go tankless to see how it feels and go from there. I'll hang onto all this money until I figure it out.

Sounds like a good plan to me :).


I think everyone wants to..... :ninja: secretly.


True, but almost everyone that gets into it as much as Chad has will inevitably come back.

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Sounds like a good plan to me :).


True, but almost everyone that gets into it as much as Chad has will inevitably come back.

I took a couple years off in the past before I came back again, it'll just be a matter of time I'm sure. The tanks get better everytime, look out for the next one ;)


I'll still hang out in lawn's crapper. Hell we should start crapping here so we quit messing up lawn's thread.

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You still have that tort.... just a sign you need to forget about taking a break and get planning a nice big home for it ;)


I'd take it off ur hands but yeah my holding tank ended up goin bad on me and the 40 aint ready :(

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Woa was i behind. That tank was a showstopper! But life is about evolving and actively creating change so i know your next tank journey will be just as epic! Good luck with everything and Happy New Year

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Bummer, i was hoping you wouldn't be able to sell that tort locally and have to ship. I would've snagged it up quick.


Congrats on the fat stacks though!! You've got some serious reefing skills man, it would be a shame for you to take a very long break.

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Freaking guy threw four different acros, sunset monti, chalice, and HYDNOPHORA loose in a big styro cooler of water with an hour drive home. I warned him to at least let me bag the hydno, but nope. He better not kill that tort.

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Freaking guy threw four different acros, sunset monti, chalice, and HYDNOPHORA loose in a big styro cooler of water with an hour drive home. I warned him to at least let me bag the hydno, but nope. He better not kill that tort.


Ouch, that hydnophora will smoke anything it touches. Some of us have to learn the hard way...

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Freaking guy threw four different acros, sunset monti, chalice, and HYDNOPHORA loose in a big styro cooler of water with an hour drive home. I warned him to at least let me bag the hydno, but nope. He better not kill that tort.


Who the #### did that? Seriously some MI people :(

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Who the #### did that? Seriously some MI people :(


I don't even remember his name, I already cleared my pms of coral messages. Someone on MR from southgate.

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Dang. Did you tear it down cuz you lost my favorite coral of yours? The birdsnest.


And before you go, anything I need to do special to set up a successful DSB (45g cube)? Grain size or special depth?


Might put a small tang in it since I won't have a cuc (mantis tank) for any algae. Anything special I need to do to make it happy in such short tank?




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Dang. Did you tear it down cuz you lost my favorite coral of yours? The birdsnest.


And before you go, anything I need to do special to set up a successful DSB (45g cube)? Grain size or special depth?


Might put a small tang in it since I won't have a cuc (mantis tank) for any algae. Anything special I need to do to make it happy in such short tank?

The tank was just stressing me out and making my anxiety flare up, it wasn't even fun anymore.


I've bought around 1000lbs of sand from this guy since 2007 http://www.ebay.com/itm/87-LB-PURE-WHITE-CARIBBEAN-ARAGONITE-LIVE-SAND-LIVE-SAND-CORAL-MARINE-/121076539187?pt=Decorations&var=420125806081&hash=item1c30b95f33 I like to do 4" in the front of the tank and slope it to 6" in the back. I recommend using 100% live rock to really liven the sand bed up as much as possible, you want the sand stuffed with detritus eaters. Bristle worms, spaghetti worms, mini brittle stars...


Don't be afraid of it, people make it sound like they're the devil. They can be stirred, occasionally moving around the top 1" or so isn't going to kill your tank. I've never vacuumed a dsb.


About the tang, buy it as small as possible and it will for sure live comfortably for a couple years. If you see loss of vibrancy, a ragged fin, hlle, or a pinched stomach it's time to let it go. Formula two flakes seem to provide enough algae.

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