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Innovative Marine Aquariums

REEFMASTER's Breaking down, leaving hobby for a while


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Are those dj power strips on the back?

yes, front of stand.


just picked up some dry rock, don't worry I just threw them in for now, this is not a aquascape.


oh and tank is looking clearer, skimmer already pulled out all the junk I put in to break it in and is just chillin.



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Tank is running fine, no leaks, tested some levels, ammonia .25, nitrite 0 for now, ph 8.0


Also zeovit has been online, and I been dosing it since Sunday. Should be cycled by next week.

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Great start to the tank.


Is the false back wall of your tank glass or acrylic?


How do you like the coast to coast overflow? My next tank will definitely be coast to coast.

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I love the overflow amazing surface skimming, it was made by glass cages but I installed and modded it, by that I mean I cut the glass and sanded the acrylic since it was off and I drilled the holes. It is a 3/8 glass panel siliconed in place, and the black is an acrylic cover fron the bottom up, also siliconed in place on bothe sides and bottom so same as any other overflow. Thanks for taking a look.


Your tank looks amazing by the way love the Sps growth.;)

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  • tank is down to .15 ammonia so looks to be a soft fast cyle with the zeo, should be ok by next week.

did you use the live or dry tropical eden sand?

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Here's a pic of my new clown his girlfriend is still at work in one of our LFS show tanks. He is bieng impossible to catch and the tank is full of coral so not going to move any rock around


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Thanks love your build aswell, your previous tank is why is started this tank.


Sorry about the pic quality still saving for Dslr.

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Ammonia is down to .10 or less ppm. Nitrite 0 and nitrates seem to be creeping up, diatoms and cyano are popping up so I decided it was time to add a hardy fish, in goes my ywg and pistol shrimp. And they should do fine. I would consider the cyle over by mid next week

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Ammonia dropped to near 0 so I put my clowns in , while I picked up the fenmale I picked up a pair of tank bred banghai cardinal babies, I while post pics when I get home, at school right now. I will pick up another


This Friday at work, if you haven't noticed I work at a lfs

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oh and tank is looking clearer, skimmer already pulled out all the junk I put in to break it in and is just chillin.


Very cool tank. Anxious to see it grow.

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So far fish are eating fine, female clown is really skinny but shes starting to eat more as time progresses. Glad I saved her from possible starvation in a low nutritient high flow system.

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300w ehiem jäger trutemp heater came in yesterday, and I installed it (tank is at a constant 80 instead of going from 75-80 everyday), pics coming soon when I add more fish. Also got some zeobak in to speed up my cycle, I'm still detecting traces of ammonia that over the past week have been going away. So holding off on adding more fish as that's whats adding to the slight ammonia levels.

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No worries, I'm doing the zeovit 14 day cycle, I'm on day 10 and I have 9lbs of mature live rock from my 20 that's been up for 3 yrs. just have a little ammonia, that's going away as normal.


Oh and it was over a year (1 yr and 4 months)

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Oh and it was over a year (1 yr and 4 months)

Lol, pretty sad. I'm all for preparation and saving for the best equipment but you took your damn time.


What FS in Tampa?

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Creative aquariums, the best in town hands down, our clam in our main display has been around longer than most of our competitors (12 yrs), yeah I did take a long time, but it was worth the wait in the end.


On another note ammonia is done to zero, so tank is pretty much cyled as that was the only thing out of whack, and a copepod explosion happened overnight, as that's what led me to believe the cycle was over and I then tested the water params. Also last night I stopped by at work and traded a mean ocelaris clown that I had for over 2yrs and traded him for a nice yellow corris wrasse.


I plan on adding the banghais to the display today and then the corris when he starts to eat. Also it turns out I lucked out and got a male and female banghai, they are starting to do some mating behavior even though their a tad young! I'm going to see if I can add another female and make a mating trio. Females have round faces and males have more pointed faces, I'll post pics this weekend so you can understand what I'm saying.

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Pic update later today, was working at LFS yesterday and I am sad to report that some idiot is poisoning the lfs's In my area with fertilizer of some kind which makes nitrates skyrocket and ph go out of whack, here's the original thread on reef central, http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=22323116


The culprit has already done it to multiple locations, and I encourage anyone in my area to be on the look out for suspicious behavior when at you LFS. These small business are losing 1,000s of dollars and risking going out of business, endangering thier livelihood, and influencing the hobby at a local level, I don't want to start buying fish from petco so, I hope they catch these people, what there doing is not right.

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Added some more inhabitants, lights are off so I'll post pics tommorrow, got three lyrtail anthias for 45$, bought them through wholesaler, and also brought home the 3rd and final banghai cardinal, of which all are tank bred.


Tank is doing great considering my bioload is now 10 fish, but the skimmer can handle up to 200 gal and it's a 70-80gallon system so, no issues so far.

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