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Cultivated Reef

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That's a lot of snakes, they're all yours? I hear that hobby can get quite expensive as well.


Yes it can get pretty expensive. Luckily I have been able to make some money from breeding so it hasn't all been negative.

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Thanks! They are all ball pythons except the last which is a reticulated python.

Neat, don't release the reticulated when it's huge :wacko:

longest python species in the everglades with the others would suck :eek:

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Ouch, don't want to turn my thread political but rest it to say, I am a responsible owner who cares about my future rights to keep these snakes.


Also, the media and animal planet suck, make it seem like their is a giant python around every corner ready to eat your puppy. Truth is I have never seen a python of any kind out of captivity down here and I have frequented the Everglades quite a bit.

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Sometimes insomnia pays off. So I'm watching tv because I can't go to sleep and I hear splashes in my cats waterbowl. My cat immediately jolts over and I know right away one of my clowns jumped out and fell in the bowl. I scream, he runs the other way, I pick up the clown and put him back in. Now I'll spend the rest of the night thinking of a good way to cover up the 1" of uncovered tank the clown jumped through.


I actually find it kinda weird he jumped since the tank lights were off and the clowns were already in sleep mode.

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That is a large snake collection! I've been watching some of these shows about the Burmese and Rock Pythons out in the wild in Florida. Hope no one releases any Anacondas :o

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The shows are a bit exaggerative but yea hope no one releases snakes or any non native living organism for that case into the wild. Reality is that most will probably die but those that don't might cause harm to the local environment. There are plenty of invasive bugs and plants that are extremely detrimental to the environment, but those aren't scary enough for a tv show. :/


Anyway the clown looks fine, still wondering what made him jump.

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is that a minmax anemone ? of a rock flower anemone?
It's a rock flower nem.


very cool!


Wow !!!! Love the green goblin :) Whadda you feed her and how often?
Thnx. I feed her jumbo krill about twice a week and half a silverside every once in a while
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So here is a FTS. IMG_0663.jpgI cant wait till things start to grow in so they are visible from far.Side shotIMG_0662.jpgThinking of adding some acans soon, maybe some blastos or dunkans. Im open to addition suggestions.For the knife lovers. My Busse B11 and some rum n co........conut.IMG_0653.jpg


Am I the only one who knows what a Busse is? That's a Pico with all the trimmings for those of you who are ignorant to sex in steel. Here I thought my Himalayan Imports Ang Khola was impressive...

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Am I the only one who knows what a Busse is? That's a Pico with all the trimmings for those of you who are ignorant to sex in steel. Here I thought my Himalayan Imports Ang Khola was impressive...

Haha, glad to see another steel nut around here. Ill admit I dump more $$$ into knives than I do into my tank. :o


Here is another Busse for ya. This one was customized a bit but its still Infi in its blood. :D



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Haha, glad to see another steel nut around here. Ill admit I dump more $$$ into knives than I do into my tank. :oHere is another Busse for ya. This one was customized a bit but its still Infi in its blood. :DIMG_1529_zps16393998.jpg


I generally cycle between one, and then the other. I haven't made a big purchase in Sharps since last year, maybe it's time to get my own Cryo'd sweetie before I finish the custom. Or, guilty pleasure, one of the ZT line. So gaudy it's cool.

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ZT has really come out with some nice blades in the late. Once the M390 0777 becomes available from dealers I might give it a try, right now the secondary market is flipping them at double the price. The one ZT/RJ martin collaboration is also nice, even though I dont fancy a recurve on my folders. If you end up giving in to the steel, share it here. :D

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