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Kat's Ol' Max


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Time pH DT Fuge

04:00 8.06 off on

07:45 8.12 rampup off

10:15 8.13 on off

16:15 8.23 on off

21:30 8.10 off on


If this is all right...then it all adds up. Need more data points, (including ramp down and lights off point) but so far it makes sense...

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Wait confused lol is Jedi posting for you cuz computer problems lol


Lol they are small and very nice are they yours? Didn't you have pm or thought you did ?

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Dr. Tim had said the protein skimmer removes bacteria, Chris just said it too.I should ask how that can be when bacteria is benthic.


Interesting story about hurricane Katrina and microbacter7.


He suggests nitrates between 2-5 and phosphates .2


Says vitamarin-C noticeably increases coral growth by week 2 of use

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Bacteria are constantly being cleaved from their films as they get pushed out by others or by their colony as they replicate. Is it bad? Nope. Keep in mind that both Dr. Tim and CB sell bacterial supplements and not protein skimmers, otherwise their stories would be the opposite.


The vitamin c statement needs study to prove either way. As far as I can tell, the only benefit is removing a carbon limitation and thereby decreasing N&P.

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Okay. He just sold me on Neo Marin salt. His salt is used by the Smithsonian, Disney, government of Israel with o e if their universities embarked on a multi $$$ conservation project using his salt. They tested every available salt and found his to be closest to natural red sea water.


Benny. Not vitamin c, vitamarin c. I'll have to look into it.


Microbakter7 is their #1 selling product.

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Okay. He just sold me on Neo Marin salt. His salt is used by the Smithsonian, Disney, government of Israel with o e if their universities embarked on a multi $$$ conservation project using his salt. They tested every available salt and found his to be closest to natural red sea water.

Ask him if the salt was sponsored.


Benny. Not vitamin c, vitamarin c. I'll have to look into it.

Which is sodium ascorbate, aka 'buffered' vitamin c. Absolutely nothing special about it. In addition, the ascorbate breaks down when exposed to light, heat, or water, so by the time it gets to you from production, there is little left in it.


New life spectrum pellets are high in phosphates



####er's makin shit up at this point. (EDIT: should say bringing shit up to be misleading into thinking his products don't)

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Skimmers do remove bacteria from the water column, there have been peer reviewed studies on the issue. Now, if it's harmful to an aquarium or a benefit, that's another story.

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Benny, he says the owner of NLS himself says his products have phosphates. It is generally known that foods in our hobby do add/ have phosphates.


I'm a Chris Brightwell fan. In fact YOU, Benny, were the one that turned me on to them with your M7 talk. Deal with it. I wanted to be like Benny. :slap:

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I'm not saying the products are bad - some actually have measurable effects (and measurable concentrations) unlike some others from other manufacturers. I don't agree with the whole 'this is the best, this is the best, this is the best'. If they were the one and only that everyone should use, all the others would be outta business.


All foods have phosphates - but for him to bring up NLS and not his own says something.

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All foods have phosphates - but for him to bring up NLS and not his own says something.


+1138 The Jedi Council is in agreement with this statement.


NLS is some of the highest quality food on the market. If Moorish Idols scarf it down it's good stuff.


If it's edible and goes in your tank, it has phosphate in it in some quantity or it's not from planet Earth. I"m all for extra terrestrial phosphate free food...but the import taxes from Tatoonine make it a non starter.

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He doesn't make foods first of all. And somebody else brought up vitamarin c for sick fish. The discussion went to soaking foods, Chris was asked what he feeds his fish. He feeds NLS. He mentioned in passing that it is high in phosphates but he has used them for years and does not forsee ever using another brand.


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+1138 The Jedi Council is in agreement with this statement.

NLS is some of the highest quality food on the market. If Moorish Idols scarf it down it's good stuff.

If it's edible and goes in your tank, it has phosphate in it in some quantity or it's not from planet Earth. I"m all for extra terrestrial phosphate free food...but the import taxes from Tatoonine make it a non starter.





He doesn't make foods first of all.




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Yes! How long did he have to wait for all of Kent's patent's to expire before he could duplicate all their products?Tee hee hee.
So Chris started his own company after Kent was sold. When it changed hands he thought about making products with better quality ingredients and quit.


Did Kent have 'patents'? I mean it's not Valium that it needs a patent.

Oh, if theres enough light to keep that anemone alive, I think almost any clam can too. big brain.
According to your best friend Live Aquaria, rock flower nems require moderate light. This is consistent with the observations of folks that have rock nems.


Or forget the clam and come out here for cheesecake? :P


Wait confused lol is Jedi posting for you cuz computer problems lolLol they are small and very nice are they yours? Didn't you have pm or thought you did ?
I can't post pictures from my phone so Benny helps me out when it's an emergency. :P Yes my crocea has pinched mantle disease. It is doing way better after 2 dips. The 2 maximas haven't contracted it so it may not be all that infectious.


He never mentioned this product. Looks to be brand new on the market from the date on this article. I'll have to try it!! Thanks Benny!


Good lord doesn't anyone use the KISS method anymore?
With all the candy out there? Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Time pH DT Fuge04:00 8.06 off on07:45 8.12 rampup off10:15 8.13 on off16:15 8.23 on off21:30 8.10 off on If this is all right...then it all adds up. Need more data points, (including ramp down and lights off point) but so far it makes sense...
Thanks Jedibear. I'll get more info for you.
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