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Mr. Microscope's Cube 2.1

Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

Finally...a full frontal LOL. It looks fabulous. :)

LOL! Thanks Gena!

I've been surprised how much things have plumped up since I stopped carbon dosing (no pun intended there on the, "plumped up" and full frontal, lol). I didn't realize it at the time, but I guess even my LPS suffered a bit during that excursion. I also recently backed off on GFO a little and my zoas are making a come back as well. I got some CAR's a couple months back and I'm super stoked that they finally seem stable and are starting to grow.

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Mr. Microscope

Really nice cube!

I'm going to go in a similar direction as your aquascape on my next system :)

Thanks Sailfish!

It looks like your dorm cube had a similar looks as well. I really like your aquascape. Is it still going? Nicely done!

Have you started your new system/tank thread yet?

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Mr. Microscope

Do you spot feed your blasto or your acans? If so what do you feed & how often?

Hello fastuno,


Yes. Once every week to two weeks or so I feed them small Elos pellets (sv1, yellow label) with a pipette. It's the same stuff I feed my fish. Usually, this is right before a water change. In addition to that, they get whatever falls on them while feeding the fish. Some of them get more than others at this time.

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I noticed in your thread that you used what looks like a 24-well cell culture plate as a frag holder. How did that work? I am going to have to grab one from lab and see how it works.

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Unnnffff!!!! Gorgeous!!!



you know, if you got all those Acans n corals off the sand bed, and the rock exposing more sand it would look better me tinks, more negative space. Feels a little crowded to me, and should give a larger then it is look-then again my tank has like 6 lbs of rock in a 48x30" area, :P

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you know, if you got all those Acans n corals off the sand bed, and the rock exposing more sand it would look better me tinks, more negative space. Feels a little crowded to me, and should give a larger then it is look-then again my tank has like 6 lbs of rock in a 48x30" area, :P

I don't think it would look better, I know it would. Someone give this man some BSI glue or epoxy so he can clean it up!

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nah, they need to take over the sand bed and be the floor!!


you could do that too!,but I like a more natural looks as in nature-you don't see corals like that on the sand bed that much, there more on the rocks, like bommies n such, but this is not my tank and I'm slathering my opinion too much :rolleyes:

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Mr. Microscope

Unnnffff!!!! Gorgeous!!!

Thanks btl!

I noticed in your thread that you used what looks like a 24-well cell culture plate as a frag holder. How did that work? I am going to have to grab one from lab and see how it works.

It works, but since they have bottoms, detritus builds up in them and you have to clean the wells out sometimes. Also, there's the issue of having to attach a magnet to it. What I really like to use them for is fragging. I set one out on the table and load it up with plugs, then frag away and set the plags back on the rack while the glue dries. Then, I transfer my new frags to my proper frag rack.


This is what I'm talking about for anyone who's curious. It has a lid too what works well for resting unglued polyps, sticks, etc.


Looks like the clowns are doing water ballet, all synced up.

They dance quite well together! Here's a shot of them from back in July of 2012 making a heart as they swam in unison. ;)



you know, if you got all those Acans n corals off the sand bed, and the rock exposing more sand it would look better me tinks, more negative space. Feels a little crowded to me, and should give a larger then it is look-then again my tank has like 6 lbs of rock in a 48x30" area, :P

Unfortunately, there's no where to go with them. I agree that I really want more negative space, and I used to have my acans more on the sides of the tank, but then I couldn't see them in FTS's from the front and I really enjoy tracking growth progress. The anti-clutter maniac in me has actually gotten use to the the sandbed full of corals and even likes it. Admittedly, I do have a three frag plugs on the sandbed right in front that I probably should have removed from the shot, but they're new zoas that need time to adjust. I've had them for a couple months now and they've finally settled in and are starting to reproduce.

I don't think it would look better, I know it would. Someone give this man some BSI glue or epoxy so he can clean it up!

N'ah. I like my acan garden. There's no where else to go with them anyway. Though, I appreciate the input.

Check out this shot from back in July.


I had pretty much all my acans hidden away on the sides of the tank. It looked cleaner, but you couldn't see all the coral. Plus, my colonies are starting to get to nice sizes now and I don't think I could hide them if I tried.

nah, they need to take over the sand bed and be the floor!!

:) That's the idea now. Thanks for your input 1stimereefer!


you could do that too!,but I like a more natural looks as in nature-you don't see corals like that on the sand bed that much there more on the rocks like bommies n such, but this is not my tank and I'm slathering my opinion too much :rolleyes:

No worries Giga. I respect and appreciate constructive criticism. My acan colonies are actually on rocks, but they're quickly outgrowing them. Every few months or so, I glue more pieces of rubble on the bottom of the colonies so I can keep them growing nice and round.
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Mr. Microscope

In other news, here's one of those intimate tank additions some of you might appreciate. My toddler loves helping me top off the evap every day. I had a red line I drew with a sharpie, but it was hard to see. I made a new waterline with a plastic sticker my son donated for the tank. For any nautical enthusiasts out there, it might more accurately be called a Plimsoll Line. :lol:


I like the fact that now it looks like you're showcasing them. They looked dark and too hidden. Love the way the green torch pops!

Thanks! Me too. I'm all about the pop!
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Thanks Sailfish!

It looks like your dorm cube had a similar looks as well. I really like your aquascape. Is it still going? Nicely done!

Have you started your new system/tank thread yet?

The dorm cube is not running anymore.

Since I have to break down and set up the tank before and after every summer holiday, the plan before last summer was to set up the 24G Optiwhite cube after the summer, instead of the 7G again. But unfortunately because of much stress in school this year, I still haven't had the time to do so :( I miss reefing SO BAD! Actually, before Christmas I was extremely close to buy a tiny 3G AIO shallow cube, to set up for just Christmas 2013-Summer holiday 2014, but I decided I did not want all that hassle for just 5 months of up time.


So my goal now is to gather all the equipment that I need to be able to set up the 24G cube after the summer.


All the coral, fish, CUC and LR is in my friends 1000L reef tank:


That BTA you have on top of your rock looks truly stunning under actinics! WOW! :wub:

I would love to have multiple BTAs in my next setup, but my friend does not want to keep anemones in his reef tank over the summer, which is quite understandable. When I finish the studies and start working! Then! B)

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Mr. Microscope

That's an awesome way to get the kid involved. Practical to boot!

Yeah, he's really into it! He helps me make up fresh saltwater too. "Purple fish!" is his favorite right now. It's always hanging out in the, "Tunnel!" LOL :)


The dorm cube is not running anymore....

Sorry to hear about the transient lifestyle. But, one day you'll have enough time and money to enjoy it. Your friend's tank is quite impressive! Good luck with school. How close are you to finishing?

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Sorry to hear about the transient lifestyle. But, one day you'll have enough time and money to enjoy it. Your friend's tank is quite impressive! Good luck with school. How close are you to finishing?

Nothing to be sorry about, I chose it :lol:

Enough time, is something I don't realistically think I will ever get, even as a retired man. Although a bit more stationary living arrangements, would be great!


Thanks, I think so to! :) His tank is so large, that it had to be made inside the room it is in :rolleyes:


Thanks, again! I'm half way through third year of medical school, so that means 3,5 years more of university, then 1,5 years with internship, then 5-6 years more school to become a pediatrician... :blink: When I put it like that... that is many years of inconsistent reefing! :P


I wish you the best luck with your reefing to, dude! B)

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Hello fastuno,Yes. Once every week to two weeks or so I feed them small Elos pellets (sv1, yellow label) with a pipette. It's the same stuff I feed my fish. Usually, this is right before a water change. In addition to that, they get whatever falls on them while feeding the fish. Some of them get more than others at this time.
Are you always this careful with the food because of issues with nutrients in the past? Because I also read that you cut back on carbon dosing and GFO which are both for nutrient reduction.


I guess I'm just wondering if you have excess nutrients or low nutrients?

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Mr. Microscope

Your newest FTS are superb!


:lol: That waterline marker is the best sticker/idea ever! Luv it!

Thanks Zia! I was topping off the tank today with my son and he said, "Stop! Boat!" when I got enough water in there. lol.


Are you always this careful with the food because of issues with nutrients in the past? Because I also read that you cut back on carbon dosing and GFO which are both for nutrient reduction.


I guess I'm just wondering if you have excess nutrients or low nutrients?

Hey metrokat! Very valid concerns. No. I should probably be a little more sparing when feeding, but yes. Most of the food ends up in the corals or the fish. Thank you for asking about my nutrient levels as it's nudged me to take stock of my filtration strategy. I started out writing a novel here, but I went to bullet points to try to make all this info a little more bite sized.

  • 5 gallon weekly water changes
  • 9 tbs. BRS Rox 8.0 Carbon, 3 tsp. BRS Regular strength GFO changed about every three weeks (I've cut it down to help my zoas plump up and they have dramatically improved)
  • Nutrient testing with Red Sea PO and NO3 always read 0 (can't pull enough out of my pocket for a Hanna PO checker)
  • I just added 10 lbs. dry rock to the sump for added biological filtration since I'll shortly be adding five more nems
  • Chaetomorpha

That being said, algae has returned since I stopped carbon dosing, but it's at manageable levels for the time being and doesn't annoy me as much as it used to as I've gotten better at dealing with it.


My greatest frustration with algae is that it seems to be an all or nothing situation. As I've experimented with GFO, carbon dosing (vitamin C), water changes, and even a three day black out at one point, it seems I'm left with one of two situations; healthy corals and algae issues, or sickly/bleachy corals with no algae. The happy medium eludes me.


For the time being, my corals all look awesome. So, I guess I'm willing to deal with a little algae.


Any thoughts?




I bow to your geek-like skills, fellow lab rat! Well done.


You might be able to dremel out the bottoms, which might help with the detritus issue.

Thanks evanski! I think I've moved beyond geek-like and am now just a straight up geek. lol

Thanks for the dremel idea. That might do the trick.

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