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pics of my 25 gal


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don't worry about some moron. your tank looks incredible. I've been following this thread for a while now and every new pic you upload looks great.


your my 110% vote for next months TOTM!

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not worried. just gets old after a while when some "child" has to screw with people. happens on every board. 1st time it has happend to me here, so i thought id vent a little.

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i must say that the "fakes" look pretty cool though, and i probably wouldnt have even tried it if it wasnt brought up.

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Originally posted by corey0613

...the difference in the pics is the fact that the corals are "top shelf" for their species and most were pretty pricey.  i also have a better than average camera.  


Well, at least you are a humble fraud.

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Hey Corey, any chance you could take a full frontal pic of this beautiful setup, but with lights in the room on and say something like a coke can or whatever for reference (something common that has some color to it that we can all relate to, other than gray which doesn't change much with oversaturation)?


This will prove/disprove all doubt of your beautiful colorations based on the reference item(s).


btw, when are you planning your next vacation?.... I'll plan mine around that time also, so that I can come over and steal some frags from your tank...





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common mistake sandsrfr---- no saturation is adjusted. to get good pro quality pics you need to have a 5.0 mega pixel camera or better. you also must be familiar with basic photography settings such as white balance and +/- exposure. these are normally regulated through an external flash. like when you go have you picture taken @ the photographer he/she takes a flash first or has a meter to get a read out of current levels before shooting begins.

these are all based on your cameras ability and cannot be adjusted in the editing that i have. i just have the basic editing software that came with my camera. its really cheap and horrible. good for resizing only.


i will try the new shot, but everyone knows that you will have horrible results on full tanks with external lighting, plus the tank is in the wall in the basement hall way and the lighting isnt great, but i will se how it works.

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I am not trying to get in any debate, but say the pics were fake, which I doubt. Does it really matter guys, they are just some pics. Its not like he is submitting them for some kind of award that they need to be scrutinized like this.


I wish my pics looked this nice...sheesh.


They are just some pics of his tank, this is a pretty lame thing the argue about.



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JL Trunk you are dead on here, and I just got done fighting this issue over at my Cobra web site. Some kid posted a picture of a new 2005 Mustang on the road, but the catch was that it had an abnormally huge hood, and a very wide mean stance. When the kid posted the pics up stating that they very possibly could be test mules for a new Cobra, or better yet a new Shelby platform everyone ridiculed hime for them being fake and told him that he was nothing more than a photoshop hound. The truth of the mater was that they were real, and later on that week about 50 of his closest friends went with him to the test road that he saw it on and snapped a few more pics. If you read car and driver look forward to seeing these pics in there next month.

The moral to the story is that the pics are real, yes they do look to good to be true. All I ahve to say is that it is childish, and a waste of everyones time to try and assert your photoshop knowlege. The truth is that it isn't a crime to make a photo shop nor is it one to claim that it is real, it just makes one persons credibility go down. So if your not that one person, and you didn't take the picture don't point fingers and call them a liar until you are absolutely sure....other wise you are gonna feel aweful foolish when a 2006 cobra test mule drives past the window of Coreys' house while you are stareign face to face with this "photoshoped tank" in real life.

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I agree this is very prevalent on auto enthusiast sites. I moderate a custom truck site and people always photoshop stuff to make the rims look bigger or the truck lower or differnt paint. Im just like who cares, I know my truck is legit...if you want to play with a photosoftware on yours and it makes you feel better go for it.




I agree, its not a crime. And I also agree that these pics that have been posted here are legit. And if they werent I will still sleep tonight.

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thanks guys,


i agree that i try and share and some lamo has to call me out as being fake. im not going to let it stop me from doing what i enjoy and will post new pics soon. i am going to try some retakes, but as you all know i have since changed to MH lighting, and have sold a few corals. BTW the for sale thread is over @ www.reefaquariumguide.com under the buy sell trade forum and the title is corals for sale in topeka, KS.


the MH make the corals look unreal!!!!!!! expecially the rics. i have added 10 various SPS frags and things are really coming along nicely.


hopefully i will get pics up later tonight!!

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Originally posted by corey0613


these are all based on your cameras ability and cannot be adjusted in the editing that i have.  i just have the basic editing software that came with my camera.  its really cheap and horrible. good for resizing only.


IM not trying to to side with anyone, but these pics certainly look enhanced to me. Maybe your camera is not as great as you think, BTW what type of camera do you have? I must have missed it.




compare to a more natural look



Your tank definetly looks good, but try taking some pics without using photoshop and let us see what it really looks like.


Aww you have the Sony 5 pix, great camera I just think that the images are a bit enhanced. One of my co-workers just bought the new Sony DSCF828 8.0 megapixel and let me tell you, that one takes some awesome pics.

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you idiots,


how many times do i have to tell you i dont have photo shop!!!!!!!!!!!!


try reading the thread. there is almost a whole page dedicated to what type of camera i have.


my camera has a mode for shooting under any type of lighting that you can imagine and then you can manually adjust it to your liking.


dont rip on me because you shot your pics with a 3.2 MP camera and have no options on it to get "quality" shots.


i have a couple of people coming over to purchase corals this weekend. they arent on this forum but i'll see if they will take the time to comment on the tanks colors. that way you stupid a**es will shut up.


the fact that you think my tanks colors are SOOOOOOOO unreal, shows your lack of experience and exposure to truely remarkable tanks. mine doesnt even scratch the surface compared to what i have seen and used for inspiration.


go check out www.reefcentral.com TOTM section and rip on all those guys for having "quality" corals and setups!!!


this tank is nothing compared to those!!!!

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huachinago---- try taking pics with the sony DSC-V1. readup on how to properly use it ...........................then run your mouth!!!!!!


ignorance is bliss, to those uneducated!

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Huachinango, you seriously need a lesson in STFU.


I doubt these picks are fake. But if they were, it wouldn't matter to me. I'd only care if I had something to lose by viewing altered picks. For instance, if I was purchasing corals, I'd care if the pic was altered. Otherwise, are you just jealous cuz his tank looks better than yours or something?

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Dude, i am extemely jealous! I've been looking for this for a long time, info please!


Love your tank, beautiful colors, its like looking at the rainbow!


Now don't foget to tell me where you got that flower pot! :D

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Originally posted by corey0613

you idiots,  


how many times do i have to tell you i dont have photo shop!!!!!!!!!!!!  


try reading the thread.  there is almost a whole page dedicated to what type of camera i have.  


my camera has a mode for shooting under any type of lighting that you can imagine and then you can manually adjust it to your liking.  




Easy bud, you are going to blow a gasket!





I just can't see how you get such coloration on your tank with a few PC's. IM running a 175 MH and 2 72 WATT PC's under a 20 high and still do not get that coloration. Sorry if I have offended you, but I AM pretty knowledgeable when it comes to manipulating graphics and digital cameras and I can truly tell you that you enhanced those pics.




Originally posted by corey0613

huachinago---- try taking pics with the sony DSC-V1. readup on how to properly use it ...........................then run your mouth!!!!!!


ignorance is bliss, to those uneducated!


I've taken pics with far more superior cameras than your 5pix, you camera ain't that great!

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Originally posted by a moron

IM running a 175 MH and 2 72 WATT PC's  under a 20 high and still do not get


Nice try buddy. Did you mean 2 36 watt pc's? By the way, it's not just about how much light of what you have, it's also about what color (kelvin rating) light your using.





Originally posted by your savior, von digity

Huachinango, you seriously need a lesson in STFU.

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Originally posted by Von digity

Nice try buddy.  Did you mean 2 36 watt pc's?  By the way, it's not just about how much light of what you have, it's also about what color (kelvin rating) light your using.  




Yeah, tru dat. I ment 2 36 WATT. The MH is 20K, should I go with something else to get those colors in my tank?

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yes, if you want to get those colours in your tank then be willing to shell out and by top notch corals.


i've seen alot of those corals around, some are rare and harder to find, none the less if your willing to pay for em you can all have corals that are that colorful.


the lighting matters, but if your corals are brown to start with no matter what light you use there still going to be brown.


i've been in graphic design for over 5 years and to say that his pics are 'enhanced' forsure is completely ignorant.


until you can put up pics that look like his I say "put up or shut up", because you have absolutely no credibility in this hobbie.


and hopefully I'm not too bold in saying this, but can we get back to the reason the thread exists, which is seeing pics of corey's tank, not debating whether or not his pics are real.

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Honestly, I could care less about your tank and what lighting your running. What I think is stupid is that the 5 posts above your post on page 6, already pretty much killed the whole debate by settling that it really doesn't matter if the pics are fake or reall. Yet you still decided to stick you nose in it and back up the asshat comments that your boyfriend made.


How much more freaking space on this guys thread do you want to waste by acting like a dick?



Originally posted by Von digity

Huachinango, you seriously need a lesson in STFU.

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Enough said.


Corey, your tank rocks dude no doubt about it. I never said it didn't!


Originally posted by Von digity



Von, I'll let this pass this time.

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