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jbm's 20 long


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sweeeet! A whole lot clearer thats for sure


i know, like i said. it's about 99% clearer. changed my carbon again. gonna wait a few days before i do any more water changes.


then more stocking

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No thanks I have plenty of my own rocks. LoL


idk what im going to do with that one, might put it in the 5g,


anyway. got a new frag. Reverse gorilla nips. Im acclimating it now.

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it depends on how i obtained them.


If coral by mail: I generally float them in the sealed bag for 60-90 minutes, then add them right into the aquarium.


if coral or fish by lfs, i acclimate it thru the drip method. 1-3 drips per second for 30-45 minutes.


cuc from reefcleaners: float 15 minutes, dump em right in.

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oh wow, like that? so why do u drip for the lfs corals? i understand for fish.. but if ur gonna 'bag method' them for coral by mail, why not also for lfs?

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taken from reef cleaners:


During the shipping process, ammonia levels in the shipping bags build, while the ph level goes down. As the ph goes down the toxicity of ammonia also goes down. However, when your tank water with normal ph is introduced to the shipping bags, and the ph rises, so does the toxicity of the ammonia, and you will be poisoning the livestock


i drip coral from lfs because there is no ammonia in the bag. & generally open within 5 minutes of being introduced, where as shipped corals take a few days

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excellent -- thanks for that.. -- I haven't bought anything from mail in sources -- but Im going to start, and I was actually thinking of dripping all of them! thanks again

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Perhaps something that wont destroy my carpet.



Anyway, weekly parameters.


Calcium 400

Salinity 1.026

Temp 76.8*

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 0

Ph 8.3

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Haha well in all seriousness I've seen people use fishing line and tiny little trout hooks. Otherwise most of the time people have to pull rocks out and grab them during a water change. I think you should try the soda bottle trap. Someone has a big write up you could find in the search or whatever.

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whn ever i need to move fish i justgrab my net and feed. it takes some practice but when theyre eating they are too busy to think about that blurred black thing.

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experimenting with a fish trap (water bottle with the mouth cut backwards)


doesnt seem to be working, even with flake food in there



god i hate this fish

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