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Minis Galore!


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Cats are evil.

GO AWAY JACOB!!! Only cat lovers are allowed in here :P


Love that rock

Thanks! I was fixing a frag that fell and ended up knocking over the cave on the right. :o I just finished putting it back together with reef putty... love that stuff!

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lol me too... I only have 2... i'd have more if I could lol

Haha our family has 3 cats total, but I only have one :P


Cats are evil.

:o Cats are adorable!

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ender wiggin

wow...i love the look that your light gives! In person, does it seem too much like a spotlight? I have a 7.5g tank that i'm starting soon and i hate the little PC light i have on it. i'm thinking i might try a light like yours! love the tank!

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wow...i love the look that your light gives! In person, does it seem too much like a spotlight? I have a 7.5g tank that i'm starting soon and i hate the little PC light i have on it. i'm thinking i might try a light like yours! love the tank!

no, it spreads nicely. I like it!

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Haha our family has 3 cats total, but I only have one :P



:o Cats are adorable!

hehe, i agree. my family has two. the youngest one stuck his paws in the tank right after he'd had surgery on them, and then a few minutes later i see him shaking his paws from the salt :huh: . he also stole a frag plug[no frag on it, thank goodness!]. they sure make reefing more interesting!

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hehe, i agree. my family has two. the youngest one stuck his paws in the tank right after he'd had surgery on them, and then a few minutes later i see him shaking his paws from the salt :huh: . he also stole a frag plug[no frag on it, thank goodness!]. they sure make reefing more interesting!

Aww poor little guy

My cats don't see any interest in my tanks, they like windowsills better :P



:rolleyes: Just curious

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Everytime I see you get a tank started, I know it's going to be something special. You have definitely reinforced the idea in my head about ADA aquariums being the way to go. Nothing else looks so good. With the Mame glass equipment hitting the states, you can have all the gadgetry one could hope for.


This is a tank full of sexy shrimp hanging out on even sexier anemones.

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Cats are evil.
:o Cats are adorable!

This reminds me of a funny story my friend told me (true story)- So he was at his aunts house and he walked into the kitchen. He goes to open a cabinet. He opens the cabinet AND A CAT JUMPS OUT OF IT AT HS FACE AND STARTS CLAWING HIS EYES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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This reminds me of a funny story my friend told me (true story)- So he was at his aunts house and he walked into the kitchen. He goes to open a cabinet. He opens the cabinet AND A CAT JUMPS OUT OF IT AT HS FACE AND STARTS CLAWING HIS EYES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:eek: lol omgsh

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This reminds me of a funny story my friend told me (true story)- So he was at his aunts house and he walked into the kitchen. He goes to open a cabinet. He opens the cabinet AND A CAT JUMPS OUT OF IT AT HS FACE AND STARTS CLAWING HIS EYES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



:eek: lol omgsh

0:1 for the cat :P

we had one go on top of the fridge...but he couldn't get down :huh:

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My cat drools all over me when i cuddle him... Is that normal? lol


Everytime I see you get a tank started, I know it's going to be something special. You have definitely reinforced the idea in my head about ADA aquariums being the way to go. Nothing else looks so good. With the Mame glass equipment hitting the states, you can have all the gadgetry one could hope for.


This is a tank full of sexy shrimp hanging out on even sexier anemones.

awwww thanks for your kind words! rimless in general is they way to go. ADA just has superb craftsmanship when it comes to rimless tank building!


The mame equipment is really nice!


Haha yeah it was him!


lol He deserves his own reality show! that guy is just plane whacko. Did you see him on celebrity rehab haha he made the show.




Well, I was just looking at my tank and the anemones are settling in nicely. The spiral rock is starting to get completely covered... it's beautiful! I'll try to get some pictures up soon.

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My cat drools all over me when i cuddle him... Is that normal? lol



Well, I was just looking at my tank and the anemones are settling in nicely. The spiral rock is starting to get completely covered... it's beautiful! I'll try to get some pictures up soon.

Lol no, you have a freak cat :P jk, it just must be...different


omgomgomg yaaay pictures!

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Love the tank. I think I might go with 1 of these bulbs over a 10 gal. just to keep a pair of clowns, mushrooms, gsp's, and maybe a few zoas. My 20 has razor caulerpa and I'm done with it. Just gonna start a new tank with all new rock and move the clowns to it. I have had them for about 6 years now so I'm kind of attached. Or else I would give them to someone local. They are mean, I can't add any fish to the 20 cause the will kill it. They attack my hand when removing the caulerpa.


But about the cat drooling, I once had a cat that when it would get in my lap, it would start drooling on my sleeve, I'm talkin' leavin' a wet spot. That was the only cat. I have 3 now. The newest cat, a stray I rescued does it sometimes, but not as bad.



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Lol no, you have a freak cat :P jk, it just must be...different

we had one that snored...i think they all have their own little quirks :huh:

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Love the tank. I think I might go with 1 of these bulbs over a 10 gal. just to keep a pair of clowns, mushrooms, gsp's, and maybe a few zoas. My 20 has razor caulerpa and I'm done with it. Just gonna start a new tank with all new rock and move the clowns to it. I have had them for about 6 years now so I'm kind of attached. Or else I would give them to someone local. They are mean, I can't add any fish to the 20 cause the will kill it. They attack my hand when removing the caulerpa.


But about the cat drooling, I once had a cat that when it would get in my lap, it would start drooling on my sleeve, I'm talkin' leavin' a wet spot. That was the only cat. I have 3 now. The newest cat, a stray I rescued does it sometimes, but not as bad.



My cat LOVES me! I'm the only one he drools on... He adores me! lol he loves to lay around my neck while I walk around the house and when I take him off my hair is wet from all his drooling. It's pretty gross lol


Which bulb is this? Is it the 12k or 20k and what degree optic? I kind of scanned all the posts a little quick and might have missed it.



20K 60 degrees



we had one that snored...i think they all have their own little quirks :huh:

lol I had a snoring cat too!




New pictures!!





















These still need to go into the tank...









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New pictures!!





















These still need to go into the tank...










Oh wow! :wub: them nemz


Can I have them :flower:

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Thanks guys!!! This is my favorite tank I've made so far. I love the way it's looking.


Yoshii, Where did you get the cute little seahorses that you have in your sig? Can I use them too? lol

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