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Banjo's Biocube 29


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I'll be sure to get many more pictures, but thought I'd update with a few quick photos of the tank overall.


I've made tons of changes the last few months.


Changed from NEP 20" T5 to BoostLED Mu135 LED


Removed: anemone, a couple corals

Added: a bunch of SPS, cleaner shrimp


I've been leaning more towards the SPS direction over a mixed reef. Haven't fully made up my mind yet.






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Hey, tank looks amazing!


Also, your the reason I picked my account name. :)


Thank you.


Hahaha. I was going to make my avatar a picture of Banjo, lol, but figured it would be too corny with you running around as Kazooie. So... I went with House!

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Hey banjo your tank looks really sweet, I just started my own tank not to long ago BC HQI, I looked through all the pages in your thread. In your earlier pictures you had white specs all over the back of your aquarium, what was it? im starting to get the same thing I hope it coraline algae, I also started my own thread you should check it out.



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Hey banjo your tank looks really sweet, I just started my own tank not to long ago BC HQI, I looked through all the pages in your thread. In your earlier pictures you had white specs all over the back of your aquarium, what was it? im starting to get the same thing I hope it coraline algae, I also started my own thread you should check it out.






Thank you for the comment! I'm not 100% sure what they were. Perhaps tiny barnicles or coraline? I haven't had them in a long time and if I ever do see anything on my back wall I just scrape it off with a razor. Quick fix!

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Very nice banjo! Thanks to you I'm the new owner of an Mu135! How do you like it so far?


I really like it. It's an awesome light. You will not be disappointed!




A great tank! Looks awesome :)


Thank you yoshii :)


+2 Incredible..


Thanks Rehype! I appreciate it.

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how long have you had those anthias? what and how many times a day do you feed them? about how big do each grow be? why does your tank look ten times better than mine?

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WOW! Beautiful Nano.


Congratulations! Your corals are wonderful!


Thanks manochio!



how long have you had those anthias? what and how many times a day do you feed them? about how big do each grow be? why does your tank look ten times better than mine?


I've had them both for roughly a year. I feed them heavily once a day. I alternate between Cyclopeeze, PE Mysis, Formula One Pellets, and Prime Reef Flake. They'll stay small, topping out around 3" to 4" if they stay female. Which they should since they are the only of their respective species in the tank.


Lol, thank you, but I do not know how to answer that one! :P

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all i can say is wow, your tank is superb. you have accomplished the look we are all striving for. nice work!


Thanks new-b-reefer! I appreciate it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I now have an AI Sol Blue and controller installed. I'll have to get pictures up once I get my hands on the DSLR again.


I love the options this light provides. Wish I would have went dimmable to begin with. I seem to be able to sit here for hours messing with the color combinations.

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Well, I now have an AI Sol Blue and controller installed. I'll have to get pictures up once I get my hands on the DSLR again.


I love the options this light provides. Wish I would have went dimmable to begin with. I seem to be able to sit here for hours messing with the color combinations.


welcome to the club....beware and start low! its got some B@lls.... lol, im still tweaking mine...

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