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Cultivated Reef

Banjo's Biocube 29


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Looks like the tank is developing nicely.

I am thinking of trying out some T5 over my BC29, how much have you played with the color in the photos before posting?






I darken, adjust the color, and sharpen the pictures slightly via Google Picasa. They are actually a more accurate representation than fresh off the camera. I use a Nikon D40.

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I darken, adjust the color, and sharpen the pictures slightly via Google Picasa. They are actually a more accurate representation than fresh off the camera. I use a Nikon D40.


I just took a quick shot without messing with any of the colors:




It comes out much more actinic on camera than it is to the eye. I don't know if I'm just taking the pictures wrong or what. It isn't my DSLR, so I haven't messed with it much. :)

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WOw nice tank you got and awesome color!


Have few Q's if you dont mind me asking cuz i have the same Bio-29 and am thinking about either wait for nanotuner to release 6 T5 for biocube hood or NOva Pro .


My concern is water evpo. hows your water ? do you have to fill RO DI water every day or ?


Also- Vortech MP10 running ~75% on Reef Crest....-> wow at 75% Mp 10 ???


Why you picked reef creat? just curious..


I tried set it up same as you but my clowns hate it! so do some corals..i had to turn down to about 45% and used NTM mode (mp10 ES) ..


I plaved it on left side/middle..





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Water evaporation is pretty brutal. Not as bad per say as it is with MH, but it's still open top. Yes, I manually top off daily. Though I also live in FL, so my evaporation will be even worse here due to the heat.


Yeah, I run at ~75% on Reef Crest. I picked Reef Crest because it's the most 'random' mode out of the settings. Lagoon is similar, but it doesn't have near the randomness. It's a more smooth, yet not as powerful current. You could try using that and cranking your power up higher. 45% seems pretty low for a BC29, unless you're running a tank full of soft corals and LPS.


Your clowns should easily be fine with 75%. Maybe try placing it higher in the aquarium? I'm not sure, haha. My Anthias absolutely love the flow.

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Yeah i have a lot of corals LOL! also dont want to cause sand storm :)


Mp10 is little high than center spot on left side, maybe from top to down- 6".


QUESTION again......Anthias - I was told NO NO in my tank cuz it need a little big tank for it huh ? is it growing up to 5" ?


I would like to hear from you.



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Yeah i have a lot of corals LOL! also dont want to cause sand storm :)


Mp10 is little high than center spot on left side, maybe from top to down- 6".


QUESTION again......Anthias - I was told NO NO in my tank cuz it need a little big tank for it huh ? is it growing up to 5" ?


I would like to hear from you.




Haha, yeah. I have mine set to the point where it's just under causing a sand storm. :)


I was told the same thing about Anthias when I first started the hobby, but the species that I chose do stay smaller. I also provide adequate flow and feeding. They've been doing well. Though it's definitely an intermediate fish. If you went that route, I'd definitely pick a more hardy and smaller species, such as a Lyretail.

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  • 1 month later...

I am envious of those colors man! Everything is looking great, especially that bubble.


P.S. I just update my thread. You should check out the harlequin shrimp shots, I think you'll get a kick out of them

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hi there love the tank

jaust wondering is ther any magor risks of going rimless?

i have a biocube 29HQI and i was thinking about it but im not sure if i want to


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  • 3 weeks later...
hi there love the tank

jaust wondering is ther any magor risks of going rimless?

i have a biocube 29HQI and i was thinking about it but im not sure if i want to



Major... not really. I mean there are more risks, but nothing I'd sweat about.



Looks great Banjo!Love the choice of coral and fish!



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  • 3 months later...

Very nicely done. I like the pastel look of the tank. Is the bubble coral sending out sweepers? They are pretty aggressive coral and will sting the other coral around them.

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Gorgeous tank! Great use of color


Thank you clayphx! :)



Very nicely done. I like the pastel look of the tank. Is the bubble coral sending out sweepers? They are pretty aggressive coral and will sting the other coral around them.


Thank you for the compliment.


Unfortunately, yes it is. It has become quite the problem as well. It has taken out 3 entire colonies since the last time I posted pictures. I rescaped the other day mainly just for this coral, and to give my anemone to my brother, since it was getting entirely too large for my aquarium. I can't have anything near it except my brains (which seem to be unaffected by its sweepers). But yeah... takes up a good 1/4th to 1/3rd my tank.


They are nearly unfragable, so eventually I'll just have to get a bigger tank if I want to keep my larger pieces. Which are also my favorites... so quite the dilemma.

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Oh wow.


Thank you for the links. Appreciate them. I've always been under the assumption that if you try and frag the bubbles, elegance, wall type euphyllias, the mortality rate is always extremely high. Those are some great directions. I especially like the rubber band idea I read on one of them.

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Hey, thanks for all the help and your tank is an inspiration. Looks great being rimless, very unique. Do you have any suicidal fish that jump out?

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Great tank! An inspiration for fellow BC29 owners. Mine should be running in a month or two.


Thank you so much RedStang. I look forward to seeing yours in the future. :)



Hey, thanks for all the help and your tank is an inspiration. Looks great being rimless, very unique. Do you have any suicidal fish that jump out?


You're very welcome and thank you. Yeah, I love the rimless look as well. I could never go back now after doing it. Kinda wish I just went with a Solana instead, haha.


Nope, no suicidal fish yet. *crosses fingers*... I know that any fish has the potential to jump, but the variety that I have chosen don't seem as apt to :)

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