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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Banjo's Biocube 29


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Its more of brown hair algae in spots on my rock..... and on the sand its light brown and darker green in my cave setup...... and purple and red in spots on the rock as well

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Banjo quesiton on the Skimmer.


I have the same skimmer and can't get the settings right. Any advice or can you tell me where you have the knob set at?

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Its more of brown hair algae in spots on my rock..... and on the sand its light brown and darker green in my cave setup...... and purple and red in spots on the rock as well


Well, if you have bad hair algae, there are some ways to help get rid of it. Just google the topic and there's tons of information on it. Brown/light green algae is just from extra nutrients. Everyone has to clean their tanks of this stuff, mainly glass/sand.


The purple/red is coralline.


Banjo quesiton on the Skimmer.


I have the same skimmer and can't get the settings right. Any advice or can you tell me where you have the knob set at?


What are your problems with it? Too much water going into the cup?


Mine is set about halfway and the water level stays right at the beginning of the cup, gives me a nice dark brown and green fluid at this level. It took me about 3 weeks to find the perfect setting though. If you're running this on a BC and are using filter floss in front of the water output to prevent micro bubbles, try using less or moving it further away from the holes. If you have it directly blocking, it will cause your water level to raise much higher in the cup and you will never be able to skim properly. This happened to me as well.

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I have it on a Solana (Moded) and it just seems to skim very wet. I might close the valve and see what i get.


Yeah, mine skimmed very wet as well until I put less of the floss in front of the exit grates near the top. It let water pass through it more easily.

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Yeah, just tinker back and forth with it. Once it starts running properly, it's a very good skimmer for the money.

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Anyone know white type of snail leaves little white eggs on the glass? They are maybe 5-10 of them in random portions of the glass, spread out about a half inch away from each other. I constantly keep wiping them off, but they won't stop spawning! At least I'm assuming these are snail eggs...

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I removed the chaeto because I could no longer stand random small pieces getting sucked into my pump in chamber 3 or being pushed out into the display. Got really irritating unplugging my pump every other day. It was the main reason I bought the skimmer.


Plus, how much does the small amount of chaeto actually help in chamber 2? I'd imagine it doesn't make that much of a difference.


And as far as the skimmer placement in chamber 1, I'd much rather have it in chamber 2, but the fluctuating water level would probably make it pointless.



How were you able to fit your Aquaticlife Protein Skimmer in your biocube chamber 1? you got any pix? I have been trying to get that same PS to fit in mine propoperly. It seems to restrict a great deal of flow...

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How were you able to fit your Aquaticlife Protein Skimmer in your biocube chamber 1? you got any pix? I have been trying to get that same PS to fit in mine propoperly. It seems to restrict a great deal of flow...


It fits right into it almost perfectly. I haven't noticed any flow restrictions. Just google "AquaticLife Mini in Biocube 29" and there should be a Nano-reef link with instructions on how to put it in. I followed this guide.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Those anthias ever jump on you?


Beautiful tank.


Love the hammer and frog together. Get a torch!


Thank you :)


Nope, no jumping problems at all. They're never even towards the top, always about mid-column constantly swimming back and forth. They add such color to the tank.


And yeah! I already have DEFINITE plans on a torch. I'm just waiting to find the perfect one :)


I've added like 10 acan frags and moved a lot of the coral around since the last pictures. I'll have to get an updated FTS soon.


I also am on the fence about what to do with my GBTA. I love it to death and it adds a touch of flavor to my aquarium, but unfortunately it moved a few weeks ago. One night I woke up to it almost on top my green Acropora colony. I had to frag 75% of it due to the stinging :( I'll probably be getting rid of it soon even though it's stopped moving the last two weeks. Just don't want to risk it moving again and killing another one of my corals.

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I'm new to this forum, and just got a 29 g BioCube this week. I'm trying to figure out how much live rock to get, and the store simply gave me the standard guidelines and said it all depended on what I want my tank to look like. I love the look of yours--how many pounds of live rock do you have in it?

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like the tank is developing nicely.

I am thinking of trying out some T5 over my BC29, how much have you played with the color in the photos before posting?



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