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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Banjo's Biocube 29


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How's your nano reef doing these days Banjo? It's time for a new FTS! :)



+1 It has been a while.





Sorry :(


Not great by any means. I think I posted earlier about it, but working full time and going to school for my graduate degree doesn't leave as much free time as I'd like for the aquarium. And when I'm not busy, I just don't have the motivation or I'm too tired to deal with it.


Due to this I've lost corals, mainly a few of the SPS that were shown in the last photo. It has just been kind of on auto-pilot and I've neglected water changes from weekly to every two weeks. Thankfully though everything has now seemed to stabilize since it's worst (about a month or two ago) and it's looking a tad better. Though I'm now all about automation. I upgraded to a huge skimmer for this size aquarium (Reef Octopus BH-1000) and have installed the Apex Jr. with dual dosing pumps. Only thing I have to do daily is vodka dosing, but I've been lazy about that and skipping/forgetting days so I will probably have to stop it entirely.


But like I said, part of it is being busy, but honestly I also think part of it is boredom. I have too much invested to cut my losses per say, but I've been thinking really hard about an upgrade from the ugly design that is the BC29. Might do something with it over winter break (hopefully). And I'm sure that'll re-spark my interest, which is my main goal.



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Sorry :(


Not great by any means. I think I posted earlier about it, but working full time and going to school for my graduate degree doesn't leave as much free time as I'd like for the aquarium. And when I'm not busy, I just don't have the motivation or I'm too tired to deal with it.


Due to this I've lost corals, mainly a few of the SPS that were shown in the last photo. It has just been kind of on auto-pilot and I've neglected water changes from weekly to every two weeks. Thankfully though everything has now seemed to stabilize since it's worst (about a month or two ago) and it's looking a tad better. Though I'm now all about automation. I upgraded to a huge skimmer for this size aquarium (Reef Octopus BH-1000) and have installed the Apex Jr. with dual dosing pumps. Only thing I have to do daily is vodka dosing, but I've been lazy about that and skipping/forgetting days so I will probably have to stop it entirely.


But like I said, part of it is being busy, but honestly I also think part of it is boredom. I have too much invested to cut my losses per say, but I've been thinking really hard about an upgrade from the ugly design that is the BC29. Might do something with it over winter break (hopefully). And I'm sure that'll re-spark my interest, which is my main goal.




I'm just now finding your thread, you did a wonderful job with your BC! I'm sure you'll do just a great with your possible upgrade.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

hey banjo, any update?

It definitely hasn't seemed like 2 and a half years since I've last posted here. I'll get a FTS up soon after I clean the tank up a bit.

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