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Unofficial nano-reef 12" cube contest


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I mean i dont want to go back on my rules, but like i said before, this is a democracy so the majority chooses. At first it seemed like almost everyone was for having the choice to move it, but now its the other way around. For now we'll leave it as was originally planned, since ; if you want a media rack you can easily add a baffle; but if enough people (the majority) feel that it is very important for them to have the choice of having the baffle raised or lowered then i'll change the rules.

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My vote is to allow the baffle raised or lowered. I want mine raised. The cube looks identical, has no more material, etc. I thought the point of the contest was to start with tanks that looked the same and then built them up as we wanted to create what we expect to be the most beneficial tank. If the majority votes against allowing changes, I will be fine with that.

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I dont mind making diff baffle settings, but i just like i said need accountability so once all the material is cut and im ready to weld im going to need to know exactly who wants what :)



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Fuge for me..And please understand I'm not trying to be an A$$ here(even tho I'm sure it's coming out like that) but the original design is what people signed up for, paid Eric for, etc. I understand that people want to customize based on their intentions with the tank...but it all comes back to everyone starting with the same tank and doing what THEY can to make it the winner. I know Eric said it's not a big hassle for him to adjust the baffle however individual requests to modify the tank after everything was finalized (who will be participating, tanks being paid for, etc) is really just going to complicate everything...it's simplenough :P to go with the original plans, to have everyone start with the same tank and allow people to DIY mod it post production to make it THE WINNING TANK. As said before you can add an additional baffle to make the media rack addition functional.

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Fuge for me..And please understand I'm not trying to be an A$$ here(even tho I'm sure it's coming out like that) but the original design is what people signed up for, paid Eric for, etc. I understand that people want to customize based on their intentions with the tank...but it all comes back to everyone starting with the same tank and doing what THEY can to make it the winner. I know Eric said it's not a big hassle for him to adjust the baffle however individual requests to modify the tank after everything was finalized (who will be participating, tanks being paid for, etc) is really just going to complicate everything...it's simplenough :P to go with the original plans, to have everyone start with the same tank and allow people to DIY mod it post production to make it THE WINNING TANK. As said before you can add an additional baffle to make the media rack addition functional.




put me down for the original design...

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I'm neutral on this whole thing, although Java Jacket makes a good point, and it'd be much less complicated if we just stuck with the original design, especially now that its kind of cutting it close to when the actual building will start, but like i said its up to the majority...

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noooooo dont drop out..i agree though, some people are making things a lot more complicated than it needs to be, but it'll all get sorted out cuz once the tanks are shipped out there is no more changing rules no matter how much people argue...just hold on for like another week.


Ok people paid a good amount of money for these tanks, so the baffle can be raised or lowered for their personal needs. If you are against this then stick with the original design; like i said before, voters will take this sort of stuff into account. Its not like having a raised baffle gives you an unfair advantage, its just slightly different, if you can add baffles and move them then why not allow them to be raised or lowered. It's not that complicated, and really it's just a minimal issue. It's not like they are asking to completely change the look, function of the tank, all they are asking for is to have water flow under the baffle instead of over. Thats it.

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chiming in again.... I would like a fuge and personally i don't mind what everyone else wants to do. We each paid for a tank and should get the right to decide since Erick said it was ok. I just don't want to order a fuge and get one made for a rack by mistake.

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ok, so if you want the baffle raised make sure to speak up otherwise you will get the original design.

After this there is no more changing of the rules. Erickrm is getting the material soon and it is too late to be changing stuff up on him. I feel that the rules on the first page are as fair as we can get, and unless some "major" issue arises they will stay as is.

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Ok I'm going to sound like a complete moron, and feel free to say so, but I have to ask. What is everyone arguing about? I don't even know what a media rack is, besides something I keep my DVD's on. What's the deal with raising/lowering the baffle? What are you all talking about?

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ok, so if you want the baffle raised make sure to speak up otherwise you will get the original design.

After this there is no more changing of the rules. Erickrm is getting the material soon and it is too late to be changing stuff up on him. I feel that the rules on the first page are as fair as we can get, and unless some "major" issue arises they will stay as is.


Keep mine the same.


Raising and lowering the baffle (The dividing thing in the back of the tank). If you keep it the same the water fills up and flows to the next chamber. If your raise it, the water goes to the next chamber under the baffle. (I THINK. I might be completely off here.)


Like in scooternerds picture




There are 2 baffles in that picture. (Good if you want to stick some kind of filter material there because the water is forced to go through there. Theres only enough material for one baffle each tank though (which is fine). The first baffle in that picture is a raised one, the 2nd baffle is like the original plan, goes all the way to the bottom of the tank forcing the water to go over (for a fuge). Again I might be completely off but thats what I am getting from this.

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Thank you! Haha I do feel like an idiot though, now that I know what you're talking about it's simple. But if you kept the baffle on the bottom, couldn't you just add one to the top yourself, and make it just like the one in that picture with two baffles?

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yea you could add another baffle if you'd like. Its really up to the individual person, but some people rather skip the trouble and have erick just move up the baffle, which also makes perfect sense.

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So should we start a list of preferences, or do you want to add our preference next to our name on the first page? RAISED BAFFLE for me. Thanks.

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So should we start a list of preferences, or do you want to add our preference next to our name on the first page? RAISED BAFFLE for me. Thanks.

ill add your preference next to your name; but only for people that want a raised baffle, if you want your baffle lowered, then ill just leave your name blank. Anyone that doesnt specifically state that they want a raised baffle will get a lowered baffle as was originally planned.

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You keep saying the rules are set no changing the tanks and as soon as some one comes up with somthing you go along with it. IE the drilling the hole for the chiller we ok it moving baffles adding baffles. We need to stick 10000000% to the way this first started out or let ppl do what ever they like with the tank. The fact is this is suppose to be fun and ALL THE SAME TANKS IF you add somthing or take somthing out well then we no longer have the same tanks.So once more plz stick to YOUR RULLES SIMPLE OR CHANGE THEM.


You can click on the contestants links below to follow their progress

An official starting date will be decided soon!


-Contestants have the option of having a raised (for media rack) or lowered (for fuge) baffle. If you want it raise make sure to PM me or post in the thread; otherwise you will get a lowered baffle.


Ok, although the contest has yet to start i decided to create a thread for this so i can list the rules, dates and hopefully get more people interested.

If you want to join, here is the link

This contest is based around the idea that everyone starts with the same exact aquarium, same dimensions, material, false wall, etc. (most of which are being built by erickrm)


-spending limit of $250 for livestock, if you are taking livestock from another system you own then you must make a "reasonable" estimate as to how much it is worth.

-no sumps allowed, the tank must be an AIO, with the same exact design as the one's erickrm is building. No adding HOB fuges, canister filter's, etc. to avoid adding volume

-"The contest is a 12" AIO cube contest, this doesn't need to be more difficult than need be, use the area in the tank that makes this an AIO for your pump, filtration etc and that's it. This isn't the here's a cube add 400 million outside extra's contest." This will be taken into account when judging for the aquariums is done.

- Winner will be decided by a poll at the end of the contest,

-no restrictions on lighting or other hardware in terms of price.

-everyone starts on the same day, to assure this you will be asked to place a random item in your empty tank, the day before the supposed starting date, and take a picture.

-an FTS update of your aquarium is required every two weeks for the first five months and weekly for the last month, although the more updates the better.

- The contest will last 6 months.

- You can build you own aquarium as long as it is the same exact dimensions, material, design, as the one's erickrm is building, if you have any questions in regards to this, PM erickrm. It has to be EXACTLY the same. Also, if you build your own, you are not eligible for the prize.


- I will post a starting date for the contest as soon as erickrm has shipped out the tanks.

This is the list of people that have paid and are participating, so far. (if you are definitely participating and are not on the list post on here so i can add you)







-shoot me I explode




-Watts (raise the baffle to run a media rack)


-Doc Frye (raise the baffle to run a media rack)




-scooternerd (building his own)



-lajz9(raise the baffle to run a media rack)


Once again if you wish to participate, here is the link to the GB of the 12" cubes.


That's all i can think of for now. Any recommendations are welcome. This is my first time organizing something like this so i'm sure i must have left something out



This contest is based around the idea that everyone starts with the same exact aquarium, same dimensions, material, false wall, etc. (most of which are being built by erickrm)

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ok patrick, i was trying to do this in an open manner where people voice their suggestions Thats why on the first page it says

That's all i can think of for now. Any recommendations are welcome. This is my first time organizing something like this so i'm sure i must have left something out
. It never says that those are the final rules and they will not be changed. This thread was made so that we can make adjustments to the rules in order to satisfy the majority. I don't know why giving people the choice to move a baffle a couple of inches higher became such a huge deal, but anyways it made me realize that it is getting too close to the starting date for us to be changing stuff up on erick, and that people were starting to argue about minute details which is why i decided to finalize the rules.
I feel that the rules on the first page are as fair as we can get, and unless some "major" issue arises they will stay as is.
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ok patrick, i was trying to do this in an open manner where people voice their suggestions Thats why on the first page it says . It never says that those are the final rules and they will not be changed. This thread was made so that we can make adjustments to the rules in order to satisfy the majority. I don't know why giving people the choice to move a baffle a couple of inches higher became such a huge deal, but anyways it made me realize that it is getting too close to the starting date for us to be changing stuff up on erick, and that people were starting to argue about minute details which is why i decided to finalize the rules.

It maters because you are changeing the filtering system. If some ppl are runing a fuge and if some are runing meda it now splits every ones tank in half one half has this the other half has that. The hole pont was for us to have the same tank rules are differnt then how a tank is being built. To me and tell me if im wrong a rule is say the 250.00 live stock. To me the same tank was not a rule but the hole point to this contest.

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