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My 75 Gallon peninsula tank


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It seems that the death has stopped....knock wood....the total death toll was stunning, but I managed to save frags of a few of the victims. Hopefully it has levelled out and I can finish chopping out the victims' skeletons and get some regrowth started soon. I will try to bring myself to get a few pics before the weekend is over. The rest of the house situating is taking a high priority now that the tank is fully operational.

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Okay, so I finaly got my shirt together and took pictures and found my camera cable, so here is a BIG post with lots of new pics after the move. I'm going to start with some death and destruction shots after the RTN storm....


Here is my JC Quadricolor Acro mini colony....I still have some of this one but it looks bad....



My beloved Acropora desalwii colony...it's completely gone but a friend has a frag of it for me....



The ORA Hyacinth Seriatopora hysterix birdsnest....still a little bit of life, I'm going to frag off the alive part and start it again...



My ORA Blue Millepora...I have a pretty good hunk of it still....



This is my huge ORA Chips Acro colony....I saved a few frags of it as well....



My amazing Tricolor Acropora Valida is dead, but I saved some of it too....



The ORA Rose Millepora took a hit, but it's still hanging in there....I need to chop out the dead part so it will start to grow again...



This is what's left of my ORA Neon Green Birdsnest colony....



Now...on the up-side....here are a few of the great saves....First, this is my frag fo the Tricolor valida...



Here is my big frag or small colony of the ORA Blue Mille....



The Purple Slimer managed to dodge the bullet....



And so did the ORA Oregon Blue Acropora tortuosa...



This is part of the remaining Quadricolor Acropora, you can see some RTN damage on it....I have another nice piece of it too....



This little guy is a Neon Green Caulastrea Candy Cane coral that is a real Survivor....It fell down through the rockwork and into the deep darks about a year and a half ago....I found it when I tore down....



And now...here are a few shots of the whole system...I love natural "rock pile" aquascaping and am quite happy with how the islands turned out.....




















I look forward to getting a few nice new sticks, and a bunch of the old ones and seeing just how wild I can get them to grow out!


Thanks for looking,


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Nick's Reef

I'm digging the new rock works, sucks about the sps but they'll grow back. Hopefully sometime down the road we can trade again.

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Yup, sounds like a plan to me....as for the scape, I was just trying to get the rocks in and as many corals positioned for appropriate lighting as I could, with a cave for the fishies, with intentions of coming back for a proper scape. Then I looked at it a few times and really liked what I saw. Before the main colonies died it looked REALLY good. And it will again!

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I have had a real outpouring of support from my local reef community taht it warms my heart. Numerous folks have said they will share frags of anything I need to replace, and nearly everything I lost has been offered. A fwew frags that I was just starting out are still missing, but it's been amazing as I have multiple offers of several items. I guess the old addage whatever goes around comes around is ringing true for me. I try to share as much as I can, and I suppose Karma is smiling upon me now.


It does a soul good..... -_-

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The rebuilding begins. I took the rock that my Tricolor was growing on and chopped all that off of it. The spot is now home to my ORA Borealis acro. I guess it's time for the old "from the ashes" thing to begin. This weekend I am going to try and get together with a couple of people who have frags for me and start getting the new reef going. I'm getting several Acroporae and Seriatopora birdsnests to begin with. I will put up some pics as things come into the tank.

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Tank looks great but sorry for all those sps's that you lost man I've never seen that many acro's and what not all white,is that all from RTN I hate that damn rtn really puts strain on you and feel like stop having sps's all together. well wish the best of luck in the future..

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Yup, every one of those were dead within a 4 day period. And others were totally unaffected. Strange. Like a lot of things in this hobby. I will grow most of them out again. It will just take a lot of time (and two-part) :D

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I think it's funny how those of us that keep SPS get smacked in the face like this and it makes us want to come back for more. :lol:

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I'm glad you included yourself in that comment Young One :lol:


Once bitten by the SPS bug it's hard to shake it.....

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Stay tuned this weekend. There are going to be a few new pieces! I am also going to mount some frags on the Islands.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel like I've been talking to myself here lately. My thread is a ghost-town and I'm going to try one more post to see if there is any interest in it before I move on.


I just spent the weekend at MACNA and must say I had an amazing time. I spent nearly the entire time on the Exhibit Floor as I was working the event for Ocean's Blend and every time I took a break I was working the floor trying to find the best deals. I ended up with 12 T-shirts, a couple of boxes of dry goods, a new Koralia Evolution 1050, two fantastic Blastomussa wellsis, a nice hunk of what is supposed to be a Tyree Blue with Pink eyes chalice, a big colony of Neon Green Gonastrea and a Blue-rimmed Tridacna derasa clam. All that for right at $50!!!! I did well I think!


Here are a few update pics of the tank, starting with a tank walk-around then ending up with a few coral pics. I didn't get any detail shots of the new items but will soon....






























And hey Morgan, if you're watching that last pic was for you. Is that "true" enough Purple Cap????

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Move on??!? :o Move on???? :huh: MOVE ON !!??? :angry:


:P C'mon Mitch we all love this tank!! Please don't go!!


Awesome pictures! Great to see it bouncing back. B)

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Yup, I met Morgan and Johnny. Great folks. I hope that we can get together again soon. They finally bought a Display Tank. Hopefully we can get them to post a tank thread here. I believe the new tank is like a 40G or something. Starfire Reef Savvy tank. Really nice.


Yeah Richie, it seems to be right on the rebound. SPS's are growing really well. I need to watch my Calcium after adding the clam. We named him Happy Isa Clam. I think it fits. He came from The Frag Farmers.



One Blastomussa wellsii is looking all pi$$ed off, but I have faith that it will do fine, it's just being shy. The actual colors are the green you can just make out is the base color and the red, orange and yellow is a starburst center and skirt. This was from Unique Corals.



The other Blastomussa was a freebie. Unique Corals was there and I was purchaser number 1 for their MACNA 2010 trip. Joseph was running the booth and when he was boxing up on Sunday I went to express my thanks for his participating he said I got the first of his corals, so I got the last one too!



I was helping the guys out at The Frag Farmers with their final breakdown and they gave me this colored down chalice for helping. It was down amongst the rocks for several days. I cannot wait to see how it ends up!



That along with the Gonastrea pictured yesterday are my take.

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I'm pretty sure it will. Like I said it's having a major issue with the new tank. I'm running charcoal to give it a little boost. I may pull it out and give it a CoralRx dip if it doesn't puff up soon....They had samples too! (Along with Reef Crystals, Kents, Tropic Marin, Alternative Reef, Wave Point lighting gave me new T5 bulbs for the frag tank, Oceans Blend products, 4# of Lignite, I also got enough bumper stickers to make a 68 Microbus weathertight! :haha: )

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