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SaltyVT's 8 gallon Biocube


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ok your going to have to chip me off a one of each of the rics!!!

I am ordering a 70watt sunpod with my taxes.

So far i have only gotten small frags in my Ap12

Mohawk paly, dark sparkles paly, couple of different micromussa

I picked up an orange tube anemone a couple of weeks ago and he is bad ass.

I haven't been up to MMR in awhile bought most of my stuff online so far.

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Thanks, My green ric has melted away, but the small green one is doing fine!! If I can pry one one off I'll give you one. They seem to love the MH. What's good about MMR is if you want some thing Bruce usually can order you it. I'm going for SSPs now. My acro is doing great so I am on the search for another frag!! The 70 sunpod is great! works really well!! Nice color and great intensity of light!

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Hey Salty,


When a ric "melts away" like that. Are you getting it out of the tank right away or does the CUC eat it up? Does is have much impact on trites/trates? Do you do a water change?


I know that when a fish dies it can be trouble, but I don't know much about coral death.

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I say Nay, left it in. Caught the sey shrimp eating part of it one day. Haven't checked the the basics in a while. Shame on me, I know. I check the cal, and alk more often. I do my weekly 1~1.5G water change each week. I have been battling a flat worm infestation, so I have been changing my carbon alot!!!! Little bastards won't friggin die!!!!! I'll check and let you know though!!

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What are you doing for the flatworms? I picked up a few when I got my torch. The don't seem to be multiplying much. I think Salifert Flatworm Exit is a good reef-safe product from what I understand.

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They get out of control really quickly!!!!! kill them while you can!!! I am using the flatworm exit. I have dosed three times. Still some stragglers though. the first I kick 10's of thousands of them!!!! they stay where there is the least amount of flow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So lets see an updated full tank shot 8)

My stuff has finally started to grow like crazy both of my micromussa are at least 5 polyps now and the Mohawk pally is starting to bud its 3rd polyp.

I am having a hell of a time with cyno rite now tho its starting to tick me off.

Still waiting on my taxes to upgrade the lighting.

I found a thread somewhere on how a guy used his stock hood and retrofit in a 70 watt MH..

He removed the hood added legs to the hood keeping it about 5 or 6 inches off the surface no heat problems and it was about half the price of a sunpod so i am thinking i might do that.

I could leave the stock lighting in as well so i could keep some decent SPS stuff as well!

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What's going on Salty? Got an ATO yet?


Hey, I've been thinking about tossing a snail or two back into chamber 2 to help keep the algea off the glass so the light stays bright. Do you think snails would do OK back there?

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I'm BACK!!!! :)

Been wicked busy. That 3 feet of snow did me in!!!! Not ATO yet need one though!!! I was thinking a placing a snail back there too. Might get one of those small snail (names have left me startts with a c i think??) and put it back there. Well everyhting is still going well in the tank. I need one of those niffty dosers for my alk/calc. getting tired of dosing each day!!!!!!! I will post some pics when I get a sec! PEACE! :D

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Starts with "C"?...... Cerith maybe?


Is it just me, or are these Biocube 8's not even close to 8 gallons?


It's close, probably 7 gallon. None of the all-in-one tanks are as big as they claim. The manufacturers use the outside dimensions of the tank including the hood for the "volume".


I'm BACK!!!! :)

Been wicked busy. That 3 feet of snow did me in!!!! Not ATO yet need one though!!! I was thinking a placing a snail back there too. Might get one of those small snail (names have left me startts with a c i think??) and put it back there. Well everyhting is still going well in the tank. I need one of those niffty dosers for my alk/calc. getting tired of dosing each day!!!!!!! I will post some pics when I get a sec! PEACE! :D


I'm lovin' my dosing pump. I am using b-oinic. I dilute it to half strength and run it at the slowest rate the pump will go using dual tubing. I'm actually dosing 7.2ml of half strength (or 3.6ml full strength) per day. Since it's running 24/7 my pH has been very stable from about 8.05 - 8.15. I can keep a close eye on it with my continuous pinpoint pH monitor. I had big swings when I was dosing manually. It was 8.25 after dosing and about 7.90 before dosing. Stayed around 7.95 most of the time.


I need to check my calcium. It's been a couple weeks.

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A snail in the chamber fuge is a great idea .... I think I will give it a try as well.


I might have to dust off my peristallic pump and start dosing myself ...

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I need to ditch this kent A B crap and get some B-ionic!! And a doser. Now what would be a good story to come up with to convince the wifey???? Man my Yumas are growing are crazy rates!!! I might have to give some away soon omgomgomg

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Oceanic 30g

I really like your tank and how it is displayed. I have toyed around with the idea of buying a cadlights tank for a week or so. I keep reading about heat issues and top off issues and I also do not like how the cords hang over the back. THis tank looks clean through and through.

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Thanks!!! :D I do have heat issues, not enough of it!!! I actually had to add a heater! The top off is a pain I will splurge on a ATO one of these days. I am waiting for summer to see what happens with heat. Right now its -6 with out wind so I can see why I am losing heat. I hate all the cords and equipment showing too, I tried to hide it all!!




On another note I can't seem to figure what is up with my zoo's, zoa's, polys, they are all seeming to melt away. My mean green hardly open. my yellow polps were melting before my eyes. I am stumped???? :o:o

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Hay salty I'm new to the saltwater thing. With no top on you your tank aren't you worried about fish jumping out or your snails crawling out? One more thing do they may one of those lights for a 14g Bio Cube? Cause I really really want one of those clams.





Thanks for the link to that company!! Very good prices and super fast shipping. Aqua-man, I ordered a 16.5" MH for my BC14, you should be seeing some pictures of it up pretty soon. Should fit nicely, quite a few ppl have them. My 20" Sunpod 150W just came in from Petmountain, will post picture later on tonight. They had a better deal on the 20" via Petmountain then the 16.5 so I bought the 20 from them and the 16.5" from Ebay.

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Thanks!!!! Glad to hear it worked out for you!!! I was missing the hanging kit with mine but no matter!


Theres only one and its a false, it likes to be in every pic. :D

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alright - I've got a question -- how do you keep the levels in the rear chambers up? I think my MJ900 pumps too much out because I can't get the center chamber to keep water more than 1/3 of the way up. I've already trimmed the wall between 1 and 2 but that hasn't helped much. Plus I've got micro bubbles :(

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  • Christopher Marks changed the title to SaltyVT's 8 gallon Biocube


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