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bluebastion's 20g SPS M-Tank (glass)


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The tank looks great man... i would be careful with the 250watt light, i had some problems with bleaching when i up graded the light on my finnex, i wasn't careful enough in aclimating the corals... i would start with it a good 2 2-1/2 feet above the tank at least! or use several layers of light diffuser... just my .02



Thanks for the advice. I think I've got that base covered, will do the distance you said... as my current 150 is only 6" above the water line. I'll actually be using layers of bird netting to tone it down a bit.



Here's something new for you guys... to bad I got too lazy for a write up.



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Guess what came in today? That's right... you didn't guess it. A 250 W MH Aqua Medic Ocean Light.... :o


10" Red Devil and I traded lights... He shipped me his 250, and I'm sending him my 150.... and ohhhh it's so beautiful.


Right now, I've got the 250 at around 15" above the water level, and I've got the 4-layer screen lid back up... this is the method I'm using to acclimate the corals to the new brighter light.



Also have some things in the works (some things mentioned already, some things not)..... but pics, of course, will follow.



ah... and I bought this today as I anticipated some seafood if I didn't....



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No pics yet, but they'll be rolling in this week. Got a lot of stuff on order coming in this week:


Product On Order............................................................Status

250W Aqua Medic Ocean Light Equipped

(2) Tunze Nanostreams 6025..........................................Equipped

CPR AquaFuge 2............................................................Equipped

Purple AquaStick Epoxy..................................................Equipped

ESV Bionic Calcium Buffer System 64 fl. oz......................Equipped

Plastic Frag Plugs...........................................................Equipped

PA Rock Pool Bottom Crude (for fuge).............................Equipped

ChemiPure 10oz............................................................Equipped

Fine Point Bone Cutter 5.5..............................................Equipped


Nanobag, 3"x4", 250 micron (for Phosar Media)................Equipped

4 PC Fan Fixture............................................................Equipped

7 Mangrove Seedlings....................................................Shipping




Wish List:

Either a 2 pump doser or..... switching to a Kalk reactor. Still figuring pros and cons. 2 part dosing in the long run is more expensive, however is a kalk reactor going to meet my aquarium's needs (always low on ph)

Prop Tank:

150W MH HQI Fixture w/ Balast

20L with enough flow for SPS frags

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AquaFuge 2 came in today.... hopefully now, the GHA won't have a chance.




Note the 250W MH AquaMedic Ocean Light, an upgrade from the 150 (thanks 10" Red Devil).



Here's the DIY frag tray in use... The chips frag is up there to get more flow for now.... well, until the 2x Tunze 6025's come in... they will replace the 2x Tunze 5024.042's... (even though I love those little guys).



Updated FTS 1.9.07


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IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME AGAIN ALREADY!!! (well... Christmas money spending time...that is):


Got lots of goodies in the mail today:



One of the things I made a point in ordering was refugium crud mud from Premium Aquatics. This stuff is scooped from the bottom of their LR holding tanks... good stuff!... This picture was taken about 2 hours after I put the stuff in the fuge... reminds me of Dagobah (if you don't know what that means, you don't need to know):



Also got my pump upgrades :lol: Upgrading both my Tunze 5024.04 pumps to this:


Not just one... but two. That's stepping it up from 70 GPH per 5024.04 to the 660 GPH from each of the 6025's. The result (w/ the two 343 GPH return pumps):



Here's a side shot with the 6025's (note: I've taken out my DIY prop tray for now)



And here's the FTS 1.10.07


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Well got another shipment in today.... 4 computer fan fixture... Basically got it to replace my yucky eye-sore of a fan to keep my tank cool... I think it does too good of a job, sometimes- 1 degree lower in just 12 seconds of on-time. (Given, it is the cold months so ambient temperature at home is chilly)....


Here are the pics:


Fresh out of the package






Now all that's left to wait for is the order of 7 mangrove seedlings... hope it makes it ok for the fuge. BTW, fuge has some nice crawlies in it now.. saw a pod, a micro brittle star, peanut worm, and bristle worm. Finally got some critters outta mud.

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....Now it's Math Time, with Bluebastion


Display= ~15 gallons


Sump Pumps (x2) = 343 gph


Circulation Pumps:

Tunze 6025's (x2) = 660 gph

Tunze 5024.04 (x1) = 70 gph


Refugium Pump (x1) = 70 gph



343 * 2 = 686

660 * 2 = 1320

70 * 2 = + 140




2146/15 = 143.06- Display Turnover Flow = SPS Heaven = ......







































............Fish Nightmare.

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Update again....


Received my Crocea Clam, Maxi Mini Carpet Anemone, and Mangroves today....



Here are the pics:


2"+ Crocea









Mini Carpet (Attached in a rock crevice)







Mangroves in refugium (shipped to the East Coast of the mainland, from Honolulu, HI)




The clam and anemone both came from Fragglereef.com... they were fast in shipping, and great in customer service! I asked if they could send me a nicely colored blue clam, and they did a great job of picking one out for me. Extremely happy with them.

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bonsai reefer

what's up erac inhouse :P this is seth from stivers finnaly stopped lurking .I will be posting my all in one soon still need to get digital camera to take pics with awesome tank :D

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what's up erac inhouse :P this is seth from stivers finnaly stopped lurking .I will be posting my all in one soon still need to get digital camera to take pics with awesome tank :D



Hey man, welcome to the forum. :) Mr. Fosi lives in Columbia too.

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bonsai reefer
Hey man, welcome to the forum. :) Mr. Fosi lives in Columbia too.



Cool ! Im glad i am not the only one that has this awesome hobby on columbia :D Be on the look out for my all in one thread let me knoe what you think after i post it B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice tank, I am setting up one soon and using the SWCD in there as well, except I am going to drill bulkheads into the acrylic back for my locline.


What are the dimensions of the display area? Trying to work out my aquascape....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys for not responding... kmitch I'll get you dimensions tonight, which I'm sure it's already to late for your purposes.


Yeah it's fast and furious at the end. Almost didn't see it coming (anti climactic). Still thought it was a good movie :)


As for a tank update, received my new Reeflux 12k bulb in hopes that my corals will color up better (not psuedo flouresce as w/ bluer light). I'll take pics tomorrow. Also replaced (believe it or not) my Tunze 6025's with MJ900's... the Tunze's didn't work so well with the ReefKeeper 2's Wavemaker function. Works perfectly with the MJ's... should've went that route originally.

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Photo Update:


Here's some new macro shots of some of my SPS:


Tenuis 2.25.07




Rose Millipora 2.25.07




Chips 2.25.07




Bonsai 2.25.07






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Since using my Reeflux 12k bulb, I've noticed that it is significantly an ambient whiter light than the 14k Phoenix. Things in the tank are definitely more brown/yellow compared with a bluer bulb.... but I think this will change as the corals acclimate to the kelvin change (and may be even PAR?). Like stated before, I hope to achieve richer, more natural (non flourescing) colors in my coral using the 12k bulb. Only time will tell. One thing working against me is my magnetic ballast... as Reeflux bulbs in general are more proven when using e-ballasts.



Here's an FTS shot still with Phoenix 14k 250W DE HQI bulb and Tunze 6025's taken last Sunday 2.25.07

FTS 2.25.07





Here's after the switch to Reeflux 12k 250W DE HQI bulb and MJ 900's. I wish MJ's came in black.

FTS 3.1.07


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NP, Sushi. Thanks for following. When the tank's already finished being put together, there's not much I can update other than growth and minor changes. Like watching the grass grow sometimes. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, just to let you guys know, recently I discovered a hairline crack on the side of my tank... about 1/4"... I had hoped it wasn't anything serious. I marked the edges of the crack with a fine point permanent marker to track if it would get any wider... today I looked at it and it seemed that it could have possibly lengthened by a centimeter... however depending at what angle I'm looking at it... it can look as if it were still the same length... (the way the light hits the crack)... Anyways, I emailed Ken at Finnex, and hope to get an answer soon, I'm not even sure what to expect... but I guess I have to be patient and find out. Here are some pics of the glass/crack/tank: (progresses from further out to closer in)







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