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Cultivated Reef

lgreen's Ultimate Guide To Nano Fish


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Agreed, this is a great guide and very helpful.

stocking is always a controversial issue. the key is IMO is there enough physical room for the fish and the skill and experience of the aquarist.


The 1" per X gallons is a a decent guideline but so many variables can alter it.


Also I think you have every right to protect your work.


Thanks again, and sticky this thing.

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Agreed, this is a great guide and very helpful.

stocking is always a controversial issue. the key is IMO is there enough physical room for the fish and the skill and experience of the aquarist.


The 1" per X gallons is a a decent guideline but so many variables can alter it.


Also I think you have every right to protect your work.


Thanks again, and sticky this thing.



IMO its 1 fish per 5 gallons if he doesnt exceed 3.5 inches then it is plus 1 gallons per inch there after....

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dwarf seahorses

H zosterae



1 - 5 gallons, pair per gallon.


captive raised is preferred since they won't carry parasites. live feeding of baby brine / mysis / copepods needed.


expert only, but doable in a small tank. no tankmates except for very small hermits and snails.

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=0 HE FORGOT THE YASHA....OMG OMG..im depressed =(



did he forget prawn/randalli goby


^^WTF? he didn't miss the Yasha Hashe goby......read the post before mine to understand.

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Wow, I disapear for a few days and come back to find this.


Thanks for all the compliments.


Neon gobies were actually listed in the second part of the guide, but somehow I missed those while doing the first part. I will fix it.


When I have some more time I will go thru my other big fish book and see if there is anything else I missed.


I will add the fish others suggested over the next few days/weeks as soon as I have some free time.


Fish food? No problem. When I have time I would be glad to add suggestions.


One brief comment on inch per gallon rules... They are silly and missleading. No different than suggesting "watts per gallon". Perhaps a place to start, but ultimatley missleading and inaccurate. A 2" dwarf lion is a lot different than a 2" watchman goby.



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neon gobies fixed


got any info on that blenny Steelhealr?


sorry for the the little boxes. don't know why it did that. I will fix it tommorow, or next week, or next month....



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Under the jawfishes, please add the Bluespotted jawfish and the Dusky jawfish. The Bluespotted is yellow with blue spots, and the Dusky jawfish is molted brown and white (well, the one I saw was), with aqua to rainbow eyes. They are both very pretty (especially the Dusky) and have the same requirements and are the same length. The Dusky is found in the Carribean, like the Yellowheaded, but the Bluespotted is found in the Eastern Pacific. Again, they are both very beautiful! :)

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Here's the 'infamous' La link for ecsenius stigmatura:




Here's the local thread:






went to the wholesaler's place for a big meet today, and saw about a dozen of these guys. OOOOH they're nice =) too bad we could only look and not pop them into our containers to bring home.

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Lgreen: Great Work!


Few comments:


6Line Wrasse and all wrasses should be 20min 30+ recomended. Go over to reefcentral and they will flame anyone with a 6line in a nano (sub 30 gal)


Please add an additional note under the Blenny category about their venomous bite. Many blennies are venomous, red sea mimic blenny, white fang blenny, as well as those listed. People must be cautious to know the blenny they are buying.


Damsles: I would almost reccomend you place clowns and common damsles in separate categories. Definitly should mention the aggressiveness of common damsles like yellowtail and domino. Noobs should be wary of adding these to their tanks.


And lastly.... minimum tank size for a scooter blenny should probably be bigger.

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Can someone show me where it is stated that red sea mimics are venemous?


I've had others tell me this before but they are in the escenius genus with bicolors, tail-spots etc. I was under the impression they only mimic a venemous blenny....


Wetweb says nothing about them being venemous.

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  • 2 weeks later...


-Tailspot Blenny

-Rusty Jawfish

-Blue Spot Jawfish




Oh, Koden, I didn't forget your seahorse info. I will add it when I get around to doing the seahorse section. Thanks for the info.




The following blennies are poisonous:


-Yellowtail Fang Blenny

-Bundoon Fang Blenny

-Striped Fang Blenny

-Mozambique Fang Blenny

-Blackline Fang Blenny

-Canary Fang Blenny

-Smith's Fang Blenny


All others I listed, inlcuding the red sea mimic blenny are NOT venomous. (The only venomous one I listed was the Yellowtail Fang Blenny)

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Oh, Koden, I didn't forget your seahorse info. I will add it when I get around to doing the seahorse section. Thanks for the info.


no problemo. i think this is list is great! thanks for working on it.

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Sorry, Expert Only is kind of an old school term used for fish that can be pretty difficult to keep. Didn't really think about it when I typed that, but yeah, I guess it sort of implies something different.


Changed [Expert Only] to [with caution, not for beginners]


I really have no plans to write the seahorse section anytime soon. Just started a new semester at school, so I will be swamped for the next 12 weeks.


If someone else wants to take a stab at it, go for it. Otherwise I'll get to it later.

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Sorry, Expert Only is kind of an old school term used for fish that can be pretty difficult to keep. Didn't really think about it when I typed that, but yeah, I guess it sort of implies something different.


Changed [Expert Only] to [with caution, not for beginners]


I really have no plans to write the seahorse section anytime soon. Just started a new semester at school, so I will be swamped for the next 12 weeks.


If someone else wants to take a stab at it, go for it. Otherwise I'll get to it later.


I totally understand. That is a good comment that you have on them now.


I will take on the job of seahorses unless someone else wants to chime in?

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