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lgreen's Ultimate Guide To Nano Fish


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Lets get this bumped up for a little while because I find it very helpful to people who don't know much about stocking.. Due to the fish store saying you can put a tang in almost any tank. psh


this should be a sticky

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  • 3 weeks later...
depends on what you like ;)


Well im saying what would be a rule of thumb of stuff you can keep in a 55gal... Right now I have a Huma Huma Trigger and a Dogface Puffer... I shouldn't have got them but noone at the LFS when I got the tank way back when told me that they are to big for the tank...


They are still small but eventually I will have to get rid of them.. Once theyre gone im done with aggressive fish.. I can't have snails because they will eat them, or crabs, or urchins, or anything good... They even try to eat the LR sometimes...


What would be like a complete list of what can be in a 55? Like how this whole thread is.

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I might be able to throw a list together for you, but not until after monday. If you can't wait, pick up a copy of "Marine Fish" by Scott Michael.


I have all the time in the world :D Thanks

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Great list Igreen,


Could I keep 2 red headed gobys in my 5g?

Could I keep 2 pipefish in a 30g tall?Its not very wide so I am wondering,its only 12in wide.


sure x 2


in both cases, you'd want to make sure and get a male and female though. for sure w/ the pipefish though since the males may kill each other.

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I was at my lfs they had a black headed jawfish said it would be ok in my 12G JBJ. I am not sure though does anyone know. It is not a dusky jawfish I am sure of that. It has a dark black head with a yellow line by each line.

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I might be able to throw a list together for you, but not until after monday. If you can't wait, pick up a copy of "Marine Fish" by Scott Michael.


lgreen? Did you forget about me omgomgomg

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firstimereefer: I've heard of people keeping jawfish in fairly small tanks, but I think a 12g nanocube is really pushing it considering you really only have about 8 gallons of area for the fish. I'd personally probably wouldn't.


Betta5: This issue has been more than adequately covered in the introduction.


directional: I forgot, sorry. If I have time at work tomorrow I will throw together a list and post it in the evening.

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Just wondering if this is too many fish in my 20g

1 flame angel

2 yellow damsels

1 ocellerais clown


You should be okay... Damsels are the devil... Heh.. Just My Opinion...

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would I be able to add 1 more small fish or would this b too much?

P.S. my damsels get along very well and they are happy


Im not sure if you can do one more.. It depends how much you feed. How big they are.. What your filtration is. How often you do water changes. If your running any macroalgae etc...


Either way you should add the fish slowly and then monitor the levels to see how they change.

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Ive had the 4 fish for more than a month and they have been doing fine

and i monitored the levels and everything is good so would some kind of burrowing goby be fine or will it b too much?

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Ive had the 4 fish for more than a month and they have been doing fine

and i monitored the levels and everything is good so would some kind of burrowing goby be fine or will it b too much?


Im sure you will be okay then...

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I think a majority of the fish that would work are listed already in the guide and all those listed would be fine in a 55g. I'm not going to be terribly specific, due to school work being my priority at the second, but I'll try and give you some general ideas.


Most anthias would be fine

Most seabass would be fine

Some butterfly's would be ok until they start getting a bit bigger (most not reef safe though, but copperband occasionally aren't too bad)



-black back




Any dwarf angel

Some larger angels maybe for a while, but most need 75-125+

Any damsel/clown

Any reef safe wrasse

Some of the non-reef safe

Some puffers


It is generally acceptable if you keep a tang or surgeon in 55g. Usually purple tangs and yellow tangs do fine long term, but especially w/ surgeon fish you want to make sure and get them small and then plan on moving them to something bigger eventually. Especially avoid powder browns and powder blues, and unicorns unless you have like a 125g+.


Some triggers might be fine for a while but may need to be moved to something bigger later on. Same with puffers.


Anyways, I didn't go too in depth there, but hopefully that will give you some ideas. Sorry I just don't have the time right now to really go through and make a thorough list. If you have specific questions or want to know about options with in a family fish, post away and I'll try to get to them as time permits.

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Right now I have a Huma Huma Trigger, and Dogface Puffer, Snowflake Eel... They are still like 3" but I dont like how I cant have any snails or hermits to clean the tank...


I am going to change it all up eventually... Thank you though... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

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