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Cultivated Reef

Travis' Pico


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Get me a pic of it on the back... I wanna see how it looks on a tank w/ some stuff in it... :) Glad you got the RO/DI line figured out. Mine were color coded. Blue for usable water. Orange for junk. :P What kind of system did you buy? I went semi-all-out and bought the high end Kent Marine Maxxima... Although I do get lazy and fill it out of the 3-stage hooked up to the faucet for the drinking water every once in a while. :P Glad that some stuff did make it through, at least!

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How's everytihng holding up today???? i hope the things that are still alive make it through...i think this is the 3rd thing that has happened to a contestent that is bad......keep it up

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We want some pictures of that skimmer in your HOB! How do you like the thing? How much space does it take up in the HOB? It's an Aquaclear 300 (70), right?


I hope all your corals are holding up okay. Sorry to hear about your RO issue! Ouch. But there's still plenty of time left in the contest, and you never know what will grow back from the LR :(

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The skimmer is doing well, and the Denem Zoas are doing well, but the Acan, Pink spekled Zoas, and Yuma Ric are now doing so hot. they are all shrivled up like.


I'll get some pictures this afternoon.

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Well, I think I need some more flow, so I ordred a Tunze Mini Pump, but it's back ordered so it will be awhile.


Here's the pics. Not everything is doing so well.


New Shroom



Sick Ric





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Hang in ther trav... I like the new 'shroom.

If I were you I would pull a "switch" to get a new impeller. Buy a new AC70 from someone who has a easy return policy (petco...etc) hang on to your receipt for the new one. Yank the impeller on the new one for the filter on your pico and drop the old impeller into the new unit. Return the new unit (and remember to hang on to your receipt for the new one) with the old impeller, telling them that it was broke. That way it goes back to AC as defective and not on the shelf for someone else to buy.

Actaully it will never go back to AC, they probably give stores an invoice credit and the store will just toss it.

Just what I would do, but I may be a rotten person who worked in retail while going to school and knows how to take advantage of the "system".

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Things look to be picking up now right? The coralline on the rocks looks fantastic and I'm sure that your remaining corals will perk up again given a bit more time.


Best regards



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Thanks :)


I am hoping that they will all pull through.


The Shroom detached it self, then floated around untlill getting stick in between one of my zoa rocks and a foundation rock. I'm goning to let it attch, then move the zoas so that they don't nuke each other :D

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Update 12/14/05





These are doing OK, but arn't fully opened.



These have been closed since the "Big Mistake" discovery, but don't seem to be dead, they open alittle bit, but not for long.



And this ric used to be Purple and about 5 times the size it is now...


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Did the red Acanthastrea make it OK?


I can't see any algae growing on the LR any more which is good news. How much water have you changed out since you found out about the RO thing.


I hope your corals continue to improve, I'm rootin' for them. :)


Best regards



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