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Acanthastrea thread!


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I only found out about it because he posted a link to it. Now its not there?


Anyways I think that is REALLY shady.


I plan to prop but no matter how much I pay for a colony or polyp I'd never charge over $50/polyp. Y;all can dig up this post later for future references when I start selling.

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whew. what a mood ruiner. okay continuing this ACAN thread.B)


anyways..good news people! i seem to already have 2 new babies on one polyp i got from my new acans! it had 1 full head, 2 half heads (one turned into a whole one) but isn't that weird. 2 tiny babies overnight? am I wrong or what?


I was wondering how fast everyone's acans grow over a certain span of time. 1 week, 1 month and etc.

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I thought this thread was about acans, it isn't title "acans and haters" hehe


Growth rates can vary drastically from morph to morph. The red color morphs seem to grow/heal/bud faster than the others. For example we have a red that has reproduced several times over and in the same time frame we have a green that hasn't pushed a single polyp. The pinkie finally looks like it is healed from the cutting we took 4 months ago and it just popped out two itsy bitsy polyps in the margin. I guess it's growth falls somewhere between the red and the green lords.


In addition to growth, certain stuff handles being cut better than others. The red and the green both handle being cut extremely well, while the pinkie took that cutting extremely rough. It was deflated and ####ed for months after we cut her. She's a primadonna for sure!


I'm assuming it has to do with the photosynthetic abilities of the zooanthea (sp?) present in eac morph (that give the more it's color as well)

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Originally posted by bugsy714

I thought this thread was about acans, it isn't title "acans and haters" hehe



keep telling yourself that :)

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thanks babycakes and fishfreak!!!:)


Now about that growth question, I have one that grows like weeds, I would say in one month, I notice at least 5 new babies each month. Then I have this other one that has only gotten one baby since I have had it, Oct.2004.

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yay party time! uchiha. is that a lord or micro in your icon? anyhoo. here's some closeups of mine.

one of the acans i haven't shown yet..i think it'll color up maybe to a red ring instead of that light purple. i don't think it'll keep it's current colors



the acan that was never pink...this is it under actinics. notice how it's more greenish?



micro actinic of my 'orange stripe acan head'


i think the orange will turn red. it's orange when the regular lights are on.


all in all..i'm still fairly new to this concept of "acans changing colors" so let's see what happens! :flower:

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sometimes changing colors can be a good thing but you do have a color shift not in your favor. When this happens to me, I move them around in the tank. Like this one shifted orange to red/grey just by moving it higher.




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jen, what's your lighting stats? especially for the acans that have the pinks in it :D or any exotic color morphs

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I have 2 175w MH that I run all the time, then I have PC's that I never turn on. I also have another tank next to my main tank that runs on PC's. It is all one system. I forget what I have running in tank #2, my husband changes it to much for me to keep track.;)

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so pinkie probably stays on the bottom of the tank under 175w?


hmm...i've been thinking about upgrading to a MH but was so afraid about the color changes with acans. i think i'll go ahead and get the PFO pendant with ice cap ballast. woooo. i'd get something else but my tank is only 15" wide.

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yah, babycakes I wouldn't get to much light, you can fry the coral. I have a 75g with the MH's. I have no idea what we are going to use for are nano yet.


For your pinky, I would leave it on the bottom and just feed it. It will get settled in and start to show it's color.

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Here's my Acan enchilada I mean enchinata(I must be hungry)I think this pic was taken the day after I got it. I'll add more pics when I get a chance!(Thank you reef hugger!)



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