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Acanthastrea thread!


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in case you were wondering what it looks like when your acans decide to attack a good sized frag of your rare cyphastrea ocellina...here's a pic. i'll post an 'after' pic tomorrow sometime!


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well, that was about 20 minutes after i got it, then someone came and took it away from me and left me with a small frag of it, about 4 polyps, and this is what they look like today :)


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Hey Fugu, do you guys have a website or just storefront? The colors on that colony are awesome.


Edit: nevermind, I found it...good looking stock btw, that wellsi looks great!

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When are you guys going to open on Saturdays again? Last time I went, had no idea and had to drive home again, hehe.

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"usually" they're closed on saturdays, there have been a few random times in which i visited and luckily they were open, but i still wouldn't recommend visiting on a saturday cesar.


definitely try to visit on sunday :) i think i'm gona drop by this sunday too, i live only a few minutes away and i want to get some frags of that green acan... muhahah

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Reefer Addict

You guys have all one up'd me! That's it!!!! I give up!!!!!


All my acans for an Eagle Eye frag!!!!!!

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Originally posted by yoshiod9

tigah!!!  you jackass!  only lords can be kept next to lords...all acans have to be seperated by species!  man...i hope that some of them pull through...if they don't let me know, i'll frag up my red/blue/green and the atlantis green if you want.


...Only a ninja can defeat a ninja... do lords have good numchuck skills? I hear they are pretty good with the bo staff.



vote for pedro

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caught a 50+ polyp acan subechinata colony.


lavendar/cream w/ orange rings (and blue centers).


right after dunkin him in the tank, so still looks ####ed. but u get the idea...





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nice find tigah, that thing looks huge!!!


i went fishing too, (at Rare Fish)... Wes got a BUNCH of these acan lord frags from japan, if anyone wants one you should definitely check him out. this is something i picked up for myself.



here's a shot of it inside my tank... this thing is insanely versatile, one of the healthiest lords i've ever owned. i can't quite capture the exact color, so this picture seems a little different than when seen in real life; but you get the idea.


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might want to not say that he got them from japan uchiha...that could cause a lot of problems(for you, any other consumers, and the rare fish store). since japan does not export ANY corals, you could be subject to heavy fines for knowingly purchasing black market corals. just an fyi.

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