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Pili's 40g Breeder


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T-5's are awsome!!! The color is just right too, probebly about a 14k color but the blue plus bulb really makes corals colors pop B) . Not having the shimmy though takes a little getting used to.


I have 2 questions though. 1) When i moved my tank, i put the clam close to the glass and now it attached itself to the side of the glass and i cant really see the top of it at all. I know your not supposed to pull it off but is there any way to move it without hurting it? 2) How high should the T-5's be above the top of the tank? They are about 5 inches right now but i dont know if i can move them closer.


Pics to come!!! Probebly on Friday though.

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I agree with Travis, you can put the T5 as low as you want as heat is really not an issue.


In terms of the clam, I had to move my clam about a month ago. I know it's tricky moving it once it's established, but I had no other choice. I just gently pulled him from his rock of over a year and put him on another piece of rock. He reattached in a couple of days.

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I'll get a quick picture of the overall set up in a few minutes while i'm on my break from AP U.S. history notes. My eyes are getting all bug eyes from sitting in front of a book for hours on end :wacko:.


I will take a real full tank shot and the works on Friday when i have time :)

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I'll get a quick picture of the overall set up in a few minutes while i'm on my break from AP U.S. history notes. My eyes are getting all bug eyes from sitting in front of a book for hours on end :wacko:.


I will take a real full tank shot and the works on Friday when i have time :)


School's for fools. ;)


I'm in class right now actually.

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Quick Pictures. Also built PVC thingy so that i dont have to make any more holes in the ceiling :P. Would have looked better in black but i dont mind it.





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That is classy looking!

I really wish I owned a tank long enough for T5's

I LOVE the coloration as much as I love MH.


Pili get yourself some super sweet krylon fusion and do it black!

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Yeah, i have some black krylon but i havent had the time to get around to it. I will get to it eventually but it is in my room so i dont mind much.


On a different note, i got a yasha hase goby today. The little guy is so cool and i have wanted one for a long time. No pistol shrimp though but i want to get one also. Got a peppermint shrimp also which hopefully will do better than the last 2 shrimp that died on the first day i got them. I drip acclimated it also which is the main reason why i think the others didnt make it.


Also was able to get the clam off the glass so that i can see it and i cleaned all the coraline off the sides.

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I did a quick 15 minute temp then a few turkey basters over the next hour and stuck my cleaner in... I'm so lucky he didn't die.


Sounds good pili! Now get your brothers rear in gear. ;)

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Exellent tank.


If you dont mind me asking. How much does it cost to maintain it? Because I want to set up one like yours.



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Hmm...not sure exactly but besides overall its not that much. Besides the initial cost for equipment and then changing equipment after the old stuff breaks or i dont like it anymore, the only real costs are salt and supplements. A big bucket of salt costs like $50 US and that lasts about 3 months with 10 gallon water changes every 2-3 weeks and supplements cost like $20 US every 2 months or so. Most of the cost to maintain it is time. I spend usually like at least a half hour doing general maintence everyday (picking up stuff, refilling ATO container, etc.) and water changes usually add on another 30-45 min. But i enjoy doing the maintence although i dont have a very specific routine. HTH

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Sorry also about non taking any close up pics yet. One of my margarita snails mysteriosly died and caused a little ammonia spike so the tank isnt looking quite as good. I have to do a water change and then i will take the pics :)

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Quick Pictures. Also built PVC thingy so that i dont have to make any more holes in the ceiling :P. Would have looked better in black but i dont mind it.






wow, where'd you order your teklight?

been thinking of upgrading to a socalcreations custom 24x24x18 tank and putting some t-5s with my pendant.

how do you like the color? has your sps colored up better because of the t-5s? i would love to see a FTS!


hey, i can't believe i didn't realize you and sebae are bros!! :P do yall live together?

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