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The anemone detached itself from the bottom of the tank and is just attached to a rock. I would like to transfer it with the rock but then I still have to do the scaping and adding sand. Any thoughts? @seabass


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Generally, when stacking rock, people recommend that the rock goes in first, and then the sand (to make the rock-scape more stable).  I'm guessing that this particular rock was toward the bottom.  So I would transfer this rock to where you want it, and then aquascape around it (just be very careful that no other rocks tumble on top of the anemone).  Once you have all of the rocks how you like them, you can add the sand (but don't bury the nem in the sand.  If necessary, you can keep that area a little more shallow until the anemone settles in.

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Oh, so the pic didn't show up before.  I didn't know that it was so small.  You could put that rock in a bucket of saltwater until you are done aquacacping, and then place this rock on the sand (because it likes the sand), next to the rock pile.  Chances are that it will eventually move, especially with the disruption of the transfer; so you can decide what to do with this rock at that time.

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5 minutes ago, seabass said:

Oh, so the pic didn't show up before.  I didn't know that it was so small.  You could put that rock in a bucket of saltwater until you are done aquacacping, and then place this rock on the sand (because it likes the sand), next to the rock pile.  Chances are that it will eventually move, especially with the disruption of the transfer; so you can decide what to do with this rock at that time.

It's attached to the two rocks actually. Bigger one is not that small (hard to judge from the picture). I think I'll go with what you said before. The anemone never moved. I might do it now like you said and that wouldn't be so terrible unless it goes in the back but with its size now it will need some space. All my euphyllias are dead, it can move without hurting anything (except some zoas).

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Not an ideal time to discover a leak.  All that I could suggest is trying to tighten the bulkhead.  Obviously a crack at this point would be disastrous, so be careful and don't turn it very much.


If it continues to drip, it will mess up your top off water.

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So except for the leak that silicone did not fixed up to now....


And also my Nero 3 pump controller went in tank and now it won't work....


Everything is not too bad. 


Yellow tang got space, clowns are in the nem that seems to be alright.


Did not see any of the other fishs.







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  • Kindanewtothis changed the title to Kinda's Large Tank Adventure

So the Nero 3 is out, I'll try to go through warranty who knows...


That leaves the tank with no enough flow I think.


Also... one of my hydra 32hd power supply is not working, found one online. I'm using one of my 16hd to replace it temporary.


All the livestock is alive and seems well.



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I'm sure that your Yellow Tang thanks you.  And really, this new tank is more suitable for that LTA.  Looks fairly clear now, it should continue to clear up throughout the day.

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35 minutes ago, seabass said:

And really, this new tank is more suitable for that LTA. 

Agree, why are they saying 30 gallons on live aquaria ??? My LTA is well over a foot large.

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I'm planning to stoo the pump and remove the drain pipe from the overflow so it empty itself. Dry the overflow and silicone the leaking return bulkhead from the top. Will have to wait 48 hours to start it all again...

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So the ATO did not come with filling tube holder. I took the one from my old ATO and used seeling rubber tape to hold it in place.... It worked all day... until the tube moved....


All night the ATO was trying to fill my tank by flooding my floor....


Good thing is that there was only about 1 gallon left in ATO reservoir so no damage.

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On 9/11/2022 at 7:30 PM, Kindanewtothis said:

I'm planning to stoo the pump and remove the drain pipe from the overflow so it empty itself. Dry the overflow and silicone the leaking return bulkhead from the top. Will have to wait 48 hours to start it all again...

Not anymore, leeks was fixed by a mess of silicone from under. If some day I must remove that bulkhead it's gonna be fun...

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I got flatworms... never noticed it in the 50g, might be coming from a rock from the bucket that must have been in the 10g...


Springeri was eating them in the 10g, I hope it does the same now.


Flatworms exit never worked completely even with massive doses in the empty 10g.


Should have bleached these rocks...

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  • Kindanewtothis changed the title to Kinda's Large Tank Adventure (LTA)

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