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@seabass bulkhead is finally really really slowly leaking (see first picture). I cannot tight is more and down want to un-tight it. Would you let it go or silicone it? It's dripping maybe a few drops per day and it's going in the sump. 


I would like to test the pump thinking about filling the sump to make it work to see if my other jonctions are sealed.




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4 minutes ago, Kindanewtothis said:

I cannot tight is more and down want to un-tight it. Would you let it go or silicone it? It's dripping maybe a few drops per day and it's going in the sump. 

If reusing the old gasket, I would consider getting a new gasket, as the old one might be compressed and getting brittle.  Again, I'm not a fan of using silicone to seal a bulkhead, although I understand that some people do.  However, I believe that they put a thin (but continuous) bead of silicone on the gasket so that it squishes out a little when tightened.  But I'm not sure if they put it on both sides of the gasket or what.  I feel that this wouldn't be necessary if something wasn't wrong (like an old gasket, dirty gasket, dirty glass, etc).


That said, if it's leaking into the sump, that's not the worst thing I've ever heard.  It will develop salt creep and mineral deposits where it's leaking.  The deposits might even eventually stop the leak, but I wouldn't necessarily count on it.

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12 minutes ago, seabass said:

If reusing the old gasket, I would consider getting a new gasket, as the old one might be compressed and getting brittle.  Again, I'm not a fan of using silicone to seal a bulkhead, although I understand that some people do.  However, I believe that they put a thin (but continuous) bead of silicone on the gasket so that it squishes out a little when tightened.  But I'm not sure if they put it on both sides of the gasket or what.  I feel that this wouldn't be necessary if something wasn't wrong (like an old gasket, dirty gasket, dirty glass, etc).


That said, if it's leaking into the sump, that's not the worst thing I've ever heard.  It will develop salt creep and mineral deposits where it's leaking.  The deposits might even eventually stop the leak, but I wouldn't necessarily count on it.

It's more sweating than leaking, I'm letting it go. I cannot change the gasket without cutting the pipe. 


Did a test run of the pump, everything is working well. The pump is quiet and powerful.

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I need to start the water change / filling up. Hammers are not going well in the 50g, pink one will bail I'm sure. I've been neglecting it with the new tank/work/girlfriend is in Chicago and I stuck with the kids😅


Edited by Kindanewtothis
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29 minutes ago, Kindanewtothis said:

I need to start the water change / filling up. Hammers are not going well in the 50g, pink one will bail I'm sure. I've been neglecting it with the new tank/work/girlfriend is in Chicago and I stuck with the kids😅

I'm preparing 10 gallons of water for the 50g. Will clean the canister and add carbon. I need to run a full batch of tests.


GHA and cyano are back. I know nutrients are high but something is off with dKh I think.

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15 gallons water change done (water is now in the 120g). 


There must be close to 30 gallons in the 120g right now. I've installed my sicce nano pump and a heater. I will add the rocks I got in a bucket, but can I use the water from the bucket (it's from a water change done 2-3 weeks ago)? 


The plan is to fill the display first. I will have to consider the rocks and sand in the water volume. Regarding the sand, I got the same I used in the 50g since that's all there was and I still have half a bag left. https://www.dyno.ca/produit/aragamax-sugar-sized-sand-aragonite-30-lb-caribsea/?lang=en


I decided to add a baffle in the sump finally to make a separated refugium. I've also ordered egg crates for it. This baffle will be in acrylic and not glass and is going to split the middle section of the sump. In the video, there is no baffle between the skimmer and the fuge so I'm still hesitating between using just the egg crates or also adding the baffle.



I've placed filter sponges before the return pump to filter and help prevent things from going in the pump.


One of the reason I'm not modifying the drain chamber is because of the ledge that was place there to support the filter socks holders so I don't want to remove that baffle... so no place for the skimmer there.


I did not test the 50g like I said I would, but with all the water change I will do over the next days, values are just going to change all the time. How often can I do the water change in the 50g? Is every 24h too fast?




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21 minutes ago, Kindanewtothis said:

can I use the water from the bucket

You could; but I probably wouldn't.


21 minutes ago, Kindanewtothis said:

Regarding the sand, I got the same I used in the 50g since that's all there was and I still have half a bag left.

I personally like a little larger grain size; but it should be perfectly fine.  I wouldn't be concerned at all (especially because that's all they had).


Looks like things are really progressing nicely.  Good job!



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Somewhere below the waterline (some say just under).  You don't want it above or you'll hear splashing; and too far down and it might be hard to remove the socks.  Also, some say there is more gurgling if it's too deep. :unsure:

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Another 10 gallons water change from the 50g to the 120g. I hope my hammers will get better because it's not looking good.


With all the water added I think I'm more than half-way to filling the display.


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You'll want a little (not a lot of) room.  Bare in mind that silicone will stick to glass, but not so much to acrylic.  You can still use acrylic baffles if they are not holding a lot of water pressure (so if they are used more like separators).  For example, I probably wouldn't use acrylic as the baffle between the main sump and return section (as there is often a different waterline, so more water pressure).


So when using an acrylic baffle, you'll want a good bead on both sides to hold it in place by the glass.

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24 minutes ago, seabass said:

You'll want a little (not a lot of) room.  Bare in mind that silicone will stick to glass, but not so much to acrylic.  You can still use acrylic baffles if they are not holding a lot of water pressure (so if they are used more like separators).  For example, I probably wouldn't use acrylic as the baffle between the main sump and return section (as there is often a different waterline, so more water pressure).


So when using an acrylic baffle, you'll want a good bead on both sides to hold it in place by the glass.

Ok I've cut it too short.


I can squeeze a piece of acrylic so it holds in place thight. I will cut a small piece and make a mess of superglue and silicone.


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I think I have finish filling the display. With the rocks and 45 pounds of sand I think it will be close.


Skimmer was picked-up by transporter today so I hope it will be here tomorrow. Then I install the baffle and wait 24h for the silicone to dry. After that I'm starting the tank transfer using the water from the 50g to fill up the sump (37 gallons).


It's the adding the sand part that worries me.



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6 hours ago, seabass said:

Just make sure to rinse it really good before you add it.

Planning to do the garden hose method tonight. 


After rinsing, I just let it dry in the bucket?

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Just now, seabass said:

Yeah you don't need it to dry, or to keep it wet.  Just rinse out all the stuff which will cloud the water.

Ok even better but tap water is not a problem?

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  • Kindanewtothis changed the title to Kinda's Large Tank Adventure (LTA)

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