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7 minutes ago, Kindanewtothis said:

Also I don't think the anemone would appreciate sand removing, it's buried in sand.

Which anemone is it? If it's a magnifica then it's kinda weird that it would burrow in the sand. 

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1 minute ago, Melfy77 said:

Which anemone is it? If it's a magnifica then it's kinda weird that it would burrow in the sand. 

No it was sold to me as a magnifica but it's a LTA.

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3 hours ago, Melfy77 said:

I admire your patience!

Not so patient. When I see people who have beaten dinos after battling for 10 months. I'm not gonna wait this long. How long have you been fighting dinos @seabass ?

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You are assuming two things.  First, it'll work; and second, it'll do no harm.  Not that I'm recommending it; but I hope that if you try it, it'll do both for you. *fingerscrossed*

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when i went to the doctor once she recommended i go on Lipitor for my cholesterol. i asked how long i'd have to take it. answer: basically forever. i said no thanks, i'll lower it myself by changing my diet. mentioned it to an older friend who said "i'm on it. everybody is on Lipitor."


i don't like to be beholden to artificial fixes forever.

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46 minutes ago, seabass said:

You are assuming two things.  First, it'll work; and second, it'll do no harm.  Not that I'm recommending it; but I hope that if you try it, it'll do both for you. *fingerscrossed*

Not assuming but hoping.

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2 hours ago, rough eye said:

when i went to the doctor once she recommended i go on Lipitor for my cholesterol. i asked how long i'd have to take it. answer: basically forever. i said no thanks, i'll lower it myself by changing my diet. mentioned it to an older friend who said "i'm on it. everybody is on Lipitor."


i don't like to be beholden to artificial fixes forever.

Taking drugs for cholesterol for years now 😉

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My immune system attacks my thyroid, so I don't produce enough thyroid hormone. I have to take medication to replace it. I also have to take a medication to help my nervous system properly manage my blood pressure medication. Medication for chronic medical problems is probably not the best metaphor here. 


Dino-X is like... imagine you have a mouse problem in your house. The mouse problem is because you have a giant bag of grain in your living room, open and spilled. Increasing nutrients and encouraging competition is the equivalent of cleaning up the grain, and probably removing the bag. Dino-X is the equivalent of spraying a dangerous poison all over your house. It might get rid of the mice for a bit, but the food is still there, and the mice are likely to come back. It's also likely to harm other things. In this circumstance, those "other things" are you. 


Get rid of the grain first, and sweep the mice out the door. They should stay gone. It'll take longer, but it's more effective, and safer. 

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I only said "interesting".... BUT:


Fauna Marin Dino X is sold as a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae growth and dinoflagellates in a reef tank.

On both occasions I’ve used it I have seen a marked improvement from the third dose, not only on dino, but also green hair algae, film algae and general cleanliness in the tank.




Fauna Marin also explain that the maximum lighting period should be 6 hours daily in total, and that Dino X should be dosed at least 1 hour after the aquarium lights go off.

As dinoflagellates are photosynthetic, they have the ability to turn light into energy, as we know zooxanthellae also do. The lack of light with the inclusion of Dino X at the same time will have a greater negative impact on dinoflagellate.
Logic follows that if they are photosynthetic, then a complete black out would be very beneficial too




My Experience With Fauna Marin Dino X

The first occasion I used Dino X following only Fauna Marin’s instructions, it seemed to work, but then they came back.

The second time I used it all dino was eradicated from my system, but I did not use Dino X as a sole method of treatment.




Dino X is a very good product capable of delivering the results that Fauna Marin promise, but with a little help.

Read how I eventually got rid of my dinoflagellates using Dino X 




And then he doesn't talk about dino x, you are right about that, but still interesting. 

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The important parts there are "did not use Dino X as a sole method of treatment" and the fact that the link, the orangeish one that says "here", does not describe using Dino X at all. So all this says is "there is some chance that Dino X might help treat dinos". When you add to that the chance of Dino X making things worse, that's not a very tempting sentence. 


This is not a hobby that allows for rushing things. Give it awhile longer before you start trying to poison things. You've got the whole 10gal to do things in, anyway. Go look at all the summer sales retailers are doing and get a coral for the 10gal if you're itching to do aquarium things. 

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On 8/13/2021 at 5:32 PM, Kindanewtothis said:

No it was sold to me as a magnifica but it's a LTA.

Ah makes sense then! Lucky you I'm looking for one for my pink skunks but can't find anything other than nice bta which of course they don't care for. 🙄

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Why buy non-live phyto?


Aquarium depot is backorder on 16oz phyto feast live and I can't find it at Candy Corals.


They have the 6oz at aquarium depot 

"Reef Nutrition Phyto-Feast Live - 6oz" https://www.aquariumdepot.ca/reef-nutrition-phyto-feast-live-6oz.html


And I don't know the size of the bottle at Candy Corals but it's half the price 

"Phyto-Feast Live – Candy Corals" https://candycorals.ca/products/phyto-feast-live?_pos=2&_sid=653dab4a5&_ss=r



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FYI, I recently purchased some powdered spirulina from amazon.  I use it to supplement the live phyto I dose.


People sometimes use powdered spirulina to culture pods, so I figure there may be value in feeding it.

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8 minutes ago, seabass said:

FYI, I recently purchased some powdered spirulina from amazon.  I use it to supplement the live phyto I dose.


People sometimes use powdered spirulina to culture pods, so I figure there may be value in feeding it.

Still no trace of pods in either tanks, IDK, maybe I just don't see them. 

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Being in the states, I had different brand choices.  However, yeah, that's basically what I got.  It's not something that I read about as a treatment for dinos.  For all I know, dinos might feed on it, IDK.


However, people have successfully cultured pods with the stuff, so I figured it was worth a shot.  I've only dosed it for three days, so not much experience with it yet.  For my 40 gallon tank, I have a small measuring scoop (which might be ~ 0.05g) that I mix into water first.


I also just purchased some macroalgae.  It usually comes with a bunch of beneficial micro inverts.  So I'm using it to seed the tanks.  I might just keep the algae too.

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2 hours ago, Tired said:

How are you looking for the pods? They're tiny and not very obvious, particularly in tanks with fish. 

I was told by the supplier to use a flashlight at night and that they would regroup in the light. 


Also, someone here posted a picture of his tank' walls full of pods (sorry could not find the post)

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2 minutes ago, Murphych said:

Look down at the bottom corners of the glass near the sand as lights ramp down. That's where the bulk of my pods scurry around. 

Will do when I go back home.


I seeded enough for 200g according to the suppliers...

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  • Kindanewtothis changed the title to Kinda's Large Tank Adventure (LTA)

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