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Ironman discosoma:




Little leather with full PE:






Lime green monti:




Metallic nuclear death paly & metallic GSP:




SPS fusion corner:




Trumpet coral - 18 heads in total:



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Mushroom Mountain from different topview angles:










Zoa Ledge up close:




Also removed several pesky red flatworms that were chilling on the shrooms. Used a plastic pipette. 👍

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Wow is all I can say! Are you still using the Aqua Knight light? Whatever it is it sure makes your reef flourish and healthy.

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22 minutes ago, colormegone said:

Wow is all I can say! Are you still using the Aqua Knight light? Whatever it is it sure makes your reef flourish and healthy.

Yes, same light. 🙂

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  • 1 month later...

Finally seeing some signs of coral wars here and there. Will work on trimming the edges of certain pieces, including the lepto & monti:















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Other areas are covered in GHA, so I have been manually removing them. My Zoa Garden looks terribly understocked though. 😞











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I came back from a late night walk and was about to pop into the shower when I spotted this (!!!) crawling up the glass of the nano. :eek:






It's a bit ripped because I left my baster outside and had to try and 'scoop' it up with a chopstick. But still...how on earth did a polyclad flatworm wind up in my tank? :blink:


The last time I added any new frags/corals to this tank was more than 9+ months ago. 


I can't believe it's been lurking in my nano, staying concealed in the rocks all this while. It also probably explains why snails keep dying within a week whenever I add them to this tank. I used to think my hermit attacked them, but now I wonder...


Also, this is the 3rd polyclad flatworm I've pulled out of this nano since I first set it up. The other 2 were yanked out within the first few months of starting this tank. I attributed it to my lackadaisical attitude in dipping new frags, but now I dip everything 2x over (if ever I purchase anything). 


Quite worried for my shrimp, crab and fish. There's only 3 of them in total, but after fishing the flatworm out, I did a wellness check and they seem to okay - mostly settling in for the night. 


Hopefully this will be the last polyclad. Still feeling very icky from dragging it out - it left quite a fair bit of slime around the chopstick. :unsure:


I flushed it in the toilet and flushed again with detergent. Don't need the added nightmare of a floppy worm crawling out of the toilet and trying to smother me in my sleep or anything. :scarry:


I'm stressed as it is. 'Nite, NR. 🌺

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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to siphon out a bunch of red flatworms from the tank using a pipette. Lil' buggers were camping out on my shrooms. They're harmless, but unsightly. 






Tank's in a sorry state though. Time to WC again, but I'm not feeling well (yep, again) and there's too many things going on on my end. My critters are doing okay for the most part. 👍


Just need to find the time/opportunity to pick up some CUC. The GHA is getting out of control. 😞

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Hi Snow

Sorry to read you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. 

6 hours ago, Snow_Phoenix said:

Just need to find the time/opportunity to pick up some CUC.

This comment seems to be in many updates lately. Maybe it's a tank Spring cleaning thing. I could use some critters for bubble algae, green film algae on rocks and glass, and vertmetid or (vertmetidae) snails. Nothing is out of control yet but some action is required before it is. 

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2 hours ago, debbeach13 said:

Hi Snow

Sorry to read you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. 

This comment seems to be in many updates lately. Maybe it's a tank Spring cleaning thing. I could use some critters for bubble algae, green film algae on rocks and glass, and vertmetid or (vertmetidae) snails. Nothing is out of control yet but some action is required before it is. 

Yeah - I guess all of us will need to replenish our CUCs at some point. 😅


I'm still having difficulty accessing my LFS, which is why I haven't picked up any snails yet. Plus, I still have some personal family issues to handle, so that does take priority over everything else. 


The only benefit to having unsightly GHA is that my pod population is up - so that's free food for Bullet the firefish if he gets the munchies in the morning. 😅👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tank fell into a state of neglect for a while. Some of my SPS STNed. I manage to trim off some dead bits using coral cutters, but you can see dead skeleton and missing flesh in some areas. 😕










Colors have also dulled out. ~5 weeks of no WCs can really wreck a tank. 😕


Just trying to turn this around and hoping everything will color up again. Had to shuffle some pieces around as well. Most of my zoas have been smothered by GHA and have melted:






I still lack the means to go to my LFS to top up on some zoas, so I'll have to do without. My duncan is now up to 26+++ heads. 



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My softies are doing much better. They can get a bit moody though. 










^Love the cloves popping up between the palys. 


Wish I could go to the LFS. Really miss seeing all the fish & corals. 😞

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