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Perhaps long overdue but I'm approaching the stage of the hobby where you install a mini fridge next to your aquarium and drill the top for coral food lines...


Test results from noon today...

pH: 8.3 
Ca: 500
KH: 7.9
NO3: 1-3 


Ca: 2.3 --> 2 x6 mL/day

Red Sea AB+: 1x5 --> 2x4 mL/day (noon and midnight)


Running out of EasyReef SPS and it's becoming harder to get so I'll lean more into AB+ (and try out this Nyos phosphate product).


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480 Ca, 7.8 KH


I think the tank is moving to Nashville in June. Hopefully not much of a reset. 🤞

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PO4: 0.00
Ca: 480
Alk: 7.4


Was dosing 3mL of EasySPS gel at midnight...

Now dosing 1mL of Nyos Phosphate at midnight


Alk: 5.8mL to 6mL x6 


Was dosing 4mL of AB+ at 12am and 12pm

Now dosing 4mL of AB+ at 6pm, 2am, 10am 


I ran out of EasySPS gel, which continues to be tricky to get, so I'm trying out the Nyos phosphate product and increasing my Coral AB+ feeding by 50%. 


I had bad experiences with Brightwell's NeoNitro and NeoPhos in the past so anxious to see if Nyos' formulation generates similar algae issues.


The goal of this feeding is to accelerate growth and bring my phosphates to ~0.02 ppm...in balance with nitrate to avoid an algae outbreak. 


I continue to add a 1/4 tsp of baker's ammonia to my ATO reservoir (when refilled). 

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PO4: 0.00
Ca: 470
Alk: 7.7


Trimmed the green montipora a good amount. 


The Nyos Phos will start dosing now, let's see what happens!


Edit: Also dissolving 1/2 tsp of ammonia into my ATO vs. 1/4 tsp 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just gave your journal a skim.

great adventure for this tank, and it looks great.

this may well be one of the most well travelled tanks around…

I’ve been having luck lately raising PO4 with reef roids from 0.00 up to 0.03 in about a week or two. 
however my tank is much younger than yours. And I read in your Journal about a possible sponge issue you may have run into with reef roids.

would be interesting to know if that’s a common issue.

keep up the good work…. Following along.

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On 4/1/2024 at 9:33 PM, Staticmoves said:

Just gave your journal a skim.

great adventure for this tank, and it looks great.

this may well be one of the most well travelled tanks around…

I’ve been having luck lately raising PO4 with reef roids from 0.00 up to 0.03 in about a week or two. 
however my tank is much younger than yours. And I read in your Journal about a possible sponge issue you may have run into with reef roids.

would be interesting to know if that’s a common issue.

keep up the good work…. Following along.

Thanks man! I appreciate you skimming the journal.


It's funny you mention reef roids because, yes, sponges went insane in my tank BUT I'm going to give powdered food another try with Coral Frenzy. Maybe this time I'll buy a critter to eat the sponges as they come up. 


Feeding/nutrients continue to be the tank's weak spot (in my opinion). I'm not seeing results (yet) with the phosphate I'm dosing (and small amount of nitrate). On top of the AB+. 


The AB+ is likely not as effective because I'm not using it properly (fresh). It's kept cool and dry at 65F but I'm not refrigerating it. I don't think it's doing harm buttt...I did get a small mini fridge to open up my options for dosing refrigerated foods. That was a huge perk of the EasyReef EvoSPS gel. 


I should add a fish but the tank will move to Nashville in June and it's hard to pick something that will thrive in this kind of tank. I'm sure the damsel will be a jerk. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Added a dwarf hawkfish and it pretty quickly/badly attacked the damsel, who was defending his turf. 

Stopped dosing Nyos Phosphate. Wasn't seeing any changes in tank (other than more glass algae). 


Feeding some frozen food. 


Alk: 7.9

Ca: 460

PO4: 0.00

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Enjoyed your journal. Great to see your reef develop which included having to deal with a few tank moves. Your aquascape looks like a work of art and will look even better as the SPS grow. 

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On 5/2/2024 at 1:05 PM, KevMax said:

Enjoyed your journal. Great to see your reef develop which included having to deal with a few tank moves. Your aquascape looks like a work of art and will look even better as the SPS grow. 

Thank you so much! Yup, tank has been relocated every summer it's been around and this summer won't be an exception 😅. Not the most conducive habit for stability.


I think I'm going to try Red Sea's new complete reef care dosing system! Hopefully it comes in stock soon. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was out of town for five days and my BRS 200w Titanium heater failed sometime during that period. Water went down to ~72F (idk how long). Looks like I'll lose a couple smaller frags. Disappointing.


Had the heater for ~2.75 years. Was within warranty so I was able to refund for points.


Back to the Jagers, I suppose.


Mailed out an ICP test.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ca: 420

KH: 8.6

PO4: 0.00


Added 1/2 tsp Ammonia bicarbonate (NH₄HCO₃) to 5 gal ATO reservoir

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