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Sharbuckle 29/65 (Closed)


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Christopher Marks

Brutal dude, that sucks! :(


Your adrenaline must still be pumping, I can't believe you were there when it happened! Incredible work saving everything and finding new homes. You'll get back on your feet again soon!

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this is a nightmare scenario for ALL of us here.  i know every one of us has had that dreadful thought of our $$$$ box of water ending up spilling to the ground at some point.   i hope you didn't suffer too much damage!!!  so sorry to hear man



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So sorry to hear about the tank crack!  That had the potential to do more than just kill your livestock. "Lucky" you were at home to minimize the damage to your home and save your fish and corals.  I hope you find a new job soon and with it a new tank eventually. 

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You'll get through this and bounce back, I can tell you're that kind of person! Is there a local facebook group for Ottowa reefers? If your community is anything like mine, if local reefers knew what you're going through, someone would give you a used tank or sell one cheap just to help out. I bought my Deep Blue 30g used with the stand from a local reefer for $275, which was an incredible deal, but the folks in our local community believe in just passing equipment around to whoever can use it instead of trying to make lots of money.

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:( Same thing happened to a friend of mine last year and I had to hold on to some of his LS. Eventually, he settled on getting a smaller tank.

It sucks, but things could have been worse (like you not being home when it happened and losing all LS). Hope the reboot will be as awesome as the 65. 

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WOW :( So sorry to hear about ur Tank and more specifically ur job loss!  That sucks huge hind tit. (Sorry Ladies)

How in the hell did the back glass crack?  And, as others have said, on the bright side, u were home when it happened and was

able to not just save ur Livestock, but also to try and minimize the resulting flood.

We're here for ya Sharbuckle.  For the support.

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And I thought I was having troubles...Sounds like you have had a really sucky week. I'm so sorry. But here's to you getting a BETTER job, and car, and tank, and...(but keep the GF, she's a winner!) Chin up Sharbuckle, this too shall pass and be a mere blip in the book of your life.

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Wow this is crazy! I have no idea what I would do if this happened. Glad you were able to save the livestock but your hardwood floors probably didn't take it well. Best of luck getting everything worked out and finding a new job!

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Devastating news.  Great that you were able to save all the livestock, though.  That sounds like a rare silver lining for a tank failure like this.  Hang in there.  Everything else can get replaced in time.

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Too many people to quote. 


Thank you so much for all the kind words of support.


Got a new job today. Three weeks of unemployment sucked. Top it off with a tank crashing and I couldn't afford a new one without selling some livestock.


Most of my fish and alot of my corals had to be sold..... pretty upset, already miss my fish...


Having said that I almost have enough to buy an IM Nuvo 40. Gotta sell some equipment and im going to order it.




Smaller than what I planned but I didnt want the hassle of having to drill and plumb another tank.


anyway. Thanks guys





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Christopher Marks

Congratulations on the new job @Sharbuckle! One less thing to worry about, and soon you can get back to enjoying your hobby with a new tank. I guess if there's any bright side, you can change anything you might have been unhappy with in your 65 setup.


Any insight into what might have caused the crack? How's all the livestock doing?


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I have been on vacation and am devastated for you about what happened to your tank.  That is every aquarist's nightmare!  I am very sorry.  I am happy that you are re-building and I will definitely be following along.  Your resilience is to be commended!

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9 hours ago, teenyreef said:

Congrats on the new job! And I think you'll like the IM40, I've been pretty happy with mine.

I've got long arms so im sure the height wont bother me too too much :) excited to order it. Hopefully tomorrow. 

8 hours ago, Christopher Marks said:

Congratulations on the new job @Sharbuckle! One less thing to worry about, and soon you can get back to enjoying your hobby with a new tank. I guess if there's any bright side, you can change anything you might have been unhappy with in your 65 setup.


Any insight into what might have caused the crack? How's all the livestock doing?


Thanks @Christopher Marks On my way to sign the paperwork. 


Still not sure how the crack happened. I think maybe the stand was warped and the tank wasn't flushed. Either way i'm just glad I was home to deal with it. 


All livestock is alive and well. Sold some fish and coral that I didnt really want to but hey... at least I can keep moving forward with what  I do have.

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1 hour ago, vlangel said:

I have been on vacation and am devastated for you about what happened to your tank.  That is every aquarist's nightmare!  I am very sorry.  I am happy that you are re-building and I will definitely be following along.  Your resilience is to be commended!

Thanks @vlangel your positive words of support always brighten up my day. 

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Hopefully the changes will bring something even better than what you had before. 

Here's to new beginnings with even bigger and brighter vistas!!! :grouphug:

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O m g. 


Another local reefers tank bust at the seems. Worse than mine as it happened in the night. Lost a hippo tang and the majority if his coral.



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2 minutes ago, Sharbuckle said:

O m g. 


Another local reefers tank bust at the seems. Worse than mine as it happened in the night. Lost a hippo tang and the majority if his coral.




Do these things happen in three's? 


*runs to check tanks*



good to hear things are looking up! ?

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