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####### Fatass Challenge


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We really should be encouraging each other on progress made and help educate each other, it takes a long time to learn how our body responds to certain stimuli, and even food.


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I do understand what you're trying to say and it stems from a well thought out idea. However, the issues arises when you just look at one piece of the issue, this really is integrative physiology with so many aspects playing a role. This isn't even taking into account genotype of individuals how has polymorphism have an effect of different biological processes.


The fact is, not everything works for everyone and there really exist a continue of responses including individuals who respond negatively and those who see great results. Simply overreaching on some broad statements is arrogant in science and even in this thread. The best thing people can do is find out what works best for them in, satiety also plays a huge role in how people eat.


We really should be encouraging each other on progress made and help educate each other, it takes a long time to learn how our body responds to certain stimuli, and even food.

apologies for the misspelling of words, I'm just typing without proof reading multitasking.

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I do understand what you're trying to say and it stems from a well thought out idea. However, the issues arises when you just look at one piece of the issue, this really is integrative physiology with so many aspects playing a role. This isn't even taking into account genotype of individuals how has polymorphism have an effect of different biological processes.


The fact is, not everything works for everyone and there really exist a continue of responses including individuals who respond negatively and those who see great results. Simply overreaching on some broad statements is arrogant in science and even in this thread. The best thing people can do is find out what works best for them in, satiety also plays a huge role in how people eat.


We really should be encouraging each other on progress made and help educate each other, it takes a long time to learn how our body responds to certain stimuli, and even food.


Yup, I agree. Even better there are also people who swear by eating 1 single large meal a day. More power to them! Lol just if they try to claim it somehow magically causes a significant shift in calories burned in a day, I'll call them out just as quick as you 6-a-day'ers!

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Is Sushi Healthy?
  • sushi-cover.jpg?10277c&10277c


did you see the episode of monsters inside me where the guy went to the sushi restaurant the the guy gave him live crabs to dip and eat. He ended up with a parasite in his brain, from it. Crazy. I do love raw fish though, I'm not big on a lot of rolls because I'm lactose intolerant and rolls typically have a creamy taste to them.

Yup, I agree. Even better there are also people who swear by eating 1 single large meal a day. More power to them! Lol just if they try to claim it somehow magically causes a significant shift in calories burned in a day, I'll call them out just as quick as you 6-a-day'ers!


I think the issue with multiple meals is people are able to eat less calories total that way because they are constantly eating and never have the issue of feeling like, zomg I'm hungry lets eat a whole baby cow and typically end up consuming more calories.


On a side note, I ate a 3 pound breakfast burrito this morning.

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did you see the episode of monsters inside me where the guy went to the sushi restaurant the the guy gave him live crabs to dip and eat. He ended up with a parasite in his brain, from it. Crazy. I


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Frequent eating is important and have evidence both scientifically and anecdotal that backs it up. When looking at metabolic regulation there are a couple things that need to be addressed in order to not bore people the like of throid hormones and insulin. Think of it this way. When you reduce the frequency of feeding your body adapts someone earlier brought up the notion of going into a starvation mode. Your body compensates by decreases resting metabolic rate, as it should why burn more calories at rest when you're not getting a constant supply of food. This is done by modulating hormones specially T3 and others, I'm using T3 as an example because it's been widely talked about and signaling pathways really don't seem of interest to a lot of people here. Coupled with non frequent feedings you'll notice insulin spikes, these in-turn have an effect of substrate utilization (http://ajpendo.physiology.org/content/238/3/E231.short). furthermore, not eating sometimes not always depending on feeding periods increases hormones which basically say I'm hungry man I better slow down the utilization of the more calories dense fuel source we have fat (1 gram = 9 kcal) while increasing hungry. Then this isn't even taking into account evolutionary ideas of hunger increases foraging which that means if you're storing fat what are you burning as a fuel source. I could go on and on but don't want to turn this into a seminar.

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There are many schools of thought on Meal Frequency. I don't think it's as simple as eating X calories a day. I believe that it matters what we eat, and even when (and how often) we eat. Along with calorie intake, hormones and their interactions, including available macronutrients help to determine hunger, fat loss, and muscle catabolism for energy.


I admit that I'm no expert in the field and I'm positive that others posting on this thread have a much better understanding of this complex subject than I do. People have different hormone responses, especially those suffering from insulin resistance (as well as having a different metabolism, lean muscle mass, body fat percentage, etc).

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There are lots of schools of thought on Meal Frequency. I don't think it's as simple as eating X calories a day. I believe that it matters what we eat and, I believe, when (and how often) we eat. Along with calorie intake, the presence of hormones and their interactions, along with available macronutrients help to determine hunger, fat loss, and muscle catabolism for energy.


I admit that I'm no expert in the field and I'm positive that others posting on this site have a much better understanding of this complex subject than I do. People have different hormone responses, especially those suffering from insulin resistance (as well as metabolism, lean muscle mass, etc).

I agree with this, there's a lot of research going on right now in regards to people who have metabolic disorders which in turn have lower exercise capacity. That HIIT might benefit them more than regular jogging, because they would be able to work out at higher intensities then they would normally be capable of. It's been shown to improve aerobic capacity more then tradition low continuous exercise.

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OH NOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm so sorry. Been there. Food poisoning is the absolute worst.

It's 10:44 and I am just thinking breakfast! I had to work until just after 2 last night, so I'm dragging!!! Here's the plan for today:


BF: Cashew butter on toast

Lunch later: cobb salad at a local restaurant on the water since it is the first beautifully dry day in weeks

snacks: TBD

Dinner: Grilled chicken and vegetables

Well, here's what REALLY happened today:


BF: Cashew butter on toast

Snack: plum, nectarine

Lunch: Cobb salad (grilled chicken, blue cheese, avocado, vegetables, etc.), opted for balsamic vinaigrette rather than traditional blue cheese

Snack: Some cheese and carrots

Dinner: The husband decided to cook and made eggplant puttanesca over rigatoni. So, that's what I had. Ate more of the eggplant and sauce than the pasta, but still had some pasta.



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It's not too late! It's not really a competition, just a bunch of people supporting each other. DO IT JBB!!!


If I'm gonna do this , I probably better start a shopping list

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did you see the episode of monsters inside me where the guy went to the sushi restaurant the the guy gave him live crabs to dip and eat. He ended up with a parasite in his brain, from it. Crazy. I do love raw fish though, I'm not big on a lot of rolls because I'm lactose intolerant and rolls typically have a creamy taste to them.



I think the issue with multiple meals is people are able to eat less calories total that way because they are constantly eating and never have the issue of feeling like, zomg I'm hungry lets eat a whole baby cow and typically end up consuming more calories.


On a side note, I ate a 3 pound breakfast burrito this morning.


If it makes any difference to you, I am also lactose intolerant. Just get rolls without the cream cheese inside them. Most sushi does not contain any milk products, the creamy taste is often just the rice because it is so soft and sticky. :) I love sushi and would eat it everyday if I could.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: 2 small beef tacos

Supper: chicken strips and a slice of apple pie (birthday celebration)

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signaling pathways really don't seem of interest to a lot of people here


Hey, some of us are nerds! But that is OK, I realize most here are not physiology nerds.


Last year I had an episode of reactive hypoglycemia. If you ignore the part where it landed me in the emergency room because I blacked out and smashed my face when I fell (splitting my lip, knocking out a tooth, cracking my maxilla, and giving me a concussion), it was kinda cool. Well, the pathophys was cool. I totally geeked out over that part.

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Hey, some of us are nerds! But that is OK, I realize most here are not physiology nerds.


Last year I had an episode of reactive hypoglycemia. If you ignore the part where it landed me in the emergency room because I blacked out and smashed my face when I fell (splitting my lip, knocking out a tooth, cracking my maxilla, and giving me a concussion), it was kinda cool. Well, the pathophys was cool. I totally geeked out over that part.

Yeah definitely nerdy. Love it though. Did the fractured maxilla require fixation?
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Just curious...is Omelette the "10,000 calorie putz"?



lol. that 10,000 calorie putz is in there


He was getting ready to roid rage on me :lol:

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House party was fun. about a glass and a half of wine. And pasta. FML.

And I was forced to eat a half of a small cup cake because the hostess made it and I am very fond of her but they were too sweet, I discretely tossed it when she wasn't looking.

HIIT all the way! Unfortunately alcohol is the metabolic killer, which is why I try and limit it as much as possible

Now you tell me. :)


Yes you're absolutely right. You know there is so much conflicting information out there. A glass of red wine every day is good, alcohol is bad, carbs are bad, gluten is bad, fat is good, fat is bad. Eat more, eat less, eat many times, don't eat that many meals. Argh.

EAt egg yolks, don;t eat the yolks, eat salmon, mercury poisoning. Guess what - my PCP follows and recommends a plant based diet over animal protein based diets. So many schools of thought to choose from.


Does anybody follow the blood group diet?

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House party was fun. about a glass and a half of wine. And pasta. FML.

And I was forced to eat a half of a small cup cake because the hostess made it and I am very fond of her but they were too sweet, I discretely tossed it when she wasn't looking.

Now you tell me. :)


Yes you're absolutely right. You know there is so much conflicting information out there. A glass of red wine every day is good, alcohol is bad, carbs are bad, gluten is bad, fat is good, fat is bad. Eat more, eat less, eat many times, don't eat that many meals. Argh.

EAt egg yolks, don;t eat the yolks, eat salmon, mercury poisoning. Guess what - my PCP follows and recommends a plant based diet over animal protein based diets. So many schools of thought to choose from.


Does anybody follow the blood group diet?

Fat burns in the flames of carbohydrates, my favorite Ex phys quote so no carbs are NOT bad, but the sources can be. Alcohol in moderation also isn't bad but upwards of 3 servings or more can turn your metabolic rate into a whopping 60-70% decrease until it has metabolized the alcohol (yikes)

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