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The Pastel Garden: Drop-Off


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Oh my goodness!! I thought that grube's was a leather! Its Su dense and fluffy! Mine looks rather stringy compared to yours. I wonder if I'm doing something it doesn't like?

Yep it's really happy in my tank. I could probably start fragging it but I'm not quite ready yet :).


Great 2016 FTS! I don't recall what your light fixture used to look like but I like the hanging fixture.

Also the pic of your tree and wallpaper is very pretty. Good job on everything!

Thank you, Dawn :flower:.


I had the same problem on new years day! Was changing my light program and when it programmed (and flashed off and back on) my yellow coris wrasse jumped out. The top was off since I was working in the tank, but luckily I plopped it back in and he was fine.

Beautiful corals as always!

Thanks, Harry! and thankfully we were both there to save our fish! Worst feeling ever to come across your fish out of water.


Glad your guy made it, good eye on catching him and moving quickly. Makes me realize for sure I'll need to put my crate lighting over my buckets when I move, so they don't get spooked.

Thanks, Annette! Me too!


Your room make over is beautiful! Love the tank as always!

Thank you very much :happy:.


I just got all caught up! :) Love the new wallpaper. the tank looks great! That Grube's :wub:


Which gorgonian have you been eyeing?

Thank you!!!! It's a pink lemonade eco-gorg from Legendary Coral. But it's only 1" so that's holding me back. They grow pretty fast for me so I may just go for it :).
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Yep it's really happy in my tank. I could probably start fragging it but I'm not quite ready yet :). Thank you, Dawn :flower:. Thanks, Harry! and thankfully we were both there to save our fish! Worst feeling ever to come across your fish out of water. Thanks, Annette! Me too! Thank you very much :happy:. Thank you!!!! It's a pink lemonade eco-gorg from Legendary Coral. But it's only 1" so that's holding me b

ack. They grow pretty fast for me so I may just go for it :).

Go for pink lemonade gena! Classy blondes always look better with pink
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My pink candy canes have gotten more ornery. Super long sweepers that are reaching other corals even after fragging them (accidently) and giving them more space. So I took action. Yesterday I went to my LFS to see what acans they had available. They had none. But....they had the most beautiful yellow fiji leather I had ever seen. I pulled up a photo of my tank on my phone to see where I could fit it in. Oh yes....right where the pink candy canes are. I think it was a marvelous swap :wub:.



Go for pink lemonade gena! Classy blondes always look better with pink

I will probably go for it :flower:.
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I like that alot of the height in your tank is coral and not a pile of rocks.

Thank you! I didn't want a pile of rocks. Worked out well :).


noooo not the pink trumpets =(. but that fiji leather looks nice =)

I know. It's bitter sweet. They were very pretty but soooo angry all the time LOL. I have inner-peace again with them out of the tank and the leather replacing them :).
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Digging the natural look of this tank. Looking great Gena!

Thank you, Dave :).


Tanks looking amazing!


Not sure if you have already covered it, but could you enlighten me to what you have the razor set too?

Thanks! It's somewhere in here and I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll check later today when the light is at it's peak. I think it's 90% on A and 84% on B. I know my whites run higher than the blue because I don't really like a lot of blue. I'll get back to you though :).


Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year's Gena :). Tank is looking gorgeous as usual :).

Thank you, Jase! We did have a fantastic Christmas and New Year's, thank you!!! I hope the same for you :).
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Tank still looks just wonderful. I love the new yellow leather. Beautiful. Fits in very well with the whole pastel theme. I have a branching hammer that is the bad boy of my tank. Love the movment he adds to my tank but he just loves to reach out and touch someone. It is amazing how far they can reach too when upset!

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D did a great job with the hanging hardware...love the steam punk/industrial look of the piping as fixtures.

He sure did :). I told him that I wanted to hang the light and he came up with the idea. As you know he's into the industrial thing! How are you feeling?


Tank still looks just wonderful. I love the new yellow leather. Beautiful. Fits in very well with the whole pastel theme. I have a branching hammer that is the bad boy of my tank. Love the movment he adds to my tank but he just loves to reach out and touch someone. It is amazing how far they can reach too when upset!

Thank you!!! I know what you mean about the reach! I think they get even more angry at night too! Hopefully everyone else in my tank will behave now :).



Tanks got great balance to it- that back wall is still spotless .

Thanks, Scott :). So far the back wall has been staying very clean. I have to brush it a little weekly but nothing difficult yet.


Not sure if you have already covered it, but could you enlighten me to what you have the razor set too?

Alright....I was a little off. It's at 80% on A and 74% on B. This is at the peak time. I think the peak time is 4 hours and it automatically dims for me to 1% on B.




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He sure did :). I told him that I wanted to hang the light and he came up with the idea. As you know he's into the industrial thing! How are you feeling? Thank you!!! I know what you mean about the reach! I think they get even more angry at night too! Hopefully everyone else in my tank will behave now :). Thanks, Scott :). So far the back wall has been staying very clean. I have to brush it a little weekly but nothing difficult yet. Alright....I was a little off. It's at 80% on A and 74% on B. This is at the peak time. I think the peak time is 4 hours and it automatically dims for me to 1% on B.1-7-2016Screen%20Shot%202016-01-07%20at%2012.42.

Pastel like a fox :D

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He sure did :). I told him that I wanted to hang the light and he came up with the idea. As you know he's into the industrial thing! How are you feeling?

Well, at one month out I can walk, drive, chew gum etc. Started back at work this week as well which was nice.


Dialed the meds way down, still a lot of weird nerve-related symptoms and pain. Not getting a lot of sleep and down about 15 lbs. the hard way.


Still, getting better every day.

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Thanks, Scott :). So far the back wall has been staying very clean. I have to brush it a little weekly but nothing difficult yet.



That's surprising, I would of thought you would have to be on that constantly. That's great! It sure is a nice background to the colors of your corals ?

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Thanks, Scott :). So far the back wall has been staying very clean. I have to brush it a little weekly but nothing difficult yet.

That's surprising, I would of thought you would have to be on that constantly. That's great! It sure is a nice background to the colors of your corals

I agree with Scott. The light back wall sets a mood with the coral you have chosen that gives your tank a unique twist from the norm. I just love it!
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Love how your firefish is always out!

He's out quite a bit. But he hides quite a bit too LOL.



...and you are very kind to ask. Has been pretty tough on both Laura and I, and we are looking forward to better days ahead!

I'm glad things are getting better :flower:. You have a wonderful wife to take good care of you..and vice versa.

Thanks, Scott :). So far the back wall has been staying very clean. I have to brush it a little weekly but nothing difficult yet.



That's surprising, I would of thought you would have to be on that constantly. That's great! It sure is a nice background to the colors of your corals ?

Me too! I don't know but I just get a light brown film on it weekly that I easily brush away. So far not much coralline algae. A few spots here and there. I noticed it likes to grow in shadier locations. Maybe the brightness of the white background is a deterrent?


I agree with Scott. The light back wall sets a mood with the coral you have chosen that gives your tank a unique twist from the norm. I just love it!

Thank you, Dawn :flower:.


Very beautiful!

Thanks, Kimber :).



I used your Christmas gift from KP yesterday :) order coming Thursday. Tank is looking great I see it's already getting nominations.

Awesome!!!! And thank you :flower:. I checked out the nominations thread :blush:. Seems to have stirred a discussion LOL.


I need a piece of that big leather on the left. Along with a few trumpet frags. kthxbai

That's a kenya tree. Sure you want some of that "pest" coral??? LOL I like the misfits :wub:.
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Me too! I don't know but I just get a light brown film on it weekly that I easily brush away. So far not much coralline algae. A few spots here and there. I noticed it likes to grow in shadier locations. Maybe the brightness of the white background is a deterrent?


Algal spores preferentially settle out on dark surfaces compared to light surfaces! This was identified in a study looking at algal growth on different colors and patterns of seasnakes.


R. Shine, F. Brischoux, A. J. Pile. A seasnake's colour affects its susceptibility to algal fouling. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2010.


Abstract: Evolutionary transitions from terrestrial to aquatic life modify selective forces on an animal's coloration. For example, light penetrates differently through water than air, and a new suite of predators and visual backgrounds changes the targets of selection. We suggest that an aquatic animal's coloration may also affect its susceptibility to algal fouling. In a colour-polymorphic field population of seasnakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) in New Caledonia, black individuals supported higher algal cover than did banded conspecifics. In experimental tests, black snake models (plastic tubes) accumulated more algae than did banded models. Algal cover substantially reduced snake activity (in the field) and swimming speeds (in the laboratory). Effects of algal cover on a snake's hydrodynamic efficiency and/or its rate of cutaneous gas exchange thus may impose selection on the colours of aquatic organisms.

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