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Chris' CAD Lights 45g Shallow : Another Re-Scape (Video)


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Did you follow me to their ebay sale? Someone discovered them... I tried to buy some acans from them on ebay this weekend, and got outbid on everything. Prices went up to near retail. LAME!


I was able to buy one piece out of like 40. Got this guy for $20.



NOPE! I haven't found them yet, if you want to PM me though...

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NOPE! I haven't found them yet, if you want to PM me though...


Ha... I think the secret is out now. There are still deals, but no steals! :(


It's Reef Lounge USA (duh). They do ebay sales every few weeks.

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I noticed after posting and checking out their website, still some decent prices though.


Yeah, not bad, but much better if you don't have to pony up the delivery charge.

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My oldest acan colony (on the left) has been shrunk up for the past few days, and has not puffed up at all. All my other acans are looking great. I tried moving it once to an isolated area, but didn't see any change. Any ideas? It's not in range of any other corals that might sting it. There doesn't appear to be anything growing on it that would be bothering it. Fish are ignoring it...


When it's acting normally, it'll shrink up all the way at night, but expand all day, and look like the individuals on the right. Now, it tries to expand, but this is as big as it gets:



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Just dropped my clam into an RO/DI bath. Going to dip for about 20 minutes and see if that helps the pinched mantle. Fingers crossed!! fingerscrossed

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A couple of hours after it's 30 minute fresh water dip, here's my maxima, looking no worse for the wear. Everything I've read says that a few days after the dip, the mantle will uncurl and look normal. Let's hope so!



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While I had my camera out...


Friggin' Fire & Ice Palys are aggressive! They've all but overgrown the colony of Valentine's Day Massacre palys, and are trying to grow right over the Goblin Fire and Blue Hornets. Gonna have to take some serious action if they keep spreading like this. I don't know what the blue and orange palys are at the bottom of the screen, but I really like them, and would hate to see them get wiped out.



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nice zoas. i also like the blue and orange ones on the bottom.


Thanks. So... are you scheming your upgrade yet/still?

I shot a quick video of my refugium because I don't think that still photos really give you a good idea of the movement that these xenia offer. I think it's such a cool look to have a big colony of these guys. They're super active "pulsers," so the effect is pretty neat!


Again, sorry for the cheesy music. Youtube only has a handful of free sound clips you can use...



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Any trouble with Amakusaplana acroporae?


I got all my coral from reef gardener and had a nasty outbreak. I dipped everything prior to going into the tank and saw my coral having trouble. backed down on the lights, checked chemistry all fine. Decided to dip and yuck. 10's of flatworms.


I just did my second week of dipping using bayer complete, with a few small one falling of and lots of dead copepods.


Hopefully once I take care of that then I can give you a little competition ;)

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No (knock on wood), no signs of flatworms. I do have a pretty ravenous Melanurus Wrasse in my tank, so any worms big enough to see are fish food...


That sucks about your trouble with Reef Gardener. Morgan has some really amazing stuff... I guess you just gotta dip everything before it goes in the tank. I need to be better about that. I get impatient, and visual inspections probably won't cut it in the long run.

Here's another growth shot. It's amazing how much these things transform, and you don't realize it until you go back and look at old photos!



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Midas Blenny found a sweet little perch in a pile of live rock. There's a half clam-shell embedded in the live rock, and it makes a sweet little bowl to rest in!



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How's the clam?


The RO/DI dip didn't seem to do a whole lot (for better or for worse). The clam seemed totally unaffected by it's 30 minutes in cool fresh water. The PM seems like it might have gotten a little better, but it's still there. It definitely doesn't seem to bother the clam, who is always open, with a nice extended mantle (except where pinched), and shows excellent photo-sensitivity. Not sure if I should try again or not...

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Sorry to hear that it didn't take care of the issue. It's a beautiful clam!


Thanks. It's a trooper. I suppose I'll just let it do it's thing and try to react if something changes!

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In other (non-tank related) news, I decided to build a patio table. I am a fan of the Restoration Hardware harvest tables, so I decided to copy cat. Here's RH version. Sells for $2800.





Here's the version I built. Obviously has not been sanded, and the finish has not been applied, but I'm going for the same weathered barn-board look. I spent $120 on lumber, and another $20 in pocket screws. The missing panel on the top will have a removable cover that hides a stainless steel trough that will be used for ice and drinks! I also built two benches that match the style of the table exactly!



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Sorry to hear about your clam, but I love the table. The trough for drinks is a really cool idea. Copycat projects are so much fun, and save a TON of money. And they let you customize your furniture and combine 2 good ideas, which I think is the best part. Here's a cool entertainment center that I did a copycat on.

16377666744_6992ac523d_b.jpg20150201_162809 by cchsoracle, on Flickr

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Sorry to hear about your clam, but I love the table. The trough for drinks is a really cool idea. Copycat projects are so much fun, and save a TON of money. And they let you customize your furniture and combine 2 good ideas, which I think is the best part. Here's a cool entertainment center that I did a copycat on.



That's sweet. I like the finish you put on that. What is it? I've been brewing up a Vinegar/Steel Wool cocktail to age the wood. Not sure how it'll go, but I've seen some pretty cool results.



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Actually, that was just a simple Minwax dark walnut. It works well if you do a pre-stain treatment first. I havn't got around to trying the vinegar/steel wool stain yet, but I have heard good things about it. Post up some more pics once it is done. Id love to see the finished product.

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