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Kat's Birthday Party


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Asia is a big issue when it comes to overwhelming consumption of rare animals. But let's not kid ourselves and think we play no part. We play a huge part in the problem. A single cow produces a garbage bag size full of methane gas every few hours. We have cleared out natural lands to create pastures to feed the red meat beef demanding american. Methane gas is worse for the environment than carbon dioxide. The nutritionists and personal trainers that preach a constant intake of meat are abundant. You can't argue with a meat lover that a plant based diet is healthier. And better for the environment.

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Cows are the least of America's contributions to the environment's decay. If you want to see the real problem scope out the dumpsters of your building tomorrow afternoon. Our wastefullness is appalling. And while the cows do produce lots of methane that vegan chick I dated for a few months could give them a run for their money.


Unless you're living off the grid and growing all of your own food you're helping to destroy the environment. There's no way around it.


For instance: It's winter in the northern hemisphere "fresh" fruits n veggies are shipped in from Chile and other parts of the southern hemisphere. If you're a vegetarian and want do your part you should be eating canned foodstuffs this time of the year.

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Our garbage dumps produce more harmful gases due to foods and waste breaking down in abundance since they have mountains of crap and wastes. Cows arent even close to the amount of methane produced from landfills.

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You're right. But when do we start?

The question I ask myself is "when can I start?". The answer is today. Try to do a small thing every day if you can. I don't always succeed, but I don't always fail either...

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Will the K Blocker stop these emojis I wonder...


Oh finally, something Kardashian related I support.



:lol: Pinner

It was half the reason I broke up with her. And something to consider if you're thinking of going vegetarian.

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Merry Christmas Kat! you playing Santa for the nephews?

Actually this year I made them get me lots of presents. So I might be getting more than anybody else.

We were supposed to buy one last present for me today - oven mits - but the traffic was obscene. So they made me an IOU Christmas card.


The tree



The brother got himself the present that I got for him for Christmas. :angry:

So I had to return it :angry:

So he's presentless. I got him a personal cake.






Nobody laugh.



Yes they call me Wawa. Yes I am my own Santa. Yes i made them pack my gifts to myself.

Yes I open them and go awwww.


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