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Kat's Birthday Party


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Beautiful fixture kat..Dave did an amazing job....But i expect nothing less.


I think the mandarin is a female...reminds me of the one i used to have.

Dave should wear a cape and call himself SuperDave



You might be right about the Mandarin, she has a very sassy attitude. IME with the pair I had in my tank, the female is the aggressive hunter. And this little one sure is. I should name her Dot. :)


Chunky little mandarin you got there, a good starting point.

For sure. She's actively hunting and pecking, but she got freaked out by the live black worms I squirted at her. I'll keep trying different foods. I've also been throwing some copepods from the RSM into here. I have a copepod infestation over there, it's a mandarin heaven I swear.


So jealous you got one of those mandarins

I think you can sustain one Justin, your tank is a year old now. This was the most active target they had, I was watching her for a good while. They had 2 more but they were just sitting around. The huge Green mandarin was active but not like this one.

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I think you can sustain one Justin, your tank is a year old now. This was the most active target they had, I was watching her for a good while. They had 2 more but they were just sitting around. The huge Green mandarin was active but not like this one.


Im sure i could keep it, especially if it takes frozen. Im just really worried about my gramma being a huge bully, its already claimed the left half of my tank. So pushing my chromis, clown and cardnial to the right causes a lot of aggression between them as well. Dont want to make the problem worse.

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Im sure i could keep it, especially if it takes frozen. Im just really worried about my gramma being a huge bully, its already claimed the left half of my tank. So pushing my chromis, clown and cardnial to the right causes a lot of aggression between them as well. Dont want to make the problem worse.

Re-home the gramma? Ruby is in a time out right now for harassing new fish. If she doesn't behave I have to think about trading her. And it's a shame because this is a spawning pair. Not that they have spawned for several months, she likely is claiming headaches caused by a new tank, new fish, new scape.


Do mandarins eat baby amphipods? My tank is literally swarming with them. They crawl on top of my carpet nems without a care in the world....

They sure do! I wish it was easy to share fish, both my Mandarins would love pods infested tanks. The RSM is pod infested, but it is stressful to the fish to move it back and forth.

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Re-home the gramma? Ruby is in a time out right now for harassing new fish. If she doesn't behave I have to think about trading her. And it's a shame because this is a spawning pair. Not that they have spawned for several months, she likely is claiming headaches caused by a new tank, new fish, new scape.


They sure do! I wish it was easy to share fish, both my Mandarins would love pods infested tanks. The RSM is pod infested, but it is stressful to the fish to move it back and forth.

Nah, ill just wait till the day i have a bigger tank lol

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oh yay i love happy dendros =]. Absolutely fish had a whole colony of pink Cladopsammia that was starving to death, and I just wanted to take it off their hands =(


Do mandarins eat ADULT amphipods? lol

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Mr. Microscope

Those porites are so cool! If I were ever to get a straight up encrusting-only coral, that darth maul would be it.


If it's any help, I have noticed the Tech-M treatment is working for bryopsis in my tank. I hadn't seen any in my tank in a while. Just noticed a little today while doing a water change. I'll continue using more Tech-M (I backed off a little), and I imagine it will all be completely gone in due time.

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Kat got a new tank?!? How have I not seen this before??? It looks beautiful in the first post, I'm gonna have to do some skimming to catch up!

dafuq pat, keep up :P

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I saw the title on the homepage about a week or two ago but figured she just changed the title because she got a new light. Lol. Other than lawns thread I haven't been actually reading stuff the past few months. :(



Kitty kat, how do you like the nano box? Is there some round about page I should go to for full stats? I'm starting on page 1 now and am going to read as much as I can.

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Those porites are so cool! If I were ever to get a straight up encrusting-only coral, that darth maul would be it.


If it's any help, I have noticed the Tech-M treatment is working for bryopsis in my tank. I hadn't seen any in my tank in a while. Just noticed a little today while doing a water change. I'll continue using more Tech-M (I backed off a little), and I imagine it will all be completely gone in due time.

I'm really worried about using Tech M, given the colonies of SPS I have. I wish I knew someone with colonies who used the Tech M method. I'm not talking about 2-3 inch multi branching SPS, I'm talking about 7-8, 10 inch wide colonies. My slimer itself is over a dozen branches and about 10 inches spread out. I had started trying the tech M method and the SPs did not respond well so I stopped. The frags are fine, it is the colonies that get affected. If you know anyone with colonies that also has/hd a bryopsis problem, it would be great if I could connect with them. Thanks.


That's one hell of light Kat, good work Dave! That's going to be great over that new tank B)



Thats one smexy light

inorite? Can't wait.


Kat got a new tank?!? How have I not seen this before??? It looks beautiful in the first post, I'm gonna have to do some skimming to catch up!



I saw the title on the homepage about a week or two ago but figured she just changed the title because she got a new light. Lol. Other than lawns thread I haven't been actually reading stuff the past few months. :(



Kitty kat, how do you like the nano box? Is there some round about page I should go to for full stats? I'm starting on page 1 now and am going to read as much as I can.

Gosh Pat, where have you been!

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I saw the title on the homepage about a week or two ago but figured she just changed the title because she got a new light. Lol. Other than lawns thread I haven't been actually reading stuff the past few months. :(

Again, dafuq pat, keep up :P





her light is basically the same as mine but with six LED PCB instead of eight, a total of 78x LEDs, 162 watts.

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Ruby the female clownfish is still in her time out net. Every fish is a different fish with her not in the tank, maybe I should rename her to Gestapo bitch or something. The male clownfish is cozying up to some zoanthids, when they were together they never really made any corner their home in the new tank. In the RSM they were spawning on this one rock so they defended that side of the tank. But in this one she's all over the place!

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Finished editing the photos. New ballast installed. Four channel dimming. This light will hit every angle, edge and surface on this tank!


White/Red ATI RETRO :

15689747964_8f88b8eb35_z.jpgkatwhiteredATI by NanoBoxReef, on Flickr

Red ATI/Fan Guard :

16124778370_e1d2d7028a_z.jpgkatwhiteredATI1 by NanoBoxReef, on Flickr

New SS Screws : Over half were stripped or so rusted you could not do anything with it

16126314527_ff7439b433_z.jpgkatsidewhiteredATI by NanoBoxReef, on Flickr

Arrays and T5 : Reflectors are a little beat however reflect just fine! :)

15689743744_cb367c2c4c_z.jpgkatwhiteredATI3 by NanoBoxReef, on Flickr


Amazing how far this light came from! Hope you enjoy this Kat! I know your corals will.



pure sexiness. wow.

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