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Nanofreaks Shallow 45 CADlight


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What music you in to?
I'm down for anything but country. Not against classical as it might give a nice effect.lol


This is getting ridiculous!
I have a sign on my forehead. It says vendor please take money and bend me over.
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I'm down for anything but country. Not against classical as it might give a nice effect.lol

Same here.

It's going to have to be a compilation....so let's see what everyone will recommend?


I'll start with an opening song. The Doors. "The End"

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I'm a little confused. Are you not dealing directly with DB? Otherwise couldn't you just send them the tank back once you decide on your new one?

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I purchased from a sponsor on my local forum. He purchased a bunch of rimless tanks, as a sort of group buy deal. He is basically the one who needs to refund me my money and he should be handling the warranty issue and return. From our conversation today he made it sound like they were not going to replace the tank. He even offered to strip and re seal the left side. Basically I sent the vendor/group buy guy an email tonight stating he needs to issue me a refund and deal with the return. So stop jerking me around I guess.

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I know it's late in the game but this is one reason I never try and save money using group buys. Too many people in the middle preventing me from dealing directly with a vendor. It's a constant challenge to not to turn into a cynical bastard that trusts no one. :D


I hope this all works out for you!

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I say just go take a steamy dump in it and sit it on his front steps. I think that's a deal considering what he gave you was sh*t.

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Personally I'd skip the glasscages, like lawn said even if it came with a stack of cash I wouldn't own it. I'd also skip the sca just based on the quality of build with the skimmer, its cheap and unfinished, is the tank/ system the same way????


That's there rational. They need to have the number to compare it or whatever. I just want them to admit it's a crap seam and even if I don't have the sticker info it can be returned. I just bought the thing. It's not like I'm coming back a year later and arguing this. There warranty is 5 years, it's not really 5 years if there going to fight a obvious problem. They could get me my money back and worry about who messed up the tank later IMO.


EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! Good customer service would take care of you then find and fix the internal problem. Being nice and helping them by getting the number sooner rather then later would be advisable because clearly if you don't want to work with/help them speed up the process on fixing their problem and preventing others from having the same issue (which IMO is a bad batch of silicone.... or someone not cleaning the glass properly so it adheres correctly) they will be less inclined to work quickly to help you get your refund as well.....


Someone is lying, and it's not deep blue. They just sent a reply stating they already agreed to take the aquarium back. My vendor must be being a cheap ass, or I'm getting the runaround. Jonny blaze don't take no shizz, or get ripped off. This video is gonna be great.


Work directly with DB if they are saying they will refund you tell them your vendor is refusing to do the refund and wants to reseal it (which I bet would void the warranty....) and deal with them direct if you can. They will likely want to make you happy and tell the vendor make it right or we stop working with you (vendor) and you (vendor) will lose money ;) Vendors don't like to lose money or lose the ability to sell a product they make money on so when a supplier/ manufacturer comes at them with that if they are smart they kiss their ass ;)



In otherwords as much fun as it would be, and be to watch I wouldn't advise you to go smashing the tank up anytime soon....


Sometimes they will ask that you just send them a pic of the tank with a busted out end panel (cheaper for them then paying to return ship the tank that they will just destroy anyway).... if so I will tell you what silicone you want to get to do the reseal properly if you want to rebuild the tank afterwards lol

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Just read through the whole saga man, I hate it that its looking like a dud, and that the vendor is being a douche about it all. I was looking to get that exact tank, I talked to the new shop right down the road, no go after seeing all this.

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Talked to the group buy/vendor guy today. He said he would get me my money back. He said he has to go through his vendor? To many people in the middle of this. Hopefully I'll have a straight answer sometime soon.

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Each vendor has a designated DB rep that deals w/ them and all activity goes through that rep. The Contact Us on their page is probably going to someone that can speak only very little about the products. When I asked about their prices it was a pat answer that you have to go through your lfs, which is what I wanted to avoid because I don't trust her either. They won't do business talk w/ you at all. So any monies have to go to that vendor and they will then reimburse you, the problem is that any vendor dealings w/ DB I heard are awful too.

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I'm hoping my emails got him to figure this out sooner than later. I could really use the money towards the new tank. I know when I tried to get a DB tank before this I got the same email you did. At the time I had no LFS or anyone capable/willing to order.

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I contacted Deep Blue about my leaker and then the LFS. The LFS refunded me my money and kept the tank. Deep Blue contacted me and said they would exchange the tank. I contacted my LFS and they gave me a new tank for free. I do spend a shit ton of money there though. Then the second tank had a small stress crack so I took it down before the crack ran. I took that tank and tossed it in the dumpster at my shop.

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I'm hoping that I'll have a refund by next week, once the guy figures out what's going on as far as return. He said I might have to return it.....yeah, that ain't happening on my dime. I think I'm going with the 45 gallon cadlights tank.

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I'm hoping my emails got him to figure this out sooner than later. I could really use the money towards the new tank. I know when I tried to get a DB tank before this I got the same email you did. At the time I had no LFS or anyone capable/willing to order.


Alot of builders won't deal direct with the end buyer..... Reef Savvy and miricles (I believe they are actually from canada but can get them here no problem...) are the top two that I know of that do and will ship..... downside is they both usually have a waiting list, but something smaller (even same or similar size to what you have) may be on hand so worth checking into, but I won't lie either place would likely be more then the $350 you originally spent for the same or similar tank, but WAAAAAAAAAAAY better quality ;)

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Alot of builders won't deal direct with the end buyer..... Reef Savvy and miricles (I believe they are actually from canada but can get them here no problem...) are the top two that I know of that do and will ship..... downside is they both usually have a waiting list, but something smaller (even same or similar size to what you have) may be on hand so worth checking into, but I won't lie either place would likely be more then the $350 you originally spent for the same or similar tank, but WAAAAAAAAAAAY better quality ;)
Last time I called about a tank through reef savvy they had a 6 week wait until ship date. Cost was a little expensive as well. I'm not arguing the quality of either miracles or reef savvy at all, they both make sweet tanks with quality craftsmanship. I'll call on Monday and see if they have anything sitting around. Worth a shot. I can't afford a big dollar value, although think there are some tanks that meet the requirements for my standards. The DB tank I like, but obviously it's not built well. Others have had good luck and my last DB tank was fine.


Man those Mr. Aqua tanks are sexy too.
My Mr. Aqua 17 has perfect silicone and seams. The cost for the tank was cheap for who you get.
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Last time I called about a tank through reef savvy they had a 6 week wait until ship date. Cost was a little expensive as well. I'm not arguing the quality of either miracles or reef savvy at all, they both make sweet tanks with quality craftsmanship. I'll call on Monday and see if they have anything sitting around. Worth a shot. I can't afford a big dollar value, although think there are some tanks that meet the requirements for my standards. The DB tank I like, but obviously it's not built well. Others have had good luck and my last DB tank was fine.


Hey look at that bright side, it is alot better then the 6 month wait they usually have after MACNA lol


They definitely aren't the cheapest option, but they do deal direct and the quality is top notch for sure.


My Mr. Aqua 17 has perfect silicone and seams. The cost for the tank was cheap for who you get.


I have heard nothing but good things about the Mr. Aqua tanks, granted I haven't heard or looked into them a ton but from what I've seen they seem pretty good. If they have a size you like wouldn't likely be a bad idea..... but again I don't think you can deal direct.

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Just Sent an email to cad asking about prices on a 40x24x14. Thought I'd check with them and reef savvy. Miracles too I guess. I might get the 45 gallon, as I really like the dimensions.

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Looks like I might have to give the tank back....in one piece? Sucks, but I deffinetly would like my $350 back. Don't worry things could always go south on me.

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Looks like I might have to give the tank back....in one piece? Sucks, but I deffinetly would like my $350 back. Don't worry things could always go south on me.


Well, get your money back...then smash it to pieces and mail it back in a 5 gallon bucket....to save them freight.

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I have to give it back to the guy who sold it to me. He has to send it back. I could always drop it while getting it out of the suv.....oops, my bad.

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