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Smith's ADA 60-F *Retired*


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Awesome! Still trying to decide on names for them. Currently have diatoms. Kind of ugly but I'm glad to see the initial startup is almost over! Just wish it didn't make my water have so many particles in it. Is frosty better now?

Yea getting through the uglies isn't fun haha. I don't think she's 100% yet but she's definitely eating better and swimming round a good but more. So things are looking up for now! fingerscrossed

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Great tank...what else do you have planned for it?

Thanks! It's going to be a few weeks before I add much else for different reasons but eventually I want to a few good size Euphyllia (hammers & torches) some acans and more zoas. I also want to get a nice sized montipora capricornis either red or purple. And then later down the road once things get more mature i'd like to try my hand at a few sps pieces like some acropora and such.


And once the fish are better and the tanks had time to get rid of all the parasites I want to get one more fish, either a goby for my pistol shrimp or another open water swimmer like a purple firefish or maybe a possum wrasse :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just got back from a week in Nashville. While I was gone I had one of my buddy's feeding the tank, I had him dosing the meds for the frostbite clown's parasite, the day before I left he really wasn't looking too great. So unfortunately on Tuesday morning he let me know he found it dead in the tank... I think it had just gotten too far gone, but still really sad to lose another fish. Anyway, the tank looked pretty pissed tonight but the lights were already down so hopefully tomorrow everything will look better after a water change. I'll keep you updated as much as I can but am going to be busy in the coming weeks, so I probably wont be adding any new stock for awhile just maintaining. Cheers.

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Damn that's horrible. I get so attached to pets, most likely gonna need therapy when my old dog goes


Your tank just needs a little love only the owner can give and it will be better. I wanna see how this tank is doing so please post an updated pic when you can I love these ada tanks. How was Nashville I went just over a year ago it was awesome

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Sorry to hear about the clown :(


I'm sure things will recover nicely now that you're back!

Thanks, appreciate it man. And yea, everything is opening back up this morning. The main thing it needs it's just a good cleaning haha. Especially the lily pipes...


Damn that's horrible. I get so attached to pets, most likely gonna need therapy when my old dog goes


Your tank just needs a little love only the owner can give and it will be better. I wanna see how this tank is doing so please post an updated pic when you can I love these ada tanks. How was Nashville I went just over a year ago it was awesome

Yea it blows, defiantly coolest fish iv'e ever had...I'll try and get some updated pics this week after I get everything cleaned up and happy again.


And Nashville was awesome! First time I had ever been. But i'm thinking about transferring to a school down there. I'm a big music guy so it's heaven to me... Then there is the awesome BBQ haha.

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That sucks about the fish bro. I've lost many fish over the years due to various reasons, most of them out of my control. You'll always remember the ones you lost. Now that your back, things will change and the new fish will survive and thrive in your tank. Good luck!

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That sucks about the fish bro. I've lost many fish over the years due to various reasons, most of them out of my control. You'll always remember the ones you lost. Now that your back, things will change and the new fish will survive and thrive in your tank. Good luck!

Thanks buddy, I'm hoping so. In good news there is a new coral and fish shop opening up 5 minutes down the road for me this month!


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Wait I don't get it what did you buy. Also how are people getting these "II support nr " things under their name

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damm hell yeah did you get the 20???? with the combo???

Haha Nope!


Wait I don't get it what did you buy. Also how are people getting these "II support nr " things under their name

You'll have to see on Thursday when it gets here! And what 4x5 said about premium.

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I've been thinking about replacing the frostbite clown, and got to wondering... Do you think I should just leave the clown I have in there without a girlfriend, and get like a firefish, or a possum wrasse? Or do you guys think I should just replace the clown with another

(again :tears: ) clown? It probably be some type of designer clown, maybe another frostbite? Not sure, just wanted everyone's opinion. Let me know if you can think of any other cool fish (other than goby's, I've got a plan for that :ninja: )


Thanks, guys!

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I'd spend a little making a clean top or get one from pico, then get a cool clown, or another fish. IMO 60F's look neat with smaller gobies and blennies, it gives the tank a tide-pool like look.

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I'd spend a little making a clean top or get one from pico, then get a cool clown, or another fish. IMO 60F's look neat with smaller gobies and blennies, it gives the tank a tide-pool like look.


I just might be having a custom lid on the way ;)


I don't know I just like having fish that you can see swimming out in the open, but I guess I picked the wrong tank for that haha, I do like the tide-pool idea though... I've never thought about the tank in that light! Maybe i'll look into a blenny of some sort.



Just read your sig picture lmao

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Thought I'd get you guys a few pics. Not much has changed really moved some corals around a little bit, but nothing is permanent, except maybe the duncans they seem really happy! Also no matter where I move them I can't seem to get my RDE zoa's to open up all the way I'm wondering if they have too much flow? Or too much light? I'm not even sure I've tried everything. Advice or comments appreciated!






I'm starting to think this guy might be bleached?



Too much flow?



About as far as they opened up


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The zoas seem to be stretching, may want more light. Without a video it's hard to tell on movement though unless you see something totally swaying or leaning one way.

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The zoas seem to be stretching, may want more light. Without a video it's hard to tell on movement though unless you see something totally swaying or leaning one way.

Hmm, I never thought they would want more. I just always assumed with it being such a shallow tank i'd always be dialing it back, not up, but i'll try that out! Thanks:)


Also do you have an opinion on the frogspawn? it looks bleached to me.

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Hard to tell for me. But if they're light colored they need to be darker usually.

Good to know, thanks!

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Hmmm, hard to say, your RDE and rics definitely look like their cupping and reaching for light. The frogspawn compared to when you first got it definitely looks bleached. I've found frogspawns really don't need much light at all and tend to open more and color up more in lower light. They can be acclimated to higher light but I bleached my entire 10+ head colony moving them to my new tank, they're slowly starting to color up. Frogspawn tentacles should not be transparent and the tips should be bright, solid and filled in. The duncans look fine, looks like they're in the middle of the tank where most of the light would be concentrated. I'd say try bumping up your blues, they pack the most punch and provide the most useful light spectrum for corals and move the frogspawn to under that overhang to see if it improves.

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I say lower your frogspawn to a lower spot and zoas move up


Recently I heard someone say lower the flow and increase lighting and that helped their bleached frogspawn

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You need MORE light.

Stretchy zoa stalks, reaching ricordeas, and loss of xooanthelae.



I would never of thought I needed more but i'll slowly crank it up I might move the zoas up higher. Thanks!

Hmmm, hard to say, your RDE and rics definitely look like their cupping and reaching for light. The frogspawn compared to when you first got it definitely looks bleached. I've found frogspawns really don't need much light at all and tend to open more and color up more in lower light. They can be acclimated to higher light but I bleached my entire 10+ head colony moving them to my new tank, they're slowly starting to color up. Frogspawn tentacles should not be transparent and the tips should be bright, solid and filled in. The duncans look fine, looks like they're in the middle of the tank where most of the light would be concentrated. I'd say try bumping up your blues, they pack the most punch and provide the most useful light spectrum for corals and move the frogspawn to under that overhang to see if it improves.


I'll trying turning up the blues and moving the frogspawn, Thanks!

I say lower your frogspawn to a lower spot and zoas move up


Recently I heard someone say lower the flow and increase lighting and that helped their bleached frogspawn

Will do. Hope it helps! Thanks!

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