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Cultivated Reef

Arce's Tank


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Pulled the trigger last night and pulled the sand out. Siphoned all of it straight out and then ran the water through 2 filter socks to get rid of any detritus. As of this afternoon there wasnt as much dinos on my rocks or gorgs. Hoping that removing all of the sand and detritus helps keep the tank cleaner so the macros in my sump will be able to out compete the dinos. I got a new 10 gallon tank but as i was filling it to water test i saw it had a crack on the edge so my lfs is ordering me another. Im going to redo the baffles to have a fuge section.

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Wow! Lots has happend . Just 2 years out and this gorgeous tank goes thru hell.. Had 100 pages to catch up, sorry about all your mishaps Arce. Glad you never gave up like I did :(

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Wow! Lots has happend . Just 2 years out and this gorgeous tank goes thru hell.. Had 100 pages to catch up, sorry about all your mishaps Arce. Glad you never gave up like I did :(

:eek: You went through all of the pages. I could have summed it up for you. Haha. Thanks for checking in, yea its been a rough one.

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Got my bonus from work, wish i could go blow some money on some corals but its not worth watching things die to dinos. :(<_<


Im thinking of trying some euphyllia eventually because everything, aside from my sps, aren't affected by the dinos so well see how it goes.

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I hope removing the sand removes the setbacks and disappointments you have been experiencing. Save that bonus money and give your tank a chance to settle. January is a great time to add coral.

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The tank is doing ok. I have barely any strings of dinos on my rocks, gorgs and frag rack. There are still some, and I'm sure there are still plenty in the system that i cannot see but things are progressing in the right direction. For the hell of it i got a very cheap red digi frag from my LFS. It may die, it may not, just want to gauge how the tanks doing. I do want to get some euphyllia but my LFS charges an arm and a leg for decent pieces, so i have to find another source at least to get a test piece to see how it will react with the dinos in case it dies.

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Anyone buy from PEA before?


My pink acro is from them as well as the green bird (local frag swap) and a few other corals. Service and delivery is top notch but watch out for pests. They deal in a lot of wild or maricultured and pests can be expected.

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Been so busy with the holidays between shopping and parties so i have barely paid any attention to the tank. Everything is looking ok, not 100% though. Still getting dinos on the gorg and a couple bits on my rock. I haven't had time to redo my sump, its on my list, but for now i made a basket out of egg crate to hold the macros. Was talking to my LFS and he suggested to try going lights out for 3 days, not sure if its worth it.

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I've also been neglecting my tank. :( But I haven't killed anything yet!


Though if the way things have stopped encrusting means anything, I need to replace the GFO x-port nuggets.

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You doing a pinch of coral food daily Arce? I'd like to see if it changes anything. I mixed some reef roids up with RO/DI in a dropper bottle and simply squirt some in every morning. I don;t have dinos but this has helped improve the health of my 40 gallon.

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You doing a pinch of coral food daily Arce? I'd like to see if it changes anything. I mixed some reef roids up with RO/DI in a dropper bottle and simply squirt some in every morning. I don;t have dinos but this has helped improve the health of my 40 gallon.

No, corals are all healthy, the kat could be better but thats because i pretty much dropped all of the nutrients from removing the sand bed. Things are pissed because of the dinos imo. I was going to get some of those dropper bottles i saw on your thread, they look very convenient.

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Noticed something pretty weird the past couple days. I'm still getting strings and webs of dino on my gorg and a small bit on my rock but the past two days the snot isn't brown, at least the majority. Its actually clear/white, could this be the dinos dying off? I don't want to jinx it but im optimistic. The red digi frag i got is looking great and is so far unaffected. I also got a aussie gold branching hammer piece from my lfs this past week, so far so good with that.

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Noticed something pretty weird the past couple days. I'm still getting strings and webs of dino on my gorg and a small bit on my rock but the past two days the snot isn't brown, at least the majority. Its actually clear/white, could this be the dinos dying off? I don't want to jinx it but im optimistic. The red digi frag i got is looking great and is so far unaffected. I also got a aussie gold branching hammer piece from my lfs this past week, so far so good with that.

Wishing you a merry, dino-less Christmas!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tanks a mess, just took apart the sump to redo the baffles. Turned out to be a bigger project than anticipated. The tank is going to have to sit a day or two without the sump while the silicone dries, oh well. Moved the heater into the DT and turned everything else off except the mp10 and wp10. Dinos are still meh, some days are good some aren't. Its weird and hard to tell whats going on. I'm getting this white snot now more frequently but still not sure what it is.


Happy new year everyone.

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Went to check on the tank this morning to make sure there wasnt any issues with the sump being off. Looks like theres something wrong with the katropora. This may be the end.

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Sump went back on late last night. I made the skimmer section too small, idk how i didn't catch this before. Everything fits its just tight. The other day the water got extremely cloudy, not sure what happened but it rushed me into getting the sump back on. Ill see how things look today after work but all of my remaining corals looked pissed, especially the kat which was showing serious stress.

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