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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Reef Confessions


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Don't you guys have a lobby or something for this kind of thing? Its sad when a perfectly good thread turns into this.


This post coming from "reefporn"....now that's ironic. Just an observation, carry on everyone :).

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I judge every member on here as a huge nerd until I get to know them. Especially the girls. Clay has always been cooler than me though :)

I'm still a nerd. It's cool.


Confessions -

I am not worried about putting my hands in a tank at all.

I don't believe that your salt water needs to be mixed to the same temp as your tank water unless it's a major WC.

I am perpetually unhappy with my tanks.

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Don't you guys have a lobby or something for this kind of thing? Its sad when a perfectly good thread turns into this.

I bet your a real hit with the ladies.


This post coming from "reefporn"....now that's ironic. Just an observation, carry on everyone :).

LOL I was going to post the EXACT same thing.


Sometimes I think naughty thoughts about all the hot woman reefers on here..... Naughty thoughts :naughtydance:



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I too do not give a damn about sticking my hand in the tank lol

Also, I don't believe in algae scrubbers not for nothing,i'm sure the big ones one makes work awesome or just fuges fulla macros but the little one that they sell for like $400 to stick on the side of your tank? Lol yeah okay

At work I have a guy with a marine biology degree that I would LOVE to nerd out with him.... If he wasn't such a raging a$$hole >.>

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I too do not give a damn about sticking my hand in the tank lol

Also, I don't believe in algae scrubbers not for nothing,i'm sure the big ones one makes work awesome or just fuges fulla macros but the little one that they sell for like $400 to stick on the side of your tank? Lol yeah okay

At work I have a guy with a marine biology degree that I would LOVE to nerd out with him.... If he wasn't such a raging a$$hole >.>

It seems to me that there are more efficient and reliable and less risky options for nutrient export than an expensive algae scrubber.

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I once took a repeat offender Peppermint Shrimp and threw him into the garbage disposal. I enjoyed blending him, 10/10 would do again.


I was having a hard time getting a Mandarin out of the overflow once, so I pinched her by the tail and lifted her back to the safety of the tank.


I didn't put a netting over my tank to stop jumpers, even though I knew my dwarf lionfish was a jumper. He is now a dried out lionfish :(.

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I simply smiled as I watched a damsel I couldn't catch get eaten by my BTA.


I simply smiled as I watched a damsel I couldn't catch get eaten by my BTA.
Wich ididnt even think was possible.
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I let hundreds of dollars worth of LED components sit around for the better part of a year and a half without turning them into an actual light...


I also didn't do water changes for about 3-4 months on my BC29 as an experiment to see how long I could go without doing one. This turned out to be a bad idea.

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I too do not give a damn about sticking my hand in the tank lol

Also, I don't believe in algae scrubbers not for nothing,i'm sure the big ones one makes work awesome or just fuges fulla macros but the little one that they sell for like $400 to stick on the side of your tank? Lol yeah okay

At work I have a guy with a marine biology degree that I would LOVE to nerd out with him.... If he wasn't such a raging a$$hole >.>


My accidental algae scrubber (which started as a net to keep the chaeto out of my return pump) seems to help, haven't had a spec of algae in the display for at least a month.

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It seems to me that there are more efficient and reliable and less risky options for nutrient export than an expensive algae scrubber.

Huge fuge OR lots of reactors for the price lol


My accidental algae scrubber (which started as a net to keep the chaeto out of my return pump) seems to help, haven't had a spec of algae in the display for at least a month.

You didnt pay like $200 for that though lol

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So to be absolved by a Catholic priest he will make you say the rosary a bunch of times. How do we get absolved from our reef sins?


Nano-forums, I have sinned. I picked on my hermit crab.

It's ok child, go do an ammonia test. Repeat it 5 times over while reciting the cycling prayer.



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I had a fish with no hope of living, so i grabbed it with feeding tongs and pushed it into my anemone and corals. I thought it was amazing that a torch could actually rip flesh off a small fish. My girlfriend just called me today to tell me he found my possum wrasse behind my tank.


I lost the possum wrasse months ago.

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I too do not give a damn about sticking my hand in the tank lol

Also, I don't believe in algae scrubbers not for nothing,i'm sure the big ones one makes work awesome or just fuges fulla macros but the little one that they sell for like $400 to stick on the side of your tank? Lol yeah okay

At work I have a guy with a marine biology degree that I would LOVE to nerd out with him.... If he wasn't such a raging a$$hole >.>


Check this out. It's a macro reactor. These really work.


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I uses to use my turkey baster to suck a tentacle up of my condy anemone to move it.

My first peppermint shrimp I had was harassing the crap out of my LTA so it wouldn't settle anyware,so I broke it in half and gave the smaller part to my sixline wrasse and the bigger to the nem...it was the first food it had wanted to eat since I had brought it home. :P

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It seems to me that there are more efficient and reliable and less risky options for nutrient export than an expensive algae scrubber.


:D Like a siphon hose.

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My first peppermint shrimp I had was harassing the crap out of my LTA so it wouldn't settle anyware,so I broke it in half and gave the smaller part to my sixline wrasse and the bigger to the nem...

I thought I was aggressive.....

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I've never QT'd anything

I've never "dipped" anything

I've never kept a cover on any of my tanks

I've never cared about putting my hand in the tank (or anything else for that matter)

I've flicked my clown fish almost every time she bites at me

I don't care about the GHA on the back of my tank (I think it looks cool)

I don't care I should fasten my frags down, I have no more spots for them

I know my tank if overstocked, but I know I can still fit one more frag



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