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Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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Congrats on the house man,that's one fancy place !!!! So did you decide on the 250,350 or 450 ?! The Reef Octopus INT would probably be a decent choice for $200 or maybe the NAC 3.5 or 5.5 if you want a ass load of fish and feed a good amount ?!

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Congrats on the house man,that's one fancy place !!!! So did you decide on the 250,350 or 450 ?! The Reef Octopus INT would probably be a decent choice for $200 or maybe the NAC 3.5 or 5.5 if you want a ass load of fish and feed a good amount ?!


350 =). I have a local guy selling a Magnus Bubble Curve 5 for $110. Not sure if I should get used or new...decision decision

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Spent all day researching stuff to buy for new build. And all I got was 4 boxes of Reef Crystal 200 gallons for $40 a box.


Oh well, some pics of the tank:


Frag city...



Plate Buddies



New zoas



New monti...really worried the color is already fading a little



New digi



Wow, the colors!

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Well it's rated for what 100 gallons and for $100 less than new,I'd say it's not a bad deal.


Btw,everything looks great man !!! Those plates are wicked :happydance:

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Wow, the colors!

thanks mark!


Well it's rated for what 100 gallons and for $100 less than new,I'd say it's not a bad deal.


Btw,everything looks great man !!! Those plates are wicked :happydance:

yea, it's a good deal but the pics show it's been used for a couple of years now...

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Picked up the used Bubble Magnus Curve 5 skimmer today. $110 gooood deal. Planning to buy the Apex with Dos tonight before the Labor Day $100 deal expires. And probably a Gyre 130 since it's 10% now.



More pictures! :lol: I love how crisp and beautiful you make everything look. You could probably make us ooh and ahh over the junk in a skimmer cup!


That monticap is going to be your showpiece in the new big tank. Looks like it's going to spiral really nicely for you :). Great pictures as always!


Beautiful tank, and beautiful photographs! :wub: The coral colors are amazing!


Thanks!! I am gonna be sad that I wont be able to take these top down pics with the new tank. I am trying to find the perfect height sideboard / buffet table to put this tank on in the new house so it will be lower and even easier to view top down.

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Dry, I hate pests...even bristle worms. Will go ReefCleaner dry rock. Minimum scape. 2-3 islands in the middle leaving plenty of sandbed at the two ends and swimming alleys between the islands.


The plans for the tank are sounding incredible dude, can't wait to see that... also best choice you'll ever make on starting with dry rock. The one and only thing I'll forever regret :( Looks so much cleaner and you can control it so much more. Cover it in coraline, hah!


Also again house is beautiful :)

Don't take this the wrong way, but I would greatly reconsider starting with dry rock. As great as it sounds in theory, it's almost inevitable that you still will end up introducing pests on frag plugs. I started with all dry rock and have had nothing but problem after problem with my tank. Especially since it is going to be a larger system, you really want to have the natural diversity and micro fauna set up from the very beginning. This greatly outweighs the possibility of introducing a pest because you went with live rock. Use my tank for an example. I have had bryopsis, turf algae, bubble algae, the list goes on. I have not had true stability, corraline algae growth, any substantial coral growth, cannot keep SPS, etc.


The one thing that I would highly suggest is making sure the live rock you get is of very high quality. I would check out Tampa Bay Saltwater. They have some of the best quality live rock that I have heard of. Their "Package" is highly rated as you get rock as well as all kinds of natural hitchhikers, most of which are beneficial.


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I love this man. I love the back-wall you have, having a black back-wall seems to offer so much more possibilities with having stuff grow up on it. Also seems to add contrast to the overall appearance of the tank/ corals. The sand you used also looks great, I regret using such a fine-grade of sand.. it's like dust.


That hammer (?) on the left looks amazing.

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Love my apex and dos, and for that matter the curve 5 as well. When's the closing date on the new house? Buying a house was the biggest freakin headache. Actually I thought it was the biggest headache in the world, turns out planning a wedding is worse. 10 more days then hopefully shit calms down.

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Don't take this the wrong way, but I would greatly reconsider starting with dry rock. As great as it sounds in theory, it's almost inevitable that you still will end up introducing pests on frag plugs. I started with all dry rock and have had nothing but problem after problem with my tank. Especially since it is going to be a larger system, you really want to have the natural diversity and micro fauna set up from the very beginning. This greatly outweighs the possibility of introducing a pest because you went with live rock. Use my tank for an example. I have had bryopsis, turf algae, bubble algae, the list goes on. I have not had true stability, corraline algae growth, any substantial coral growth, cannot keep SPS, etc.


The one thing that I would highly suggest is making sure the live rock you get is of very high quality. I would check out Tampa Bay Saltwater. They have some of the best quality live rock that I have heard of. Their "Package" is highly rated as you get rock as well as all kinds of natural hitchhikers, most of which are beneficial.


I thought through this a lot before and I totally get what you are saying. I started with dry rock this tank and I still got bryopsis, turf algae, bubble algae, flatworms, and nudibranch. BUT I didn't get crabs, mantis, worms, etc. And those are the things I really want to avoid, especially worms. I freaking hate them. And I think dry rock is easier to aquascape.



I love this man. I love the back-wall you have, having a black back-wall seems to offer so much more possibilities with having stuff grow up on it. Also seems to add contrast to the overall appearance of the tank/ corals. The sand you used also looks great, I regret using such a fine-grade of sand.. it's like dust.


That hammer (?) on the left looks amazing.

I think the black back-wall also helps with photos. I can never get a good photo with the Spec V. And I highly recommend the Carib Sea Special Grade sand. It's so easy to vacuum.



Love my apex and dos, and for that matter the curve 5 as well. When's the closing date on the new house? Buying a house was the biggest freakin headache. Actually I thought it was the biggest headache in the world, turns out planning a wedding is worse. 10 more days then hopefully shit calms down.

Nice! My Apex and DOS should be here this week. Gonna test it out on this tank first since I will be in Disney World for a week and every time I am gone for a week, I come back to a disgusting tank because the parameters are all out of whack and the dogsitter never fills water correctly. I will use one pump for alk and one pump for ATO.


Closing date is Oct 13th. The process has been a pain. Tons of back and worth after inspection and lawyer review. Everything is money money money. People say your wedding day is the best day of your life...but the day after is pretty good too when it's all over =P.

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Would you mind posting some details regarding your water-change procedure? I'm very interested in that, as if / when I upgrade.. I'll have to establish an entirely different routine.


The Spec is very easy. I drain water using a siphon and gravity. Then, I place new salt-water on the shelf above tank and use a drip-tube to slowly add new water. Because I add the new water so slowly, is heats up instantly and I don't even need to heat the new SW going in..

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All those little worms and things and tiny brittle stars and other organisms help keep the tank clean, just like the tiny colonista snails, they'll get in nooks/crannies no one can as they're the size of a pin head and come out in the evening, night to clean. I've always gotten live rock and never regretted it. I've never gotten briopsis, never had a problem with algae so it's always been easy for me. When you start with good, natural biology, you can't go wrong. I got mine from KPAquatics online but there are other companies as mentioned. But just research. I'm just a firm believer you can't have a healthy system w/o those things as it's balance. My only problem was cyano in my largest tank but that had nothing to do with the rock.

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Would you mind posting some details regarding your water-change procedure? I'm very interested in that, as if / when I upgrade.. I'll have to establish an entirely different routine.


The Spec is very easy. I drain water using a siphon and gravity. Then, I place new salt-water on the shelf above tank and use a drip-tube to slowly add new water. Because I add the new water so slowly, is heats up instantly and I don't even need to heat the new SW going in..

Water change right now is just 4 gallons every week. 1.5 gallon for the spec, 2.5 gallon for this tank. I actually hate my water change process. I just a siphon to vacuum the sand and then use a cup to pour water back into the back chamber. I need a bigger cup =P.

All those little worms and things and tiny brittle stars and other organisms help keep the tank clean, just like the tiny colonista snails, they'll get in nooks/crannies no one can as they're the size of a pin head and come out in the evening, night to clean. I've always gotten live rock and never regretted it. I've never gotten briopsis, never had a problem with algae so it's always been easy for me. When you start with good, natural biology, you can't go wrong. I got mine from KPAquatics online but there are other companies as mentioned. But just research. I'm just a firm believer you can't have a healthy system w/o those things as it's balance. My only problem was cyano in my largest tank but that had nothing to do with the rock.

argh...now i can't decide =(. what if I dip the live rock in RODI water for 5 mins to kill off all the worms? Will that kill off the good stuff too?? I really really dont want any worms in the tank.

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Water change right now is just 4 gallons every week. 1.5 gallon for the spec, 2.5 gallon for this tank. I actually hate my water change process. I just a siphon to vacuum the sand and then use a cup to pour water back into the back chamber. I need a bigger cup =P.

argh...now i can't decide =(. what if I dip the live rock in RODI water for 5 mins to kill off all the worms? Will that kill off the good stuff too?? I really really dont want any worms in the tank.

It would probably not be completely detrimental to the LR, but you will definitely be killing off some beneficial things as well as the potential stuff that you don't want. Like FlowerMama said, it's all about balance and up to you to decide where to place that balance.

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Why don't you like worms? They just freak you out?

yes, they totally freak me out. I dont even want to put my hands in the tank if I know there are worms in the rock. I guess I been watching Strain on FX too much....



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My apex is still not here because UPS requires a stupid signature for the package. Been almost 2 weeks now. MarineDepot says it's because the package exceeded some dollars threshold so signature is required for insurance purposes. I bought stuff on Amazon for more money and I never had to sign for it. This is probably the single most annoying online transaction I have done. I am not gonna take a day off to wait for a controller. I will shop elsewhere next time.

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sooo yea...I tried changing my delivery option online but nope...MarineDepot specifically requested that I can not change anything. I can't even have it be delivered to an access point for pickup. I called UPS and they couldn't do it either. The lady said she will put in a special request and hope it goes through.


Epic fail.


I probably have to buy my tank from MarineDepot since they are the only online vendor selling it, but I will use BRS for everything else.



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