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Tamberav's Mantis Mayhem - 45g SPS Cuboid build


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Tried out the hanna checker.. messed it up 1st two times with my finger prints and fighting the reagent packet. lol Finally did it right and 1st reading was 0, I kept testing it over and over to see if time would change the reading (says to test after 3 min). So it went 0, 1 , 6, 0, 4, 5, 1, 0


??? lol I guess that is the +/- 5 ppb accuracy.

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The 3 minute thing is to ensure all the reagent reacts. To second check I just press (not hold) the C2 button and it give you and instant reading. I found my PO4 checker is always within its error margin on the retest, and I use a nice 3M (shameless plug) microfiber cloth to wipe off these cuvettes before testing. I find microfiber work best to get oil grease and not leave behind paper and dust.

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So I am goofing off with a $5 betta tank just for funsies. I am making the divider into an AIO with some spare acrylic I had.


I also had some "liquid aquarium sealer" I got 3 years ago in a bag of fish stuff from good will. It is a tiny tube for patching "leaks", never found a use for it until now.


I figured it was black silicone but after applying a bead, it doesn't seem to be. It smells like the fresh patch tar they use on roads on a hot day. It was sticky and goopy/drippy and it was difficult to get the black stains off my hands.


I wish I had a giant tube of it now because it adhered to the acrylic and plastic extremely well unlike silicone. Hopefully it holds up under salt water and doesn't leach chemicals. It does say for aquariums... sooo?


I checked the business and they existed from 1963-1984 (before I was born, lol) and made all sorts of aquarium supplies. The tube says "39 cents" on it. I'm pretty sure small tubes of silicone these days cost $5. It made me think of the black "mystery goop" on old vintage aluminum framed aquariums with slate bottoms. Perhaps that what it is.




Bad pic but it dribbled down unlike silicone. It sat overnight to dry and still smells like tar but damn.. does it stick!



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That tube is a neat history artifact. Perhaps you should keep it.

I don't think that tank has enough flow. You need a bigger pump.

In all seriousness if you want a pump for that I know of TINY 50gph dc pumps that would be perfect.

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That tube is a neat history artifact. Perhaps you should keep it.


I don't think that tank has enough flow. You need a bigger pump.


In all seriousness if you want a pump for that I know of TINY 50gph dc pumps that would be perfect.


It's not going anywhere. I love this stuff!


I bought this pump: http://www.ebay.com/itm/181206398781?var=480269207270&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649


I'm trying to do this super cheap since it's just for sillies.


I have an old panorama pro 1.0 fixture but its longer than the tank and bulky. I wonder if 1w strip lights would grow soft coral in such a small tank? If I could find something to fit under the hood, that would be pretty bad ass. lol


http://www.ecoxotic.com/ecopico-accessories.html would work except they are only water resistant not water proof.

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That's the pump I got I just got a DC one to play around with, as I was originally going to play around with making a small wave maker with two of them. Just never did any thing with them. You could probably grow softs with that little of a light as its so shallow.

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Too much flow? lol I kid...



What did you use as a divider? I'm going to make one but I don't even know what I can keep in there lol.

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What did you use as a divider? I'm going to make one but I don't even know what I can keep in there lol.


It comes with a betta divider so you can just mod that for the AIO. Can keep some corals, tiny snails, maybe a tiny crab or shrimp? If a person was really ambitious they could acclimate an endler guppy to salt water over a period of weeks as well as Opae ula shrimp.

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My salinity is lowww... 1.023. My refractometer needed calibration <_<. I just have been topping off with salt water. Thinking the low salinity shouldn't harm anything in the short term?



You could also keep a sexy shrimp in there.


I have some in my 40B... they are pretty cute boogers. I think I may add a peterson shrimp or pom pom crab if I added something other than coral and tiny snails.

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UGH!! I hate when a zoa comes lose and gets lost in the rocks...


RIP red hornets :(


Sucky. I've had plenty re appear behind or in rock work. You never know, you might find them attached to a rock later on down the road. It's always the good ones that disappear.

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Sucky. I've had plenty re appear behind or in rock work. You never know, you might find them attached to a rock later on down the road. It's always the good ones that disappear.


ugh.. yah. I am bummed, me and this zoa had history together!!!


I got it 3 or 4 years ago as 1 polyp and it had zoa pox too. So I bought furan or w/e and cured it. Then it grew to like 30 polyps and I had a tank crash and was back to 2 polyps... it grew back to 10ish and got lost in the frag tank. My urchin showed up with it on his head weeks later and it was then probably 6 polyps... and now the damn thing is MIA again.

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I have 1 aiptasia and 1 brown majano. Tried lemon juice and a needle but its too much a PITA to get it in them. So I flooded their hiding holes with boiling water. Hope that takes care of them.


All of the hitchiker corals are slowly coming back to life. I have a encrusting one that is red, another encrusting that is green with purple spots I think. I have two favia's??? One looks red and green, not sure on the other yet. And I have some cup?? corals that are clear with green spots. Pretty impressive for rock in 3 days transit from FL to MN in wet paper towels.


I could see tentacles waving on that big red head. I guess it is the most lively so far.








Lol.......sounds like it has to show up again. It's here and in your tank to drive you crazy.


It definitely sounds like a survivor - it's the "i'll-see-you-later-zoa". It's the "Come-back-zoa"


lol, definitely feels like it!

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I have 1 aiptasia and 1 brown majano. Tried lemon juice and a needle but its too much a PITA to get it in them. So I flooded their hiding holes with boiling water.


Oh god, please tell me you didn't. So, I had one single aiptasia in the 20 gallon tank, and I was just leaving it be. It was in the middle of a carpet of blue clove polyps and not hurting anything. Then one day, I got the wise idea that I'd just get rid of it with the lemon juice method I had heard so much about. Normally I take the rock out and fry the suckers to a crackly crunch with a small torch. That always worked without fail, but I wanted to try the lemon juice trick. So, I loaded up a small syringe with some fresh squeezed lemon juice and stabbed it into the aiptasia and gave it a good dosing. Man, did that thing ever disintegrate! I was pretty impressed. It melted away to nothing. Total victory. Fast forward two weeks and what do I see peeking out from the carpet of clove polyps? About 30 baby aiptasia in a spot about the diameter of a silver dollar where the original one had been. I took the rock out of the tank, removed any valuable corals and now it's sitting in a bucket in the basement. I'll see if leaving it cryptic for a month or two will kill it off. I should probably just dry the rock out at this point and save it for a future project.


Hopefully boiling water is more effective, but I have a bad feeling about it.

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Oh god, please tell me you didn't. So, I had one single aiptasia in the 20 gallon tank, and I was just leaving it be. It was in the middle of a carpet of blue clove polyps and not hurting anything. Then one day, I got the wise idea that I'd just get rid of it with the lemon juice method I had heard so much about. Normally I take the rock out and fry the suckers to a crackly crunch with a small torch. That always worked without fail, but I wanted to try the lemon juice trick. So, I loaded up a small syringe with some fresh squeezed lemon juice and stabbed it into the aiptasia and gave it a good dosing. Man, did that thing ever disintegrate! I was pretty impressed. It melted away to nothing. Total victory. Fast forward two weeks and what do I see peeking out from the carpet of clove polyps? About 30 baby aiptasia in a spot about the diameter of a silver dollar where the original one had been. I took the rock out of the tank, removed any valuable corals and now it's sitting in a bucket in the basement. I'll see if leaving it cryptic for a month or two will kill it off. I should probably just dry the rock out at this point and save it for a future project.


Hopefully boiling water is more effective, but I have a bad feeling about it.


LOL wow!! The lemon juice didn't do the trick, I think I missed. I have used boiling water in the past and they didn't return so hopefully that luck continues. I figure if I see them again, they are getting some epoxy used to hold corals down right over their hole.

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Saw another aiptasia, boiled it.


Salinity is back around 1.025, ca is 380, mg 1305 yesterday but 1275 today and that's with dosing yesterday. So I dosed Mg again to try and bring up another 60 points.


Alk is reading crazy low. 5.7 yesterday and 5.7 again today. I dosed 9 ml of solution yesterday which isn't much, so I dosed 14 ml today to see if anything changes.


Some of the corals are coloring up, the birds nests are throwing off lots of new branches. The blue acro continues to encrust and some of the corals that had broken branches in transit have healed over.


Never had this many SPS in one tank before so not really sure how much they should be sucking down. Trying to find a dose to raise the alk slowly (and the Mg a little) to 8-9ish.

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