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Beware the Shallows


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Nope :(


Found the big one, the little one is long gone by now, didn't have a lot of mass to it. The big one was just starting to be eaten by the serpent stars. He sliced open one of my fingers with his tangs, too. Bastard really hated me post-mortem lol.


I also found one of the sailfin blennies - dried up in the stand. Musta got sucked into the sump and jumped from there maybe.


No sign of the neons. 10 fish remain.

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Unfortunately tangs and neons both don't really ever hide, especially not at length :(



maybe i should just fill the tank with chromis, those have always historically done well for me

Ya... But I could hope for you anyways. Stranger things have happened.
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No. From a couple around here, and the larger tang was from Diver's Den, had it for several months now.

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It was the squaretail that you lost? That's sucks. Thats a cool fish. Why such a sudden did off of fish? All param check out?

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It was the squaretail that you lost? That's sucks. Thats a cool fish. Why such a sudden did off of fish? All param check out?

Yes. As far as I know nothing can really be out of whack, no other fish are or were stressed, and no corals were stressed, so no ammonia or nitrite.

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Yes. As far as I know nothing can really be out of whack, no other fish are or were stressed, and no corals were stressed, so no ammonia or nitrite.

Damn sorry to hear man. I lost 4 fish to flukes. It sucks to loose fish. It sucks to loose anything in this hobby. You got the right attitude though. Unfortunately sometimes it happens in our hobby, and we can't let it get is down.

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Damn sorry to hear man. I lost 4 fish to flukes. It sucks to loose fish. It sucks to loose anything in this hobby. You got the right attitude though. Unfortunately sometimes it happens in out hobby, and we can't let it get is down.

Yep, that's what I keep reminding myself. There is so much that is just out of our control. We can do everything 'right' and fail, or do nothing 'right' and succeed. We can only try again or quit. I'm WAY too stubborn to quit lol


Mind boggling!


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So yesterday, after moping for a little while about the large fish loss (seriously, six fish unaccounted for in 24 hours), I cheered myself up a bit by listening to the Nerdist podcast interview with freakin' Alex Trebek (!!) (and seriously, Trebek has never done an interview longer than ~10 minutes, this is an hour and a half of just him talking about things, he is really funny and down to earth) and decided to do a few things.


So first things first, I removed the Bubble Magus hero 180 skimmer from the tank. While a beast of a skimmer, I just couldn't get it to sustain a foam head. Now that I cut the acrylic plate on the bottom of the Reef Octopus NWB150, I should be able to fit it into the tank with no problem (the pic on the previous page shows the plate and the cut, the pic above shows the NWB in the sump). But that will come later.


I then took one of my 1 micron (yes, single micron) 7" filter socks and put it in the sump under the drain and cranked the return pump up to around 66% (4/6), which is the most I can get it to flow reliably without being so loud I can't hear myself think. I then took my gravel vac, attached it to a 1/2" hose, and put the end of that into the filter sock. I then proceeded to vacuum the entire sandbed - yes, the entire thing. Twice. I got every bit of gunk that it could have possibly held in it. My sand is not 'live' and really has no benthic life to speak of, so I was not worried about it causing any sort of dieoff.


After doing that, I took my turkey baster to every nook and cranny of the rocks and blew out as much as I could, then cranked the MP40s to 100% on constant mode and just let that simmer for a while. Tank cleared up in about an hour or so. I had to take the filter sock outside and clean it with the hose at least four separate times during all of this due to it clogging up completely.


Then, I removed the live rock that I had sitting in the empty space in the skimmer chamber and went about getting the Reef Octopus skimmer back in. Took some fiddling, but I finally got it, and within about 10 minutes, I had it temporarily dialed in and it had a foam head - this morning, I looked at it, and it has about 1/2" of dark skimmate in the cup already and the foam head is still going strong.



I also rotated the big central rock with the arms by a few degrees - and it looks a lot better IMHO. I'll be taking some pics later today.

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FTS 8/3/2014





Left rock




Middle rock




Right rock




My photosynthetic sponge has made a full recovery and is gaining mass fairly quickly.




I love my feather dusters!


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Looking good--nice and clean.


Sorry to hear about the losses :( . Any ideas as to what may have happened?

No, still nothing that I can think of, other than I was out of town overnight. It seems that every time I go off for a night I come back and shit hits the fan. Maybe I should just never leave my house lol

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how do you quarantine your fish? you never know what little bugs could be hiding out in your fish, and if you QT, you can least say you did everything you could if a fish passes.


those gobies were cute though. strange you lost such a large fish (the tang) with no trace.

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how do you quarantine your fish? you never know what little bugs could be hiding out in your fish, and if you QT, you can least say you did everything you could if a fish passes.


those gobies were cute though. strange you lost such a large fish (the tang) with no trace.

I haven't QT'd anything in a while. I had much more significant losses while quarantining all fish than not.


What happened to that new skimmer you bought off ebay?

I've got it sitting in my bathtub where the other skimmer was lol

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i know what you mean, I've lost a few fish trying to quarantine. But you just need set up a routine treatment plan and stick with it. In long run it's better for everything living in your tank.


but nobody can make you quarantine your fish if you don't want too lol

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i know what you mean, I've lost a few fish trying to quarantine. But you just need set up a routine treatment plan and stick with it. In long run it's better for everything living in your tank.


but nobody can make you quarantine your fish if you don't want too lol

I did everything 'right' with QT and had about 60% mortality rate. It's just not sustainable - but neither is not QTing, either.

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